Top Safety Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Safety quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Wil Wheaton
Sometimes we know in our bones what we really need to do, but we're afraid to do it. Taking a chance and stepping beyond the safety of the world we've always known is the only way to grow, though and without risk there is no reward.
- Wil Wheaton
Collection: Safety
Image of Wil Wheaton
Taking a chance and stepping beyond the safety of the world we've always known is the only way to grow.
- Wil Wheaton
Collection: Safety
Image of Torey L. Hayden
Safety is the most basic task of all. Without sense of safety, no growth can take place. Without safety, all energy goes to defense
- Torey L. Hayden
Collection: Safety
Image of Wietse Venema
In a previous life I wrote the software that controlled my physics experiments. That software had to deal with all kinds of possible failures in equipment. That is probably where I learned to rely on multiple safety nets inside and around my systems.
- Wietse Venema
Collection: Safety
Image of Tom Rath
Employees who report receiving recognition and praise within the last seven days show increased productivity, get higher scores from customers, and have better safety records. They're just more engaged at work.
- Tom Rath
Collection: Safety
Image of Wess Stafford
But when adults speak up for the vulnerable and the weak, working and demanding that safety and respect prevail, God's little lambs are protected and nourished. They know they are not abandoned; they are loved. And the world becomes a little more like heaven as a result.
- Wess Stafford
Collection: Safety
Image of John Stossel
Patrick Henry didn't say, "Give me safety, or give me death."
- John Stossel
Collection: Safety
Image of Katie MacAlister
Maybe I could just James Bond my way down the cable if I draped the scarf over it, clinging to the ends as my body careened down it to safety-- Careened. What an ugly word that was
- Katie MacAlister
Collection: Safety
Image of May Sarton
It is the place of renewal and of safety, where for a little while there will be no harm or attack and, while every sense is nourished, the soul rests.
- May Sarton
Collection: Safety
Image of Sean Patrick Maloney
Whether its veterans disability claims, infrastructure projects, dam safety, or helping our farmers, what I am focused on is being useful for folks in the Hudson Valley.
- Sean Patrick Maloney
Collection: Safety
Image of Cokie Roberts
Women rely on friends. ... That's where we draw sustenance and find safety. We can count on our women friends when we need a good laugh or a good cry.
- Cokie Roberts
Collection: Safety
Image of Eleanor Everest Freer
For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.
- Eleanor Everest Freer
Collection: Safety
Image of Reginald Horace Blyth
Regarding R. H. Blyth: Blyth is sometimes perilous, naturally, since he's a high-handed old poem himself, but he's also sublime - and who goes to poetry for safety anyway.
- Reginald Horace Blyth
Collection: Safety
Image of Pearl S. Buck
Exclusion is always dangerous. Inclusion is the only safety if we are to have a peaceful world.
- Pearl S. Buck
Collection: Safety
Image of Thaddeus Golas
Go beyond reason to love: it is safe. It is the only safety.
- Thaddeus Golas
Collection: Safety
Image of Georges Danton
I have left my balls to Robespierre and my legs to Couthon. That should help the Committee of Public Safety for a while.
- Georges Danton
Collection: Safety
Image of Charles Melville Hays
"Safety First" is "Safety Always."
- Charles Melville Hays
Collection: Safety
Image of Jerry Smith
Safety isn't expensive, its priceless.
- Jerry Smith
Collection: Safety
Image of Jerry Smith
Don't learn safety by accident.
- Jerry Smith
Collection: Safety
Image of David A. Morse
Our motto is to work for peace based on social justice. Our mandate is to improve the condition, health and safety of workers, and our mission is universal.
- David A. Morse
Collection: Safety
Image of Richard Carmona
Surgeon general's job is to protect, promote and advance the health, safety and security of the nation.
- Richard Carmona
Collection: Safety
Image of Wilson Greatbatch
France generates a significant part of its energy requirements from fission reactors and these have achieved a perfect safety record. We build ours all differently.
- Wilson Greatbatch
Collection: Safety
Image of Ernest Greenwood
Accidents, and particularly street and highway accidents, do not happen - they are caused.
- Ernest Greenwood
Collection: Safety
Image of Frederick E. Crane
Individuality is either the mark of genius or the reverse. Mediocrity finds safety in standardization.
- Frederick E. Crane
Collection: Safety
Image of Neil L. Andersen
When you are faced with a test of faith, stay within the safety and security of the household of God. There is always a place for you here. No trial is so large we can't overcome it together.
- Neil L. Andersen
Collection: Safety
Image of Stephen Coonts
A little mountain will kill you just as dead as a big one if you fly into it.
