Kathy Lette

Image of Kathy Lette
If he wants breakfast in bed, tell him to sleep in the kitchen.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Sleep
Image of Kathy Lette
Why do men like intelligent women? Because opposites attract.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Relationship
Image of Kathy Lette
Teenagers are obviously God's punishment for having sex in the first place.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Sex
Image of Kathy Lette
Men think monogamy is something you make dining tables out of.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Funny
Image of Kathy Lette
Good art is in the wallet of the beholder.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Art
Image of Kathy Lette
People who say that money can't buy happiness just don't know where to shop.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Money
Image of Kathy Lette
Women want to be treated as equals, not sequels.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Want
Image of Kathy Lette
Age to women is what kryptonite is to Superman. Inside every older woman is a younger woman screaming, 'Get me the hell outta here.'
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Women
Image of Kathy Lette
living with a teenage daughter is like living with the Taliban a mum is not allowed to laugh, sing, dance or wear short skirts
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kathy Lette
I am allergic to domestic goddesses. Men would prefer a woman with a dirty mind to a clean house.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Dirty
Image of Kathy Lette
It's a mystery of parenthood that your son can give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a stray, worm-riddled dog, share a piece of re-chewed gum from a kid with bronchitis and pick his nose and eat it on a regular basis, yet won't sit next to his sister because of 'Girl Germs'.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Girl
Image of Kathy Lette
Any woman who calls herself a post-feminist should keep her Wonderbra and burn her brains.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Feminist
Image of Kathy Lette
If the Nobel Prize was awarded by a woman, it would go to the inventor of the dimmer switch.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Invention
Image of Kathy Lette
Why can't women tell jokes? Because we marry them!
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Funny Marriage
Image of Kathy Lette
In Hollywood a romantic man is one who talks to you after sex.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Sex
Image of Kathy Lette
My sisters and I miss our dad dreadfully. But grief, of course, is the price of love.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Love
Image of Kathy Lette
What creates a writer is huge, psychological dysfunction.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Dysfunction
Image of Kathy Lette
Love is like a tide. When it's in, everything looks beautiful and inviting. Only when love recedes can you see the debris beneath the surface - the old bottles, the rusty prams, the sewage pipes, the bloated cats and dogs weighted down to drown. The man I had once loved so passionately I now saw as weak, gutted like a fish.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Love
Image of Kathy Lette
As a breastfeeding mother you are basically just meals on heels.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Mother
Image of Kathy Lette
Basically it's just a whole bunch of blokes standing around scratching themselves
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Blokes
Image of Kathy Lette
The truth is, my experience in matters sexual is limited.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Matter
Image of Kathy Lette
Well if manners maketh man make-up maketh woman.And we don't need a phalanx of behavioural scientists to explain why man judge women by their looks.Because the see bether than thay think.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Men
Image of Kathy Lette
dealing with loss and heartache doesn't make you stronger. It only makes people think you are.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Loss
Image of Kathy Lette
I knew absolutely nothing about bondage. I'd always presumed it was just an inventive way of keeping your partner from going home.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Home
Image of Kathy Lette
If God hadn't meant us to hunt men, he wouldn't have given us Wonder Bras.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Men
Image of Kathy Lette
Anyone living in Los Angeles who says they don't need a psychiatrist, needs a psychiatrist.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Needs
Image of Kathy Lette
Age to women is like Kryptonite to Superman.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Women
Image of Kathy Lette
The name Kylie can be used for Scrabble, as it is an aboriginal word for boomerang. Which is why Ms Minogue is so good at comebacks.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Names
Image of Kathy Lette
. . . planning a brilliant menu and preparing it beautifully doesn't guarantee a recipe for success.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Guarantees
Image of Kathy Lette
I speak as your native guide to the mysterious tribe called the English. Dress code is everything. You can be a card-carrying Nazi, you can pay gigolos to eat gnocchi out of your navel and you won't be pilloried -- as long as you never, ever wear linen with tweed.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Long
Image of Kathy Lette
Home is where the heartache is.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Home
Image of Kathy Lette
Every woman wants to be wanted - just not by the entire Metropolitan police force.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Police
Image of Kathy Lette
Believe me, having a teenage daughter is like living with the Taliban.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kathy Lette
All men are into bondage, 'specially if they're real assholes at work all day.
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Real