Howard Dean

Image of Howard Dean
The Republicans are all about suppressing votes.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Vote
Image of Howard Dean
I actually spoke in an African-American church yesterday.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Howard Dean
The corporatization of the press really has hurt the press.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Hurt
Image of Howard Dean
We owe something to the government to grow up in this great country. I'm tired of hearing people in the private sector talk like they don't owe the government anything. We do. This is a great country because we all pay into it. It's about time we all pay into it. ... If we paid the same amount of taxes we paid when Bill Clinton was president, I would be a happy guy, and the budget would be closer to balanced. You cannot give away money, whether you give it to rich or poor people. That's what George Bush did -- excuse me, trillions of dollars. You can't do that.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Country
Image of Howard Dean
I think democracy fails under a variety of conditions and one of the conditions occurs when people don't have the ability to get the kind of information they need to make up their mind. Ideologically, I don't care much for FOX News. But the truth is that, as long as there are countervailing points of view available on the spectrum, it doesn't matter.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Thinking
Image of Howard Dean
There's been more than one time when I've said something, and sort of the middle of what I've said is not said but thought, and therefore assumed to be understood, which is a ridiculous assumption on my part, but sometimes gets me in trouble.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Ridiculous
Image of Howard Dean
There are definitely some people who cheat, but how come we're only focusing on people who are on welfare who cheat, and not the bank presidents who cheat?
- Howard Dean
Collection: People
Image of Howard Dean
What I want to do more than anything as president of the United States is to restore the honor and dignity and respect that this country is owed around the world.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Country
Image of Howard Dean
The idea that the United States is going to win the war in Iraq is just plain wrong.
- Howard Dean
Collection: War
Image of Howard Dean
We are the great grassroots campaign of the modern era, built from mousepads, shoe leather and hope.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Shoes
Image of Howard Dean
George Bush calls his biggest fundraisers Rangers and Pioneers. But today, we stand together, and we call ourselves, simply, Americans.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Pioneers
Image of Howard Dean
I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, you can't play, you know, hide the salami, or whatever it's called.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Thinking
Image of Howard Dean
The Iraqi prime minister is an anti-Semite. We don't need to spend $200 and $300 and $500 billion dollars bringing democracy to Iraq to turn it over to people who believe that Israel doesn't have a right to defend itself and who refuse to condemn Hezbollah.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Believe
Image of Howard Dean
No doctor is going to do an abortion on a live fetus. That doesn't happen. Doctors don't do that. If they do, they'll get their license pulled, as well they should.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Doctors
Image of Howard Dean
I don't mind being called a liberal. I just don't really think it's true.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Thinking
Image of Howard Dean
What I want to know is why in the world the Democratic party leadership is supporting the president's unilateral attack on Iraq?
- Howard Dean
Collection: Iraq
Image of Howard Dean
I intend to talk about race during this election in the South because the Republicans have been talking about it since 1968 in order to divide us. And I'm going to bring us together. Because you know what? You know what? White folks in the South who drive pickup trucks with Confederate flag decals in the back ought to be voting with us and not them, because their kids don't have health insurance either and their kids need better schools too.
- Howard Dean
Collection: School
Image of Howard Dean
This is a struggle between good and evil and we're the good?
- Howard Dean
Collection: Struggle
Image of Howard Dean
I think we had quite enough capitalism in the last eight years; I think we need some regulation now.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Thinking
Image of Howard Dean
Stop scapegoating immigrants[Stop using] outrageous phrases like 'illegal aliens.'
- Howard Dean
Collection: Phrases
Image of Howard Dean
We're going to use Terri Schiavo later on. This is going to be an issue in 2006 and it's going to be an issue in 2008, because we're going to have an ad with a picture of Tom DeLay saying, "Do you want this guy to decide whether you die or not, or is that going to be up to your loved ones?
- Howard Dean
Collection: Issues
Image of Howard Dean
I don't hate Republicans as individuals. But I hate what the Republicans are doing to this country. I really do.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Country
Image of Howard Dean
If money is a form of speech, as the Supreme Court has regrettably found, rich donors will always be the loudest speakers.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Speech
Image of Howard Dean
Barry Goldwater once said, "I'd rather be right than president." I can't tell you how much I disagree with that Barry Goldwater.
- Howard Dean
Collection: President
Image of Howard Dean
My view is Fox News is a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party and I don't comment on Fox News.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Party
Image of Howard Dean
I may be controversial, but my allegiance is to people outside the Beltway.
- Howard Dean
Collection: People
Image of Howard Dean
I'm tired of the ayatollahs of the right wing. We're fighting for freedom in Iraq. We're going to fight for freedom in America.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Tired
Image of Howard Dean
The president and his right-wing Supreme Court think it is 'okay' to have the government take your house if they feel like putting a hotel where your house is.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Thinking
Image of Howard Dean
You know, to listen to Senator Lieberman, Senator Kerry, Representative Gephardt, I'm anti-Israel, I'm anti-trade, I'm anti-Medicare and I'm anti-Social Security. I wonder how I ended up in the Democratic Party. I'm not a new entrant to the Democratic Party. I've been here a long time.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Party
Image of Howard Dean
The capture of Saddam has not made America safer.
- Howard Dean
Collection: America
Image of Howard Dean
The truth is the President of the United States used the same device that Slobodan Milosevic used in Serbia. When you appeal to homophobia, when you appeal to sexism, when you appeal to racism, that is extraordinarily damaging to the country.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Country
Image of Howard Dean
What I usually do is tell funny stories from the road, many of which are, of course, unprintable. But I don’t actually have a joke. I don’t tell jokes much. I tell little stories.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Stories
Image of Howard Dean
I will use whatever position I have in order to root out hypocrisy. Democrats have strong moral values. Frankly, my moral values are offended by some of the things I hear on programs like “Rush Limbaugh,” and we don’t have to put up with that.
- Howard Dean
Collection: Strong