- Stephen Coonts
Collection: Safety
Image of Ilan Ramon
The route to the target is more important than the target. We are going to go for the target, but we enjoy the route as well.
- Ilan Ramon
Collection: Safety
Image of John Edensor Littlewood
A heavy warning used to be given that pictures are not rigorous; this has never had its bluff called and has permanently frightened its victims into playing for safety.
- John Edensor Littlewood
Collection: Safety
Image of J. R. Smith
I was actually worried about David Ross safety being in Cleveland. I thought I had to be a bodyguard.
- J. R. Smith
Collection: Safety
Image of Federico Pena
I have flown ValuJet. ValuJet is a safe airline, as is our entire aviation system.
- Federico Pena
Collection: Safety
Image of Federico Pena
We have to get out of the mind-set of saying, "No matter how hard we try, we will have accidents," and into "We will not have accidents."
- Federico Pena
Collection: Safety
Image of Laura Chinchilla
Costa Rica remains peacefully and firmly committed to the well- being and safety of our population. We promote a model of development based upon harmony with nature; solidarity and social inclusion; economic and trade opening; development of our human resources, and innovation.
- Laura Chinchilla
Collection: Safety
Image of Nicholas Biddle
Nothing but widespread suffering will produce any effect on Congress... Our only safety is in pursuing a steady course of firm restriction - and I have no doubt that such a course will ultimately lead to restoration of the currency and the re-charter of the bank.
- Nicholas Biddle
Collection: Safety
Image of Gabrielle Carteris
Safety is always a paramount concern for us.
- Gabrielle Carteris
Collection: Safety
Image of Mark Lynas
At 1.24 am on 26 April 1986 Chernobyl’s Unit 4 reactor exploded after staff disabled safety systems and performed an ill-advised experiment to check – ironically enough – the reactor’s safety.
- Mark Lynas
Collection: Safety
Image of David Shore
Shorten the runway and you have fewer takeoffs and landings, shorten the runway and you enhance safety and reduce the noise, ... It also reduces the justification for the buyout as it is now being proposed.
- David Shore
Collection: Safety
Image of Jackie Stewart
It takes leadership to improve safety.
- Jackie Stewart
Collection: Safety
Image of Alan Bersin
In the course of 25 years, we have developed a constructive relationship with Mexico that was nonexistent before. During the last eight to 10 years there have been continued efforts which have resulted in a strategic alliance with the Mexicans and improved safety and security at the border.
- Alan Bersin
Collection: Safety
Image of Edward Smith
I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that . . .
- Edward Smith
Collection: Safety
Image of Dani Rodrik
Unlike national markets, which tend to be supported by domestic regulatory and political institutions, global markets are only 'weakly embedded'. There is no global lender of last resort, no global safety net, and of course, no global democracy. In other words, global markets suffer from weak governance, and are therefore prone to instability, inefficiency, and weak popular legitimacy.
- Dani Rodrik
Collection: Safety
Image of Erica Bauermeister
Marriage is a leap of faith. You are each other's safety net.
- Erica Bauermeister
Collection: Safety
Image of Nick Bostrom
We would want the solution to the safety problem before somebody figures out the solution to the AI problem.
- Nick Bostrom
Collection: Safety
Image of Joel Greenblatt
So one way to create an attractive risk/reward situation is to limit downside risk severely by investing in situations that have a large margin of safety. The upside, while still difficult to quantify, will usually take care of itself. In other words, look down, not up, when making your initial investment decision. If you don’t lose money, most of the remaining alternatives are good ones.
- Joel Greenblatt
Collection: Safety
Image of James Comey
Our need for public safety and our need for privacy are crashing into each other and we've got to sort that out.
- James Comey
Collection: Safety
Image of James Comey
I care a lot about privacy. I also care an awful lot about public safety. There continues to be a huge collision between those two things we care about.
- James Comey
Collection: Safety
Image of Matt Kenseth
God's more in control than we are. Obviously you still take all the precautions and safety measures inside your car.
- Matt Kenseth
Collection: Safety
Image of Kawika Mitchell
We felt responsible for each other. The D-line's got to take care of that line of scrimmage, (the linebackers) have got to clean up, and the safeties and DBs take care of that back end. We felt we're a brotherhood and we just had to get it done.
- Kawika Mitchell
Collection: Safety
Image of Mary Schiavo
I go out of my way to stay off commuter planes. I have skipped conferences because I would not fly on marginal airlines (and because of many mishaps, I also avoided flying on ValuJet).
- Mary Schiavo
Collection: Safety
Image of Steve House
On big routes in big mountains, speed equals safety.
- Steve House
Collection: Safety
Image of Peter Cundill
Protect the downside. Worry about the margin of safety.
- Peter Cundill
Collection: Safety