John Irving

Image of John Irving
This was not of the nature of a Christlike lesson for Owen Meany to learn, as he lay in the manger, that someone you hate can give you a hard-on.
- John Irving
Collection: Hate
Image of John Irving
Whereas she wished more of the population were better educated, she also believed that education was largely wasted on the majority of the people she met.
- John Irving
Collection: People
Image of John Irving
Because who can describe that look that triggers the memory of loved ones? Who can anticipate the frown, the smile, or the misplaced lock of hair that sends a swift, undeniable signal from the past? Who can ever estimate the power of association, which is always strongest in moments of love and in memories of death?
- John Irving
Collection: Memories
Image of John Irving
The characters in my novels, from the very first one, are always on some quixotic effort of attempting to control something that is uncontrollable - some element of the world that is essentially random and out of control.
- John Irving
Collection: Character
Image of John Irving
I have lots of notebooks around, because one great advantage of writing by hand-in addition to how much it slows you down-is that it makes me write at the speed that I feel I should be composing, rather than faster than I can think, which is what happens to me on any keyboard.
- John Irving
Collection: Notebook
Image of John Irving
I certainly think Obama is the most hopeful president I've seen in the country since John Kennedy.
- John Irving
Collection: Country
Image of John Irving
...every study of the gods, of everyone's gods, is a revelation of vengeance towards the innocent.
- John Irving
Collection: Study
Image of John Irving
Being afraid you'll look like a coward is the worst reason for doing anything.
- John Irving
Collection: Coward
Image of John Irving
And when you love a book, commit one glorious sentence of it-perhaps your favorite sentence-to memory. That way you won't forget the language of the story that moved you to tears.
- John Irving
Collection: Memories
Image of John Irving
All his life he would hold this moment as exemplary of what love was. It was not wanting anything more, nor was it expecting people to exceed what they had just accomplished; it was simply feeling so complete.
- John Irving
Collection: People
Image of John Irving
If we live long enough, we become caricatures of ourselves.
- John Irving
Collection: Long
Image of John Irving
But who can distinguish between falling in love and imagining falling in love? Even genuinely falling in love is an act of the imagination.
- John Irving
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of John Irving
Children are most impressed with the importance of a moment when they witness a parent breaking the parents' own rule.
- John Irving
Collection: Children
Image of John Irving
We invent what we love and what we fear.
- John Irving
Collection: Fear
Image of John Irving
In the world according to Garp, we are all terminal cases
- John Irving
Collection: World
Image of John Irving
You know, everybody dies. My parents died. Your father died. Everybody dies. I'm going to die too. So will you. The thing is, to have a life before we die. It can be a real adventure having a life
- John Irving
Collection: Father
Image of John Irving
Safer than we are.” I told Franny. “Safer than love.” “let me tell ya kid,” Franny said to me, squeezing my hand. “Everything’s safer than love.
- John Irving
Collection: Kids
Image of John Irving
…there was no more safety to be found in love than there was to be found in a virus.
- John Irving
Collection: Safety
Image of John Irving
It is your responsibility to find fault with me, it is mine to hear you out. But don't expect me to change.
- John Irving
Collection: Responsibility
Image of John Irving
wherever the TV glows, there sits someone who isn't reading.
- John Irving
Collection: Reading
Image of John Irving
It's magical thinking to imagine that the reason unspeakable things are being perpetrated by younger and younger people is that they've fallen under the influence of seductive, lascivious, prurient, and violent material in books, films, television. A great deal of this type of censorship has to do with absolving parents of responsibility - parents who just plop their kids in front of the television and leave them there hour upon hour.
- John Irving
Collection: Book
Image of John Irving
What is hardest to accept about the passage of time is that the people who once mattered the most to us wind up in parentheses.
- John Irving
Collection: Love
Image of John Irving
Everybody dies … The thing is, to have a life before we die.
- John Irving
Collection: Dies
Image of John Irving
I thought some of the stories were neat; I liked some of the liturgy and some of the songs. If you're a writer you have some inclination to pay attention. I didn't just tune it out and think about baseball. So, it had an effect on me.
- John Irving
Collection: Baseball
Image of John Irving
If you can't love crudeness, how can you truly love mankind?
- John Irving
Collection: Mankind
Image of John Irving
We will often do anything to pretend that nothing is on our minds.
