Top Kitchen Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Kitchen quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Alan Rickman
That's it then. Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas.
- Alan Rickman
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Joel Salatin
Get in your kitchens, buy unprocessed foods, turn off the TV, and prepare your own foods. This is liberating.
- Joel Salatin
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Theodore White
I, alas, must present myself somewhat ignominiously as a chef in a busy kitchen. Somewhere a novel is bubbling on a back burner, an old attempt at history may come out of the freezer.
- Theodore White
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Patricia Polacco
You’d have to go through at least four different hugs to get from the kitchen to the front room. Those relatives!’.
- Patricia Polacco
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Delia Smith
Good kitchen equipment is expensive, but most items last a lifetime and will pay for themselves over and over again
- Delia Smith
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Victoria Wood
I have been in a youth hostel...You are put in a kitchen with seventeen venture scouts with behavioural difficulties and made to wash swedes.
- Victoria Wood
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Bill Mollison
We're only truly secure when we can look out our kitchen window and see our food growing and our friends working nearby.
- Bill Mollison
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Jennifer Crusie
Okay, Shane," Agnes said as Brenda's clock gonged midnight. "I got Joey in the kitchen, a cop in the front hall, a dead body in the basement, and you in my bedroom. Where do you want to start?
- Jennifer Crusie
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Stephen Kendrick
I'm not trying to force something, but I do enjoy working behind the scenes and I do enjoy bringing all of the ingredients to the kitchen so that we can make the movie.
- Stephen Kendrick
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Margaret Chapman
I use quite a bit in my kitchen, but the one thing that's an absolute must would have to be my high-speed blender.
- Margaret Chapman
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Traci Bingham
I had to have a large kitchen because I look to cook
- Traci Bingham
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Cam'ron
I'm from where...Rich and A hit the kitchen they were pitchin up
- Cam'ron
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Jeff Jarrett
I was always taught that a woman's place was in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. And I'm a firm believer in that.
- Jeff Jarrett
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Charles Buck
Their kitchen is their shrine, the cook their priest, the table their altar, and their belly their god.
- Charles Buck
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Wendy Williams
I am a Beyonce fan. I’m gonna watch her upcoming documentary because fortunately one of the TVs in our kitchen has closed captioning so I’ll be able to understand what she says. You know Beyonce can’t talk. She sounds like she has a fifth grade education.
- Wendy Williams
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Nic Pizzolatto
I made True Detective like it was going to be the only thing I ever made for television. So put in everything and the kitchen sink. Everything.
- Nic Pizzolatto
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Nick Kroll
Sometimes shows suffer from having many cooks in the kitchen.
- Nick Kroll
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Jeffrey Wright
When you go to a restaurant, the less you know about what happens in the kitchen, the more you enjoy your meal.
- Jeffrey Wright
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Melissa Gorga
I was always told to be a cook in the kitchen, a lady in the parlor and a wh--e in the bedroom.
- Melissa Gorga
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Jasper Fforde
Quarkbeasts, for all their fearsome looks, are obedient to a fault. They are nine-tenths velociraptor and kitchen blender and one-tenth Labrador. It was the Labrador tenth that I valued most.
- Jasper Fforde
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Charles Petzold
Owning a computer without programming is like having a kitchen and using only the microwave oven
- Charles Petzold
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Marian Burros
If Broadway shows charge preview prices while the cast is in dress rehearsal, why should restaurants charge full price when their dining room and kitchen staffs are still practicing?
- Marian Burros
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Miriam Margolyes
I'm not really a practising Jew but I keep a kosher kitchen just to spite Hitler.
- Miriam Margolyes
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Bert Cooper
You're going to need a stronger stomach if you're going to be back in the kitchen seeing how the sausage is made.
- Bert Cooper
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Yo Gotti
The kitchen is where you put all the ingredients together. The kitchen is where you prepare the plan and put your recipe together. No matter what you do in life, you have to have a plan and put it together.
