Jennifer Crusie

Image of Jennifer Crusie
Broaden your horizons. They're the only ones you'll ever have, so make the suckers as wide as possible.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Horizon
Image of Jennifer Crusie
The measuring and mixing always smoothed out her thinking processes - nothing was as calming as creaming butter - and when the kitchen was warm from the oven overheating and the smell of baking chocolate, she took final stock of where she'd been and where she was going. Everything was fine.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Feel no guilt. Getting married and giving birth does not mean that you have sold your life away to perfectly healthy people who can get their own damn socks.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Marriage
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Nobody in my life has ever known me the way you do. Nobody in my life has ever made me feel as good as you do. You know me, you know everything about me, and when you leave me, you're going to be leaving the real me, the me nobody else has ever seen, that's who you're going to be rejecting.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Love
Image of Jennifer Crusie
His sentences didn't seem to have any verbs, which was par for a politician. All nouns, no action.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Nouns
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Values aren't buses... They're not supposed to get you anywhere. They're supposed to define who you are.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Good Life
Image of Jennifer Crusie
If you haven't failed, you're not trying hard enough.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Trying
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Once you know the truth, it's always obvious
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Obvious
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Look, I'm not ready for you," Min said. "I'm not prepared. I don't have any defenses when you're around. I make these plans and I mean it, I really do, and then I kiss you because I'm crazy about you which would be fine if I didn't fall in love with you but there that is, just standing there, and you know it, you know you've got me.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Sophie held the [hand]cuffs higher, hopint to instill some sense of shame, if not in him, then at least in herself. One look at him and she wanted him again. "I found them in the bed." "That makes sense," Phin said. "That's where I lost them." "I'd ask what you were doing with them," Sophie said, trying not to sound bitchy, "but I probably don't want to know, do I?" "Sure you do. It was exciting and different and depraved." Phin nodded toward the stairs. "Go put them someplace we can find them, and I'll show you later.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Hands
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Okay, Shane," Agnes said as Brenda's clock gonged midnight. "I got Joey in the kitchen, a cop in the front hall, a dead body in the basement, and you in my bedroom. Where do you want to start?
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Jennifer Crusie
• The key to fighting is never to fight unless the cause is so great that you couldn’t bear not to defend it and the losses you are going to suffer are things that you could afford to lose. If you do fight, the thing to remember is that it is going to hurt because that is what happens in a fight and you might as well reconcile yourself to it in the beginning and then it will not matter when it happens
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Hurt
Image of Jennifer Crusie
I adored you,” North said. “I just didn’t tell you. You were the most amazing thing that had ever happened to me. Nothing else like you in my world before or since. I was crazy about you. I still am. Ten years later you walk into my office and I see you and it’s like the first time, I can’t think, I can’t talk, I just need you with me. It makes me crazy, but now that I’ve got you back . . . You’re everything, Andie. I should have told you that before.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Crazy
Image of Jennifer Crusie
You’ve always been nuts. That’s fine. I can deal with nuts. But lately, you’ve been depressed nuts. I can’t deal with that. - Anthony
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Nuts
Image of Jennifer Crusie
There wasn't enough gratitude in the world for a server who kept drinks coming at a time like this.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Jennifer Crusie
When Eve ate the apple her knowledge increased. But God liked dumb women so Paradise ceased. Gwen Goodnight. Her Work.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Apples
Image of Jennifer Crusie
she was just…beaming at me, and I thought she’d won the lottery or something, her smile was that big. I asked what happened, and she said…” Park swallowed again. “She said, ‘You’re here.”’ He blinked at Tess. “‘You’re here.’ That’s all it was. That big goofy smile just because I was there. Nobody ever smiled like that at me before.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Parks
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Bet you ten bucks we make it." What are the odds? she thought, and realized with sudden, blinding clarity that she wouldn't take the other side of that bet, that only a loser would bet against them. This is really it, she thought, amazed. This is really forever. I believe in this. "Min?" he said, and she kissed him, putting all her heart into it. "No bet," she said against his mouth. "Your odds are too good." "Our odds are too good
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Believe
Image of Jennifer Crusie
I'll never forget my first time with you' Min said as she edged the doughnut off her finger. 'The earth moved, and then my mother asked my father who he was going down on at lunch.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Mother
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Where were all the women gamblers? It wasn't as if being a woman wasn't a huge risk all by itself. Twenty-eight percent of female homocide victims were killed by husbands or lovers. Which, come to think of it, was probably why there weren't any women gamblers. Living with men was enough of a gamble.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Husband
Image of Jennifer Crusie
I had you pictured dead in a pool of blood in front of the fireplace. And now you show up alive, and I want to kill you myself. (Zack)
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Blood
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Look, Mother, I am never going to be thin. I'm Norwegian. If you wanted a thin daughter, you should not have married a man whose female ancestors carried cows home from the pasture
