Jessica Sorensen

Image of Jessica Sorensen
I often wonder what drives people to do things. Whether it's put into their minds at birth, or if it is learned as they grow. Maybe it's even forced upon them by circumstances that are out of their hands. Does anyone have control over their lives or are we all helpless?
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Hands
Image of Jessica Sorensen
You think that just because you left, it would change how I feel? Well, guess what? You're wrong. I can't help how I feel. I'm still in-
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I just don’t see the point of talking unless there’s something to say.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Talking
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Don't be sorry, Callie,' he says with a heavy-hearted sigh. 'You have your own sad story.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Sorry
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Okay, I'm going to be completely honest here." I take a deep breath, because what I'm about to say is very real and more honest than I've ever been. "I don't want to be awayfrom you for that long.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Real
Image of Jessica Sorensen
No one has ever needed me before because I’ve never let anyone that far in.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Needed
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I take my time because I love how it feels to carry her, the way she needs me, the way I need to protect her.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Needs
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I love you, Ella May and nothing will ever change that. You can push me away -run away – and I will still love you.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Running
Image of Jessica Sorensen
You can't just change who you are on the outside and expect it to change who you are on the inside.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Who You Are
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Just because it's broken doesn't mean it loses its importance. And I figured I'd give it to you one day when you realized it was okay to make mistakes.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Mistake
Image of Jessica Sorensen
In the midst of a foggy field, the answers are hidden But the impossible journey deems them forbidden. The Reaper of Death, the Angel of Life. They walk together in day and night.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Angel
Image of Jessica Sorensen
You've always had a good grasp on what's right and wrong. You just have a hard time admitting that sometimes you choose the wrong.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Hard Times
Image of Jessica Sorensen
People are running to and from class and I just want to yell, Slow down and wait for the world to catch up!
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Running
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Like a feather in a dust storm, with no direction The Raven flies through life, helpless and omitted Until night declares and the wind expires. Then it flies to the land of stones and etchings And becomes an Ember, breaking away
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Night
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Blinded by the opaque veil of mortality, her eyes are always sealed, like a tomb She wants to know- wants to feel that fire, the brightness of the moon So she searches for light, only to realize its in her, like an ember equipped to ignite.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Eye
Image of Jessica Sorensen
People say that time heals all wounds, and maybe they're right. But whit if the wounds don't heal correctly, like when cuts leave behind nasty scars, or when broken bones mend together, but aren't as smooth anymore? Does it mean they're really healed? Or is it that the body did what it could to fix what broke.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Mean
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I'm just here,existing at the surface of the water,not quite drowning but not quite able to breathe.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Water
Image of Jessica Sorensen
You're like my favorite song, Nova. The one that I never want to forget. That I want to play over and over again.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Song
Image of Jessica Sorensen
The cemetery is my sense of comfort, my sanctuary in a world of darkness, the one piece of light that i have in my life.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Light
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I write the word solitude on my wall and then below it: Do you know me at all? Are my words just air? Is my heart easy to spare?
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Wall
Image of Jessica Sorensen
But we all make mistakes. It’s how we fix them that makes us who we are.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Mistake
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Alright, manly man,” he says. “Go prove that you’re a man.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Men
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Four wings, two hearts, but only one soul. They connect in the middle, but are separated by a thin line of ash. Its what brings them together, yet rips their feathers apart. They can never truly be together as light and dark. Unless one makes the ultimate sacrifice. Blows out their candle, and joins the other in the dark. Or if the other dares to fly across the line and steals the others light And force them to cross over the line and join the darkness of life. Im not gone, princess. I will come back for you until you give in.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Rip
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Once a blooming red rose, full of streaming life in its veins. Now a wilting black petal rupturing with death and pain.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Pain
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I just let the pain take over, allowing it to numb the pain of being left behind.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Pain
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I walk out the door with a heavy feeling in my heart as another secret falls on top of it.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Fall
Image of Jessica Sorensen
That'd be walking into dangerous territory," he says, getting up from the sofa. "Luke is not a morning person.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Morning
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Come with me somewhere. Please. I've been waiting eight months to talk to you
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Eight
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Please don't go. I just got you back
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Please
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I've missed you, Ella May
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: May
Image of Jessica Sorensen
And I don't want you to be anywhere but here
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Want
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Stay here, baby" he whispers, like he can read my thoughts. "Trust me, okay? Don't run
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Running
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I've been at the place where it seems like the only way left is down.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Way
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Its's just that... this is the realest thing I've had in a long time and it scares me a bit.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Long
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I look into his eyes, no longer afraid what's in them, but afriad I'll lose what they carry.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Eye
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Isn't everyone hiding something?
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Hiding Something
Image of Jessica Sorensen
You're going to get yourself into a lot of trouble." "Why?" "Because of her right there. Do you know what Daisy would do if you ever cheated on her." "Move on to the next guy that told her she has nice tits." "Okay, you're probably right on that one.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Nice
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I can handle scars, especially ones that are on the outside." I understand his meaning from the depths of my heart.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Heart
Image of Jessica Sorensen
No. I just never wanted to throw them away. Even if they were broken. I still loved them.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Broken
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I've never felt like this before, with anyone. It's against the rules of surviving.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Felt
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I let my head fall forward into his shoulder, breathing in his scent. "Now what do we do?" He's quiet for a while and I finally lean back to look him in the eyes. He appears conflicted by something and then he sets me down on the ground, lacing his fingers through mine. "Should we see where the wind takes us?" he asks. I stare at my hand in his and then look up at him. "That sounds good to me.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Fall
Image of Jessica Sorensen
The first time I'd ever felt happy-and I mean ever-was when I'd been lying in my bed, staring out my window, watching the stars shine harmoniosly with one another.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Stars
Image of Jessica Sorensen
I’m conflicted. On one hand, I want to stay in and catch up on The Vampire Diaries, but there’s this really awesome restaurant I’ve been wanting to try out.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Hands
Image of Jessica Sorensen
It’s a moment I’ll remember forever, because it belongs to me.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Forever
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Pretend all you want, pretty girl. You and I know that deep down you’re secretly glad to be pressed up to my body.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Girl
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Stay here, baby … Trust me, okay? Don’t run.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Running
Image of Jessica Sorensen
See, the same old Ella still lives." He grins... "She just needed a little push out."... "No, she doesn't. She's gone forever." "Try all you want, but I'm bringing her back.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Forever
Image of Jessica Sorensen
In the existence of our lives, there is a single coincidence that brings us together and for a moment, our hearts beat as one.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Heart
Image of Jessica Sorensen
Even though I knew she wasn't going to jump, seeing her standing on the ledge made me realize that I want and need her in my life forever. She challenges me, pushes me, and pisses me off, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Forever