Guy Finley

Image of Guy Finley
Real achievement -- the true measure of how far we have advanced in life -- is not determined by what we have acquired, but rather by the degree to which we have put our fears behind us.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Real
Image of Guy Finley
What you don't want to know about yourself wants to be known, which is why it keeps 'showing up' at your door unannounced!
- Guy Finley
Collection: Positivity
Image of Guy Finley
Weak thoughts and feelings often feel strong but remember, real strength is never anxious, cruel, or punishing.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Strong
Image of Guy Finley
In spite of how things may appear to us, we are never trapped by where we are. The trap is always who we are
- Guy Finley
Collection: May
Image of Guy Finley
Most people would rather complain about some painful life pattern than dare to meet the level of their own consciousness responsible for its repeated appearance... and therein do the work needed to change it once and for all.
- Guy Finley
Collection: People
Image of Guy Finley
Discouragement is a negative emotion with more than one trick up its dark sleeve. It tricks you into mentally or emotionally dwelling in the very place you want to leave. Drop all such sorrow permanently by daring to see through this deception of the unconscious mind. You have a destination far beyond where you find yourself standing today
- Guy Finley
Collection: Bad Day
Image of Guy Finley
Walk lightly through life.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Wise
Image of Guy Finley
Self-pity is the campsite of self-defeat; it is a dark refuge for those parts of us that would rather wallow in what cannot be than dare to explore what is possible.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Dark
Image of Guy Finley
Every truth ever discovered -- each new light that will ever burn bright -- already exists in our consciousness. All we will ever know and share about love, humility, compassion, and sacrifice -- the secrets that will reveal and then resolve old sorrows -- awaits us within ourselves. Hidden in this truth is our great promise, both as individuals and as a race of beings.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Humility
Image of Guy Finley
From the movie, The Boy Who Could Fly Somewhere, deep inside, we can all fly.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Guy Finley
Listening to your own mind gives you "good reasons" why you should be fearful over unexpected events is just like being friends with someone who thinks it's funny to find new ways to hurt you!
- Guy Finley
Collection: Hurt
Image of Guy Finley
Our greatest strength isn't our ability to imagine brighter days ahead, it is that we are empowered-in every present moment-to effortlessly dismiss any dark thought or feeling that, left unattended, diminishes our happiness.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Dark
Image of Guy Finley
Fearlessness comes with the birth of this new understanding: The only reason life changes as it does is to reveal the secret Goodness underlying those same changes.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Fear
Image of Guy Finley
The only thing worried thoughts have the power to change is what the next thing will be for you to worry over!
- Guy Finley
Collection: Sadness
Image of Guy Finley
Your past is just that, the past, a place within your psyche with no more reality to it then the picture of a castle on a postcard is made from stone.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Guy Finley
The past is as powerless to darken the present moment as is a shadow to reach up and drag down the form that casts it.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Sad
Image of Guy Finley
Love is effortless attention.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Love
Image of Guy Finley
Being anxious, or in a painful rush of any kind, kills the possibility of meeting anyone with compassion
- Guy Finley
Collection: Stress
Image of Guy Finley
Each time we see and are touched by the expression of some eternal principle, we catch a sweet glimpse of some aspect of our True Self.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Guy Finley
No experience in life is set in stone unless we ourselves have unwittingly poured the concrete!
- Guy Finley
Collection: Stones
Image of Guy Finley
Instead of always asking yourself how to clear up your mental fog, learn to ask: "Can confusion know anything about clarity?"
- Guy Finley
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Guy Finley
Spend everyday casual, but industrious Every moment alert, but relaxed.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Everyday
Image of Guy Finley
It is Spiritually impossible to hide and see at the same time.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Impossible
Image of Guy Finley
You cannot separate the onset of a disturbing moment in life from the appearance of some simultaneous new possibility to know a deeper and more unshakable sense of peace.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Guy Finley
No truly conscious human being sabotages himself - it's impossible, because it's contrary to Nature.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Impossible
Image of Guy Finley
If you don't leap, you'll never know what it's like to fly.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Motivation
Image of Guy Finley
Real prayer, the soul-transformi ng kind, is self-discontinu ity. It is a conscious act of self-suspension arising from the wish for something new to occur.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Prayer
Image of Guy Finley
Each moment of every one of my relationships serves as the secret path to the summit of myself.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Secret
Image of Guy Finley
One way to measure your own fears is to count the number of personal questions you've allowed others to answer for you.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Numbers
Image of Guy Finley
Much like the hands of a clock go nowhere fast, anxious thoughts run us round-and-round without taking us anywhere!
- Guy Finley
Collection: Running
Image of Guy Finley
A crisis is a close encounter of the third kind.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Guy Finley
We conquer ourselves by learning patience, for she gives to us our longed for victory only in the surrender of self.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Self
Image of Guy Finley
If we only knew how many times our seemingly clever comment cut straight into the heart of the person with whom we have just spoken, it is we who would bleed.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Clever
Image of Guy Finley
The real quality of our life is not determined by what we have won from it, but by what we have discovered within it.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Real
Image of Guy Finley
The fear of seeing ourselves as we are ensures we will never see the end of our fears.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Fear
Image of Guy Finley
False life is exhausting; Real Life is inexhaustible.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Real
Image of Guy Finley
The Peace you long for also longs for you.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Long
Image of Guy Finley
Far better is it for you to go through one small thing that frightens you than to make a thousand plans for an imagined fearless day to come.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Fearless
Image of Guy Finley
Once you know what it means to choose in favor of yourself, there is no power in the universe that can make you choose against yourself.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Mean
Image of Guy Finley
Better that the whole world should turn against you... than you should consent to turn against what is true within you.
- Guy Finley
Collection: World
Image of Guy Finley
Talking to yourself proves only one thing: you're still unable to tell the difference between good and bad company.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Talking
Image of Guy Finley
True happiness isn't something that can be made. It isn't the result of anything. Happiness comes to those who understand that you can't seek it any more than you seek the air you breathe. It is a part of life to be found within living. ... All pursuit of happiness is based upon the false assumption that there is a way to possess it; you may as well try to grab a handful of breeze! Happiness is the natural expression of a stress-free life, just as sunlight naturally warms the Earth after dark clouds appear.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Guy Finley
As the lesser is always found within the greater, so this principle holds true with regards to time and the eternal.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Guy Finley
Each time that you don't know you are choosing, then of those choices you are not the chooser.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Choices
Image of Guy Finley
The only world in which "defeat" exists as a reality is the one darkened by the false idea that what may have happened to us a moment ago is the same as what's possible for us to achieve now.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Loss
Image of Guy Finley
To be more aware, we need only listen for and let go of the thoughts which steal our attention.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Guy Finley
Past mistakes cannot create a present pain; no mistake in life has the power to make us ache any more than the echo of someone crying can shed tears.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Pain
Image of Guy Finley
Who you really are, your True Nature, is no more tied to the kind of person you've been than the wind is tied to the skies through which it moves.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Inspirational