George W. Bush

Image of George W. Bush
I faced a lot of criticism as president. I didn't like hearing people claim that I lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or cut taxes to benefit the rich. But the suggestion that I was racist because of the response to Katrina represented an all-time low.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Cutting
Image of George W. Bush
Get ready; if the Democrats take the House, your taxes are going up.
- George W. Bush
Collection: House
Image of George W. Bush
I was the Commander in Chief with men and women in combat. And the idea of trying to agonize in public or show weakness would have demoralized them.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Men
Image of George W. Bush
Today, we're fighting a new war to defend our liberty and our people and our way of life. And as we work to advance the cause of freedom around the world, we remember that the father of our country believed that the freedoms we secured in our revolution were not meant for Americans alone.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Country
Image of George W. Bush
One of the things that I will have ended my public service time with is a group of friends, a lot of friends. And I want to stay in touch with them and there's no better way to communicate with them than through email.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Email
Image of George W. Bush
I will reach out to others and explain why I make the decisions I make.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Decision
Image of George W. Bush
The German asparagus are fabulous.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Asparagus
Image of George W. Bush
Not over my dead body will they raise your taxes.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Body
Image of George W. Bush
Our long-term security depends on our deep faith in liberty. And we'll continue to promote freedom around the world.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Long
Image of George W. Bush
Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of George W. Bush
Nobody's ever suggested that the attacks of September the 11th were ordered by Iraq. I have suggested, however, that resentment and the lack of hope create the breeding grounds for terrorists who are willing to use suiciders to kill, to achieve an objective. I have made that case.
- George W. Bush
Collection: September
Image of George W. Bush
My attitude is that when we put a youngster in harm's way, somebody who wears our nation's uniform in harm's way, he or she deserves the absolute best.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Attitude
Image of George W. Bush
Look at other countries that have tried to have federally controlled health care. They have poor-quality health care. Our health-care system is the envy of the world because we believe in making sure that the decisions are made by doctors and patients, not by officials in the nation's capital.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Country
Image of George W. Bush
The terrorists believe that free societies are essentially corrupt and decadent and, with a few hard blows, they can force us to retreat. They are mistaken.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Believe
Image of George W. Bush
Where we find young democracies, we need to help them. Where we find the enemy, we need to fight them. And that's exactly the Bush policy.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Fighting
Image of George W. Bush
You've got to be pretty hopeless to become a suicide bomber.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Suicide
Image of George W. Bush
[Strong marriage] starts with being married to a remarkable person. And I am. I jokingly say that I stood up in front of a crowd once and said, "Laura's the greatest first lady ever," and then realized my mother was in the audience.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mother
Image of George W. Bush
In terms of what people think about me, the truth of the matter is, I guess I care to a certain extent, but not enough to try to go out in the public and plead for some kind of new understanding of me.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
I served. And now it's time for the new man to serve. I have zero desire to be in the limelight.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Zero
Image of George W. Bush
Sometimes armchair quarterbacks are doing it to enhance their own image. I'm just not comfortable with that idea.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Ideas
Image of George W. Bush
It's kind of the Washington, D.C., chattering class. They kind of talk amongst themselves.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Class
Image of George W. Bush
In terms of trying to re-create an image, I think that's a waste of time. I have no interest in doing that. The decisions I made are done.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
The decisions I made are done. And history will judge whether or not they were correct. There's no such thing as accurate short-term history.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Judging
Image of George W. Bush
I'm comfortable that I made the best decisions I possibly could.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Decision
Image of George W. Bush
I regret that we weren't able to reform Social Security. The fact that we weren't able to when we had majorities in the House and the Senate I think reflected poorly on our political party.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Regret
Image of George W. Bush
People expect those in authority to take on big problems and to solve them. We had an opportunity to reform Social Security in a way that would have protected people's benefits and created a solvent system. Younger workers would be confident that the money they were putting into the system would be available to them when they retired. It was a missed opportunity. I regret that.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Regret
Image of George W. Bush
[The economic crisis ] gave people the option to put money into private accounts.
- George W. Bush
Collection: People
Image of George W. Bush
I believe the world would have been a lot worse off if Saddam [Hussein] were in power today.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Believe
Image of George W. Bush
I thought Colin Powell did a fine job as secretary of state.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
I believe that people want to be free. And that we face an enemy that murders innocent people to try to shake our psychology to get us to leave.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Believe
Image of George W. Bush
I try to live a faith-filled life. I'm a believer.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Trying
Image of George W. Bush
We had a shared experience. That makes a good marriage better. In many ways our marriage is great because she has made it great.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Way
Image of George W. Bush
It's exciting for me to see [Laura Bush] busy and out there enjoying what she's doing. But we always make time to be with each other as well.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Busy
Image of George W. Bush
I think for Laura [Bush] it was kind of a sense of remorse because she is very close to the girls. They're busy little souls, and so we don't see them as much as we'd like to. But Laura talks to them all the time.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Girl
Image of George W. Bush
I think I'm the only president other than John Kennedy who had both parents alive during the presidency.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
I'm not that worried about [my parents] right now because they are happy people. I'm pleased that in their later years, in spite of physical ailments, they're upbeat.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Years
Image of George W. Bush
First of all, you never retire. At least I don't retire.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Firsts
Image of George W. Bush
In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Iraq
Image of George W. Bush
Fighting evil, it's hard work.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Hard Work
Image of George W. Bush
There's just something about this job as president every president faces, you know, that you think one thing going in and then the pressures of the job or the realities of the world, you know, are different than you thought.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
I think soft power definitely can work. But, you know, it depends on who you're dealing with. Some people are so intent upon power and keeping power that it's very difficult to conduct soft power.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Thinking
Image of George W. Bush
We have a strong and vital role to play in Iraq, and we certainly cannot leave a vacuum for the insurgents to take over. We are engaged in a conflict from which America cannot afford to cut and run. We must be steadfast in this endeavor, upon which depends not only our future but that of the entire modern world.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Running
Image of George W. Bush
Through my Faith-Based and Community Initiative, my Administration continues to encourage the essential work of faith-based and community organizations. Governments can and should support effective social services, including those provided by religious people and organizations. When government gives that support, it is important that faith-based institutions not be forced to change their religious character.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Religious
Image of George W. Bush
We've got a cultural issue in America. We've got to change the whole way the issue is looked at. That's the mission. Some in the political process don't have enough patience for that, and I probably don't either.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
Our priorities is our faith.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
We will allow private and religious groups to compete to provide services in every federal, state and local social program.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Religious
Image of George W. Bush
Our new faith-based laws have removed government as a roadblock to people of faith who hear the call.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Humor
Image of George W. Bush
We should - we will - welcome people of faith into the political process... It is essential that believers enter the arena. Your involvement in politics helps determine how well our democracy works. We have finally learned that government programs cannot solve our problems. Government can hand out money, but government cannot put hope in our hearts or a sense of purpose in our lives.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Heart
Image of George W. Bush
I've heard the call. I believe God wants me to run for president.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Running