- John Irving
Collection: Mind
Image of John Irving
Being reviewed is being condescended to by your inferiors.
- John Irving
Collection: Inferiors
Image of John Irving
Anyone can be sentimental about the nativity; any fool can feel like a Christian at Christmas. But Easter is the main event; if you don’t believe in the resurrection, you’re not a believer." “If you don’t believe in Easter,” Owen Meany said. “Don’t kid yourself—Don’t call yourself a Christian.
- John Irving
Collection: Christian
Image of John Irving
The gardener had a dread of small women; he'd always imagined them to have an anger disproportionate to their size.
- John Irving
Collection: Size
Image of John Irving
Garp drank the beer and wondered if everything was an anticlimax.
- John Irving
Collection: Beer
Image of John Irving
Gender mattered a whole lot less to Shakespeare than it seems to matter to us.
- John Irving
Collection: Matter
Image of John Irving
There is no straightforward negotiation with a four year old.
- John Irving
Collection: Years
Image of John Irving
So we dream on. Thus we invent our lives. We give ourselves a sainted mother, we make our father a hero; and someone’s older brother and someone’s older sister – they become our heroes too. We invent what we love and what we fear. There is always a brave lost brother – and a little lost sister, too. We dream on and on: the best hotel, the perfect family, the resort life. And our dreams escape us almost as vividly as we can imagine them.
- John Irving
Collection: Mother
Image of John Irving
Lilly was not crazy. She left a serious suicide note. 'Sorry,' said the note. 'Just not big enough.
- John Irving
Collection: Suicide
Image of John Irving
The former stewardess glared at her ex-pilot husband as if he had been speaking, and thinking, in the absence of sufficient oxygen.
- John Irving
Collection: Husband
Image of John Irving
You live your life at the time you live it -- you don't have much of an overview when what's happening to you is still happening.
- John Irving
Collection: Live Your Life
Image of John Irving
Owen Meany believed that “coincidence” was a stupid, shallow refuge sought by stupid, shallow people who were unable to accept the fact that their lives were shaped by a terrifying and awesome design – more powerful and unstoppable than the Yankee Flyer. (a train)
- John Irving
Collection: Powerful
Image of John Irving
Grant us safe lodging, and holy rest,” Mrs. Grogan was saying, “and peace at last.” Amen, thought Wilbur Larch, the Saint of St. Cloud’s, who was seventy-something, and an ether addict, and who felt that he’d come a long way and still had a long way to go.
- John Irving
Collection: Clouds
Image of John Irving
It happens to many teenagers-that moment when you feel full of resentment or distrust for those adults you once loved unquestioningly.
- John Irving
Collection: Teenager
Image of John Irving
Being wrong about important things is exhausting.
- John Irving
Collection: Important
Image of John Irving
Don’t you understand?” he would say, “You imagine the story better than I remember it.
- John Irving
Collection: Stories
Image of John Irving
He wished he could arrange a maiming as a kind of moral lesson
- John Irving
Collection: Lessons
Image of John Irving
Life," Garp wrote, "is sadly not structured like a good old-fashioned novel. Instead an end occurs when those who are meant to peter out have petered out. All that is left is memory. But even a nihilist has memory.
- John Irving
Collection: Memories
Image of John Irving
O God — please give him back! I shall keep asking You.
- John Irving
Collection: Giving
Image of John Irving
I'm not a movie person. They're collaborations of the worst kind. You must compromise yourself to many interests that are venal and crass and do not have your best interests at heart.
- John Irving
Collection: Heart
Image of John Irving
You cannot drive with your eyes in the rear-view mirror… But dignity is difficult to maintain. Stamina requires constant upkeep. Repetition is boring. And you pay for grace.
- John Irving
Collection: Eye
Image of John Irving
Owen meany who rarely wasted words and who had the conversation-stopping habit of dropping remarks like coins into a deep pool of water... remarks that sank, like truth, to the bottom of the pool where they would remain untouchable.
- John Irving
Collection: Water
Image of John Irving
I think now that is the nature of hymns-they make us want to repeat them...they are a part of any service, and often the only part of a funeral service, that makes us feel everything is acceptable.
- John Irving
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Irving
You don't have to be in the habit of going to church to listen to such a literary minister; you don't have to be a believer to be moved by Mr. Buechner's faith.
- John Irving
Collection: Church