Judi Dench

Image of Judi Dench
It takes courage to recognize the real as opposed to the convenient.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Truth
Image of Judi Dench
Never fall out of love with life
- Judi Dench
Collection: Moving On
Image of Judi Dench
We get up in the morning. We do our best. Nothing else matters.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Morning
Image of Judi Dench
Everything, every part that you approach has to be somehow rooted in yourself. You have to somehow root everything so that it's not just words coming out of you.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Roots
Image of Judi Dench
There is no past that we can bring back by longing for it.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Past
Image of Judi Dench
I get sillier as I get older, so I don't know what wisdom means. I can only pass on something that I've been acquainted with and let whomever it is pick the bones out of it
- Judi Dench
Collection: Mean
Image of Judi Dench
Children have become disengaged from nature and we need to reintroduce them to the pleasure that it brings. If we do that they will care for it. Through the simple act of planting a tree we can open their eyes to nature's beauty.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Nature
Image of Judi Dench
There's nothing good about being my age.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Age
Image of Judi Dench
I like to push myself beyond the limit every now and again.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Limits
Image of Judi Dench
I'm always fearful. … Fear generates in you a huge energy. You can use it. When I feel that mounting fear, I think, 'Oh, yes, there it is!' It's like petrol.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Thinking
Image of Judi Dench
Don't think I am going to let Bob Hoskins take all his clothes off and me not take a look? I just had a quick look up and down, like you would.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Thinking
Image of Judi Dench
Every experience that you experience yourself you use, because that's our craft.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Experience Yourself
Image of Judi Dench
I think you can teach people a technique - you can teach them how to use their voices, how to breathe properly, how to move their limbs a certain way. But to actually explain how one performs comedy or drama or tragedy isn't the same as the movements one makes.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Drama
Image of Judi Dench
I have a completely new knee. It's brilliant. I am not feeling my age at all. I feel about 43, a willowy blonde 43 years old with long legs.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Years
Image of Judi Dench
I was in Yorkshire. We were a family of five and I used to be sent sometimes to get the rations for the week and was easily able to carry them back. It was like one egg and a tiny bit of tea.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Eggs
Image of Judi Dench
This is just the loveliest news. I'm so happy for everybody involved, and so proud to have been part of the wonderful experience that Philomena has been.
- Judi Dench
Collection: News
Image of Judi Dench
I couldn't be a one-woman show, since I wouldn't have anybody to bounce off from. Once you're out there, dribbling on, you have nobody to interrupt you. I love being part of a company, and telling a story.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Love Is
Image of Judi Dench
We know about the issue of children being sold and adopted and taken away but what is so extraordinary is how these two people come through something like - how both of them do, in actual fact. I think that she's one of the most considerable people I've ever met, Philomena.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Children
Image of Judi Dench
I feel with this film that as long as we tell Philomena's story and as long as we're true to her, which Jeff and Steve have already done by writing the story... we must not sell her short;. She's a most remarkable woman and all my concern was that we must be absolutely true to her story.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Writing
Image of Judi Dench
Having a daughter and a grandson, I certainly could relate to the fact that this child, who you simply dote on, being taken away from you at an early age, and every single kind of emotion you would have to go through.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Daughter
Image of Judi Dench
Filming is completely - was totally new to me ... I had a movie career which wasn't supposed to be, so I couldn't be more thrilled. For those who work, parts seem to get more interesting.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Careers
Image of Judi Dench
I played Iris Murdoch, who had not long died, and I felt the responsibility very heavy on my shoulders.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Judi Dench
The need for a global structure of control in the form of a world environment court is now more urgent than ever before.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Needs
Image of Judi Dench
I once said to someone when I was playing Lady Macbeth and they said: "That's tricky, emotionally, what do you do about murdering your husband's cousin?" And there are, of course, things that aren't in your personal repertoire that you have to somehow understand by reading or watching other things and listening to other people talk about them.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Cousin
Image of Judi Dench
I felt quite a responsibility when I played Elizabeth I but nobody here remembers her! And then I felt a responsibility when I played Queen Victoria but not many people remember her.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Queens
Image of Judi Dench
The secret of my success is my mother, who was from Dublin. All my relations are in Dublin or in the west, or as I found out, we went to Rostrevor in Northern Ireland to film and I got out, while they changed cars around, and this man said to me: "You know you have cousins in this town? And they're coming down to see you..." And so they did. I'm sorry we didn't go to a lot more places, so that I could find a lot more cousins. So, that was good. It's entirely because my father was also brought up in Dublin. So, that's my link.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Mother
Image of Judi Dench
I started off as a theatre designer, and by some extraordinary circumstance I saw something in Stratford-upon-Avon, and realized that that's the kind of design I want, but also that that's the kind of designer I'll never be.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Design
Image of Judi Dench
I don`t like reading scripts very much. I like it better for someone to just explain to me what it is about this story.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Reading
Image of Judi Dench
I don’t like reading scripts very much. I like it better for someone to just explain to me what it is about this story.
- Judi Dench
Collection: Stories