Guy Finley

Image of Guy Finley
The right attitude toward any negative state begins with understanding that its only authority over you is a direct reflection of your attitude towards it.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Attitude
Image of Guy Finley
If you love getting gifts - and who doesn't - then why not accept, with gratitude, the greatest gift there is: the present moment.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Guy Finley
Psychologically speaking, what is true requires no protection, and never becomes negative when challenged. On the other hand, what is false almost never stops trying to protect itself, which it does by finding fault with whatever or whoever challenges the false image behind which it always hides.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Hands
Image of Guy Finley
Letting go, at its heart, is an act of agreement with Life.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Guy Finley
Ours is the task of discovering that our true nature has nothing to fear.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Guy Finley
On the other side of resistance is the flow of real life.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Guy Finley
I am willing to walk toward, and then through, whatever may be seen in the moment as being greater than myself.
- Guy Finley
Collection: May
Image of Guy Finley
Wasting your time in anxious worry over what you may not have is a good way to waste what you need to get it.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Worry
Image of Guy Finley
The great ones in life are not those who are handed silver spoons. Their excellence comes from digging into the raw ore of their own character, through hard work, persistence and faith turning whatever they touch into gold.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Motivational
Image of Guy Finley
Until you can love what the truth would teach you about yourself... then your love is incomplete.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Guy Finley
We must do the work to prove our fears groundless, otherwise it is our fears that will gain ground and our lives will be spent in their service.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Fear
Image of Guy Finley
Instead of always asking how to get others to approve of you... learn to ask: What do I really want, the applause of the crowds or to quietly have my own life?
- Guy Finley
Collection: Stress
Image of Guy Finley
Those who dare to try what others only dream of - never fail to discover that real effort is always rewarded.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Dream
Image of Guy Finley
We can only begin to change the world around us when we are willing to become a conscious part of all that is changing.
- Guy Finley
Collection: World
Image of Guy Finley
Do the moment-to-moment work of dropping anything that wants to drag you down, and Reality itself will see to it that you rise.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Reality
Image of Guy Finley
The smallest effort to remember the Divine, or even one of its timeless truths, connects you to a calmness whose power is in that secret strength found in all things deep.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Effort
Image of Guy Finley
You have a destination far beyond where you find yourself standing today.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Guy Finley
Believing that anxious thoughts and feelings can restore order to your life is like using a chain-saw to fold your laundry.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Believe
Image of Guy Finley
If any of those times you rushed around madly - trying to get somewhere faster - had ever made any real difference in the quality of your life... don't you think you'd be able to slow down by now?
- Guy Finley
Collection: Real
Image of Guy Finley
To know that every moment — regardless of how it comes wrapped — is a gift greater than you can give yourself, is to be well on your way to a life without fear.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Giving
Image of Guy Finley
The nature of what the Divine notices about you is completely different from the nature of what you do to get noticed.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Different
Image of Guy Finley
The only one interested in hearing your sad story is . . . you; and even you wish you didn't have to relive it again!
- Guy Finley
Collection: Sadness
Image of Guy Finley
Discouragement tricks you into mentally or emotionally dwelling in the very place you want to leave.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Guy Finley
Chasing after a pleasure to ease a pain is like running after a breeze to cool you down.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Running
Image of Guy Finley
Any conclusion you reach about yourself has to be an unseen limitation because there's always more to see.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Unseen
Image of Guy Finley
Looking to any angry, anxious, or otherwise stressed emotional state to help you sort out the pain you're in is like trying to organize your monthly bills by throwing them into a blender
- Guy Finley
Collection: Pain
Image of Guy Finley
It's a paradox of the true spiritual path, but the more conscious we become of what limits us, the more limitless becomes our life.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Guy Finley
If I am identified with my relationship, with my house, or with my money, I am doomed to suffer.
- Guy Finley
Collection: House
Image of Guy Finley
Work to connect yourself to the allness of life -- instead of identifying with the smallness of it -- and you'll awaken to a greatness already living within you that is no more bothered by the little things in life than a mountain is made miserable by the rain that falls upon it.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Rain
Image of Guy Finley
Never speak out of anger, Never act out of fear, Never choose from impatience, But wait... and peace will appear.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Patience
Image of Guy Finley
Never run from what you don't understand, as it will be waiting for you every time you come to a stop.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Running
Image of Guy Finley
Knowledge without Spirit is like finding yourself on a cold night with all the wood in the world and no flame to ignite it.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Guy Finley
When you realize no one else on this earth can be like you... that no other soul may know the beauty, sorrow, light and darkness you alone are given to see... then you will, at last, be the fearless individual your Heart of hearts has called you to be.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Heart
Image of Guy Finley
One of the most important rules for me is: Don't ever defend myself. If we could put this one principle into practice, how much more simple life would be.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Simple
Image of Guy Finley
The vast majority of our troubles and heartaches would simply vanish from view if only we could remember - before we act - that we are made victims mostly by our own tendencies.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Views
Image of Guy Finley
The heart at peace is its own reward, needing nothing outside of itself to be fully content.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Heart
Image of Guy Finley
There is nothing as certain as silence, stillness, and solitude to introduce you to the secrets of yourself.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Silence
Image of Guy Finley
Life can only be as new as you Choose to be.
- Guy Finley
Collection: You Choose
Image of Guy Finley
The character of greatness must be measured in two ways, else the measurement is flawed. First, and by far most popular of all, is by one's ability to succeed in times of trial where others may fail. But of no less importance, and perhaps foundational to any form of greatness, is one's willingness to start over in spite of failure, when success seems farthest away.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Character
Image of Guy Finley
No one rises above who he or she has been without first having fallen down. The best time - in fact, the only time - to make a real change in your life is in the moment of seeing the need for it. He who hesitates always gets lost in the hundred reasons why tomorrow is a better day to get started.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Real
Image of Guy Finley
No condition outside ourselves can create a rut or trap us in it. It's impossible.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Guy Finley
Learn to be one with who you are in Reality, and the waves of a thousand passing worlds cannot wash you away.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Reality
Image of Guy Finley
Nothing glows brighter than the heart awakened to the unseen light of love that lives within it.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Heart
Image of Guy Finley
The only mistake that we can make as human beings is to be asleep, unaware of ourselves.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Mistake
Image of Guy Finley
Getting stressed and struggling to change the outcome of any past event is like arguing with an echo to make it see your point of view.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Struggle
Image of Guy Finley
See that any time you feel pained or defeated, it is only because you insist on clinging to what doesn't work. Dare to let go and you won't lose a thing except for a punishing idea.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Guy Finley
Make it your moment-to-moment aim to recognize the difference between being aware of your thoughts, and being carried along by them.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Guy Finley
We become what we love. What we put first in our lives is what we receive from life.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Firsts
Image of Guy Finley
Real freedom isn't subject to how others estimate our value; it is in realizing that none are free who find their sense of worth wondering how others measure their lives.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Real