John Mayer

Image of John Mayer
I have male fans, but I'm persuading them to become female!
- John Mayer
Collection: Males
Image of John Mayer
Love is like grass. If you fall on it, it may leave a stain and some temporary pain. But you'll get over the pain, it will eventually stop hurting. Now maybe the stain ruined your favourite pair of jeans, or maybe it was nothing special that was ruined, but either way the stain remains there. And with time, it will begin to fade, but it will always be there, a permanent reminder that you, too, once fell.
- John Mayer
Collection: Hurt
Image of John Mayer
The emotionally intelligent person is skilled in four areas: identifying emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions, and regulating emotions.
- John Mayer
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Mayer
I know the heart of life is good.
- John Mayer
Collection: Heart
Image of John Mayer
I love you more than songs can say, but I can't keep running after yesterday.
- John Mayer
Collection: Goodbye
Image of John Mayer
By the time I recognize this moment, this moment will be gone. . . But I will bend the light, pretend that it somehow lingered on
- John Mayer
Collection: Light
Image of John Mayer
You should have a picture of yourself as a kid in your home so that you remember where you came from.
- John Mayer
Collection: Home
Image of John Mayer
Numb is the new deep.
- John Mayer
Collection: Reality
Image of John Mayer
Sometimes you tell someone to never call you again; and then the phone rings and you hope it's them - it's the most twisted logic of all time.
- John Mayer
Collection: Phones
Image of John Mayer
This is not to say, there never comes a day I'll take my chances and start again. And when I look behind on all my younger times, I'll have to thank the wrongs that led me to a love so strong.
- John Mayer
Collection: Strong
Image of John Mayer
I am invincible, as long as I'm alive.
- John Mayer
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John Mayer
You look so good it hurts sometimes.
- John Mayer
Collection: Hurt
Image of John Mayer
I believe that my life's gonna see the love I give returned to me.
- John Mayer
Collection: Karma
Image of John Mayer
When you're dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part. You roll outta bed and down on your knees and for a moment you can hardly breathe.
- John Mayer
Collection: Dream
Image of John Mayer
Waiting on the World to Change.
- John Mayer
Collection: Waiting
Image of John Mayer
How come everything I need always comes with batteries?
- John Mayer
Collection: Batteries
Image of John Mayer
I'm not really good at keeping my own secrets. I can keep other people's secrets pretty well. Unless they're really good and people deserve to hear them. And I'll disseminate the information accordingly.
- John Mayer
Collection: People
Image of John Mayer
You know I used to be the back porch poet with my book of lines, always hoping knowing all the time, I'm probably never gonna find the perfect rhyme. . .For heavier things
- John Mayer
Collection: Book
Image of John Mayer
How dare you say it's nothing to me? Baby, you're the only light I ever saw.
- John Mayer
Collection: Baby
Image of John Mayer
I'll never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it.
- John Mayer
Collection: Hands
Image of John Mayer
Sometimes I get scared that I’m going to enter a web address into Twitter thinking it was my browser. That would be bad.
- John Mayer
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Mayer
Today I finally overcame tryin’ to fit the world inside a picture frame.
- John Mayer
Collection: World
Image of John Mayer
By the way, pornography? It's a new synaptic pathway. You wake up in the morning, open a thumbnail page, and it leads to a Pandora's box of visuals. There have probably been days when I saw 300 vaginas before I got out of bed.
- John Mayer
Collection: Morning
Image of John Mayer
If I wake up in the morning and I don't want to get you a coffee or if I don't see you for a week and I don't want to go figure out something to FedEx you, then we've got a problem. You can fake the words I miss you, but you can't fake getting someone a book.
- John Mayer
Collection: Morning
Image of John Mayer
I want to be the first guy from my generation who doesn't just represent one record but the promise of a lot of them.
- John Mayer
Collection: Goal
Image of John Mayer
I am tempted to keep the car in drive, And leave it all behind...
- John Mayer
Collection: Adventure
Image of John Mayer
You can't spell 'developer' without 'devel.'
- John Mayer
Collection: Vegetarian
Image of John Mayer
Fender Custom Shop made this nickel plated Stratbelieve it or not, it sounds incredible.
- John Mayer
Collection: Sound
Image of John Mayer
What is being black? It's making the most of your life, not taking a single moment for granted. Taking something that's seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you'll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude's.
- John Mayer
Collection: Single Mom
Image of John Mayer
[on Jessica Simpson] Yeah, that girl is like crack cocaine to me. Sexually it was crazy. That's all I'll say. It was like napalm, sexual napalm.
- John Mayer
Collection: Girl
Image of John Mayer
I am not in 'Us Weekly.' I'd have to be going out with someone who is in there to be in there myself.
- John Mayer
Collection: Going Out
Image of John Mayer
And i start sleeping and dreaming and i think i'll dream about you, all through the night.
- John Mayer
Collection: Romantic
Image of John Mayer
If you're good, and you know you're good, and you know you're better than those people getting paid to do it, you still have to have an open ear….Nobody's music is the enemy of your music…The idea that someone else has made it when they shouldn't have made it is toxic thinking.
- John Mayer
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Mayer
Might be a quarter life crisis, just disturbin' in my soul.
- John Mayer
Collection: Reality
Image of John Mayer
I am beginning to know what it feels like to be a woman. To have people looking at you all the time. And I'm sorry ladies, I had no idea! But people are looking at me all the time. It's like I have musical boobies!
- John Mayer
Collection: Sorry
Image of John Mayer
My life's a sequel to a movie where the actors' names have changed.
- John Mayer
Collection: Art
Image of John Mayer
Never, ever underestimate the power of 'Id Like that.
- John Mayer
Collection: Underestimate
Image of John Mayer
There's a certain lack of gimmickry to what I do that makes people in England go: 'Where's the thing?
- John Mayer
Collection: People
Image of John Mayer
Friends, lovers, or nothing, we can really only ever be one.
- John Mayer
Collection: Lovers
Image of John Mayer
There's a real self-serving element to hip-hop that threatens its life span.
- John Mayer
Collection: Real