- Yo Gotti
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Clive James
Beyoncé and pathos are strangers. Amy Winehouse and pathos are flatmates, and you should see the kitchen.
- Clive James
Collection: Kitchen
Image of E. A. Bucchianeri
There are times when wisdom cannot be found in the chambers of parliament or the halls of academia but at the unpretentious setting of the kitchen table.
- E. A. Bucchianeri
Collection: Kitchen
Image of David Castle
Our expertise is preparing foods in tough environments. We have a kitchen where we grill and roast and make smelly stuff happen, and then bring it to the site and warm it in a way that makes it taste just-cooked.
- David Castle
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Alton Brown
I'm not a slave driver or a yeller. I was yelled at in kitchens and other workplaces.
- Alton Brown
Collection: Kitchen
Image of David Lee Roth
Of course building a kitchen makes all the symmetric sense in the world because everybody's burning calories at 120 beats a minute. You could even register it on a graph at the DJ booth. "How fast are they burning calories, sir?" "126 a minute." "Are you sure?" "Oh, I'm very sure." You can meter that out.
- David Lee Roth
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Rumi
The kitchen of the body darkens the lives of lovers. Fasting came to enlighten them.
- Rumi
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Alton Brown
I keep the "ThunderCats" thermos safely in the kitchen.
- Alton Brown
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Edward Abbey
The ideal kitchen-sink novel: Throw in everything but the kitchen sink. Then add the kitchen sink.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Viggo Mortensen
Here's where we are, this is what's happening. So do something, or get out of the kitchen.
- Viggo Mortensen
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
La volaille est pour la cuisine ce qu'est la toile pour les peintres. Fowls are to the kitchen what his canvas is to the painter.
- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Anais Nin
We sit on the kitchen exchanging these diabolical outgrowths of overfertile minds.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Rachel Caine
See?" she heard Shane yell at the kitchen. "She doesn't stomp around like a cattle stampede!" "Bite me, Collins! No bacon for you, either!
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Cate Tiernan
You have to admit he's good looking," Bree pressed, leaning against my kitchen counter. "Of course I admit it. I'm not blind," I said, busily opening cans.
- Cate Tiernan
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Ronald Reagan
Anyone that's ever had their kitchen done over knows that it never never gets done as soon as you wish it would.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Gordon Ramsay
I spend more time in the kitchen than I have in the dining room, for obvious reasons, however, I just want to sit and indulge.
- Gordon Ramsay
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Cynthia Heimel
Show me a woman who is prouder of her clean kitchen than of her collection of lingerie and I'll show you a woman with enlarged pores.
- Cynthia Heimel
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Thomas Pynchon
Not me, paranoia's the garlic in life's kitchen, right, you can never have too much.
- Thomas Pynchon
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Christopher Reeve
The bigger the canvas, the better I do. I'm not so good at understated, kitchen-sink kinds of parts.
- Christopher Reeve
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Harry S. Truman
If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen.
- Harry S. Truman
Collection: Kitchen
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
You can keep the dining room clean by eating in the kitchen.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Brian Tracy
Everything in life is a checklist, whether it's building a birdhouse or building a kitchen. If you don't have a checklist, you're much more likely to forget something.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Drew Carey
My cranky cardiologist says I'm destined to die in the kitchen.
- Drew Carey
Collection: Kitchen
Image of C. J. Cherryh
Poisoning rarely happens in a well-managed kitchen.
- C. J. Cherryh
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Cassandra Clare
The kitchen was just as empty, even the refrigerator gone, the chairs, the table--the kitchen cabinets stood open, their bare shelves reminder her of a nursery rhyme. She cleared her throat. "What would demons," she said, "want with our microwave?
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Kitchen
Image of Laurie Colwin
That family glaze of common references, jokes, events, calamities-that sense of a family being like a kitchen midden: layer upon layer of the things daily life is made of. The edifice that lovers build is by comparison delicate and one-dimensional.
- Laurie Colwin
Collection: Kitchen