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Breasts are very important for women. Their clothes just don't hang right without them.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Clothes
Image of Jennifer Crusie
You got shot at and you still got me an air conditioner.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Air
Image of Jennifer Crusie
This is a woman you've known less than twelve hours. It took you a year to pick out a couch, but you're seriously—" “Yes,” Roger said. “She's the one.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Years
Image of Jennifer Crusie
We're going to need a bigger dock
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Needs
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Christ, I'm in a Doris Day movie
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Christ
Image of Jennifer Crusie
She slid out from under his arm, and picked up his shirt from the floor. When she put it on, it failed to meet in the middle over her chest. that always worked in the movies, she thought, disgusted, and dropped it on the floor.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Arms
Image of Jennifer Crusie
What i'm trying to tell you," Min said, "is that im going to grow up to be one of those chubby old ladies. It's in my genes. Like self raising flour. i'm going to pouf." "thats going to work out well for me," Cal said. "because i'm going to grow up to be one of those horny old men who chases chubby old ladies around the couch.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Jennifer Crusie
It's a good thing he broke up with you because now you're free for when the right man finds you. Your prince is on his way." "Right. I'm sure he was on his way but a truck hit him.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Men
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Phin spared a moment of sympathy for Frank until he looked back and saw him at the bar, leaning into Clea’s cleavage. Get a grip, Frank, he thought, and then he looked down Sophie’s dress and thought, Never mind, Frank.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Mind
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Trying to seduce Alec at all was a waste of time; he came preseduced anyway. Like a microwave entrée. You pressed his buttons, and he got hot.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Trying
Image of Jennifer Crusie
I believe things will work out for us if we just believe in ourselves.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Believe
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Zach had brought her a dog.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Dog
Image of Jennifer Crusie
It was a lot easier when we could just brand'em," Ben said. "Then everybody'd know not to mess with our womenfolk.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Ems
Image of Jennifer Crusie
I'm Min's fairy godmother, Charm Boy,' Liza said, frowning down at him. 'And if you don't give her a happily ever after, I'm going to come back and beat you to death with a snow globe.' What happened to "bibbity bobbity boo"?' Cal asked Min. That was Disney, honey,' Min said. 'It wasn't a documentary.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Boys
Image of Jennifer Crusie
He was not looking forward to breaking the law. He was straight now. He'd matured. Crime no longer excited him. What?' Ronald said. I didn't say anything.' You're breathing heavy.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Law
Image of Jennifer Crusie
If you can't be a good example, then be a terrible warning.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Nothing but good times ahead.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Good Times
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Say, ‘Thank you, Phin.’ ” “Oh, please.” “Say, Thank youvery much, Phin. ” “I don’t think so.” “Say, ‘You are a great lover, Phin.’ ” “I’m out of here.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Crusie
A lot of really big trees had died to make that desk. His mother had probably gnawed them down, used her nails to saw the boards, and finished the decorative cutwork with her tongue.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Mother
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Have you talked to North?" he said. "Yes," she said. "I asked him to get us cable." "I wish you weren't talking to him." "I'd talk to Satan to get cable," Andie said.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Talking
Image of Jennifer Crusie
I could shove this swizzle stick through his heart, Min thought. She would'nt do it, of course. The stick was plastic and not nearly pointed enough on the end.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Heart
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Everybody's crooked. The trick is to find out how they're bent.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Bent
Image of Jennifer Crusie
no more pep talks about believing in toads," Liza said. "Don't they turn into princeses when you kiss them?" Bonnie said. "Thats frogs," Liza Said. "Entirely different species.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Believe
Image of Jennifer Crusie
North is a powerful man, and you're still connected to him." Flo frowned. "Probably sexual memory, those Capricorns are insatiable. Well, you know. Sea Goat. And of course, you're a Fish. You'll end up back in bed with him." Andie slammed the car door. "You know what I'd like for Christmas, Flo? Boundaries. You can gift me early if you'd like.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Memories
Image of Jennifer Crusie
That’s not a father. That’s a sperm donor. Forget him. He’s a mess. Concentrate on me. I’m terrific. (Linc Blaise)
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Father
Image of Jennifer Crusie
It's just that you don't respect me enough to respect what I want. I have to want what you want or it doesn't count or its's no good. Well, I don't want what you want. And I don't see why I have to. I mean, as long as I respect what you want and let you live your life, why do you care?
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Mean
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Can we go to work now? Because we're about a minute away from breaking out the ice cream and talking about our feelings, and I don't think we can come back from that.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Crusie
So I know you must have a plan and this wolf—" "Beast," Min said. "—frog, whatever, can't fit your plan." "He's not a frog," Min said. "I kissed him and he did not turn into a prince."He turned into a god. No, he didn't . "Look, I'm never going to see him again, so everybody can relax.
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Relax