George W. Bush

Image of George W. Bush
One of the worst days in America's history saw some of the bravest acts in Americans' history. We'll always honor the heroes of 9/11. And here at this hallowed place, we pledge that we will never forget their sacrifice.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Powerful
Image of George W. Bush
Running for president was a good decision.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Running
Image of George W. Bush
Well from a personal perspective, quitting drinking is a decision I felt good about.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Drinking
Image of George W. Bush
Being a father and trying to love my daughters with unconditional love - those were all good decisions.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Daughter
Image of George W. Bush
There are a lot of tactical decisions that, if I could have done them over, I would have.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Decision
Image of George W. Bush
Perceptions change with time and you can't rush it, in my judgment.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Perception
Image of George W. Bush
I'm uncomfortable trying to rush change of perception, except to the extent that I'm going to write a book.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Book
Image of George W. Bush
It was much easier for me to endure the belittling than it was to watch my dad get belittled.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Dad
Image of George W. Bush
I think all presidents should take the long view of history.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
I am comfortable that the principles that I articulated were never compromised.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Principles
Image of George W. Bush
As I look back over my life, I've been an active person - obviously I was self-absorbed for a period of time.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Self
Image of George W. Bush
I really don't want to in the press, genuinely don't want to be in the press.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Want
Image of George W. Bush
I don't think it's good for America to have a former president undermine a current president.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
The lesson of September the 11th is: Take threats before they fully materialize.
- George W. Bush
Collection: September
Image of George W. Bush
It's time to restore honor and dignity to the White House.
- George W. Bush
Collection: White
Image of George W. Bush
[Islam] inspires countless individuals to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and morality.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Honesty
Image of George W. Bush
I've got a dad who jumps out of an airplane.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Dad
Image of George W. Bush
Hopefully I'm not a grumpy old guy sitting in the corner, yelling at people and demanding things.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Yelling
Image of George W. Bush
I think you ought to be open-minded as to where life takes you.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
If I look back to when I was 20 and somebody said you'd be president, I would have said no way.
- George W. Bush
Collection: President
Image of George W. Bush
I'm comfortable with how I lived my life as the president.
- George W. Bush
Collection: President
Image of George W. Bush
I made friends during my presidency.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Made
Image of George W. Bush
Life really is a series of contrasts.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Contrast
Image of George W. Bush
The more you defend in the face of a critical audience, the more you polarize.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Faces
Image of George W. Bush
Well, I'm reading about the battle of New Orleans right now. I've got an eclectic reading list.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Reading
Image of George W. Bush
I'm asking Congress to pass my Zero Down Payment Initiative. We should remove the 3 percent down payment rule for first time home buyers with FHA-insured mortgages.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Zero
Image of George W. Bush
There's nothing more deep than recognizing Israel's right to exist. That's the most deep thought of all. ... I can't think of anything more deep than that right.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
This is a nation that loves our freedom, loves our country.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Country
Image of George W. Bush
If most of the breaks go to wealthy people it's because most of the people who pay taxes are wealthy.
- George W. Bush
Collection: People
Image of George W. Bush
Anyway, I'm so thankful, and so gracious - I'm gracious that my brother Jeb is concerned about the hemisphere as well.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Brother
Image of George W. Bush
So on behalf of a well-oiled unit of people who came together to serve something greater than themselves, congratulations.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Congratulations
Image of George W. Bush
It's important for young men and women who look at the Nebraska champs to understand that quality of life is more than just blocking shots.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Block
Image of George W. Bush
If a person doesn't have the capacity that we all want that person to have, I suspect hope is in the far distant future, if at all.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
Thirdly, the explorationists are willing to only move equipment during the winter, which means they'll be on ice roads, and remove the equipment as the ice begins to melt, so that the fragile tundra is protected.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Moving
Image of George W. Bush
Presidents, whether things are good or bad, get the blame. I understand that.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
This administration is doing everything we can to end the stalemate in an efficient way. We're making the right decisions to bring the solution to an end.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
The Senate needs to leave enough money in the proposed budget to not only reduce all marginal rates, but to eliminate the death tax, so that people who build up assets are able to transfer them from one generation to the next, regardless of a person's race.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
It would be helpful if we opened up ANWR. I think it's a mistake not to. And I would urge you all to travel up there and take a look at it, and you can make the determination as to how beautiful that country is.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Beautiful
Image of George W. Bush
And we need a full affront on an energy crisis that is real in California and looms for other parts of our country if we don't move quickly.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Country
Image of George W. Bush
I assured the prime minister, my administration will work hard to lay the foundation of peace in the Middle - to work with our nations in the Middle East, give peace a chance. Secondly, I told him that our nation will not try to force peace, that we'll facilitate peace and that we will work with those responsible for a peace.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Hard Work
Image of George W. Bush
There are some monuments where the land is so widespread, they just encompass as much as possible. And the integral part of the - the precious part, so to speak - I guess all land is precious, but the part that the people uniformly would not want to spoil, will not be despoiled. But there are parts of the monument lands where we can explore without affecting the overall environment.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
I'm also honored to be here with the speaker of the House - just happens to be from the state of Illinois. I'd like to describe the speaker as a trustworthy man. He's the kind of fellow who says when he gives you his word he means it. Sometimes that doesn't happen all the time in the political process.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
It's good to see so many friends here in the Rose Garden. This is our first event in this beautiful spot, and it's appropriate we talk about policy that will affect people's lives in a positive way in such a beautiful, beautiful part of our national - really, our national park system, my guess is you would want to call it.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Beautiful
Image of George W. Bush
The budget caps were busted, mightily so. And we are reviewing with people like Judd Gregg from New Hampshire and others some budgetary reform measures that will reinstate - you know, possibly reinstate budgetary discipline. But the caps no longer - the caps, I guess they're there. But they didn't mean much.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
Then I went for a run with the other dog and just walked. And I started thinking about a lot of things. I was able to - I can't remember what it was. Oh, the inaugural speech, started thinking through that.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Running
Image of George W. Bush
Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Country
Image of George W. Bush
If he's - the inference is that somehow he thinks slavery is a - is a noble institution I would - I would strongly reject that assumption - that John Ashcroft is a openminded, inclusive person.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is going to be an assignment.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor