Top Mass Destruction Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Mass Destruction quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Michael Parenti
With each newly minted crisis, US leaders roll out the same time-tested scenario. They start demonizing a foreign leader ... charging them with being communistic or otherwise dictatorial, dangerously aggressive, power hungry, genocidal, given to terrorism or drug trafficking, ready to deny us access to vital resources, harboring weapons of mass destruction, or just inexplicably "anti-American" and "anti-West." Lacking any information to the contrary, the frightened public ... are swept along.
- Michael Parenti
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Evo Morales
In Iraq, [American administration] said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction endangering mankind. With this pretext, the U.S. intervened militarily, and all they did is take control over oil fields, and oil wells.
- Evo Morales
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of George Packer
This is why mustard gas is such a danger or any weapon of mass destruction is such a dangerous thing because it - it's victims become everyone in the end.
- George Packer
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of James L. Jones
I worry most about proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in such a way that they could be acquired by non-governmental organizations, like terrorist groups, especially the radical groups. When a nation state has a nuclear weapon, it's a little bit easier to control the use of it, but for non-governmental groups it's much more difficult.
- James L. Jones
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Manmohan Acharya
The wheel of Time wrote the first half of the poetry of mass destruction on the black board of the ashes of a funeral ground by dint of a pair of pens of nuclear bombs.
- Manmohan Acharya
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Joseph Lowery
We've got nearly 50 million people in America with no health insurance. That's a weapon of mass destruction.
- Joseph Lowery
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Phillip Adams
The events of September 11 were carried out by people armed not with weapons of mass destruction, but with blades you can buy at a newsagent
- Phillip Adams
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Kenny Ausubel
The greatest weapon of mass destruction is corporate economic globalization.
- Kenny Ausubel
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Nadine Dorries
Tridents (sic) are not weapons of mass destruction.
- Nadine Dorries
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Ari Fleischer
The president of the United States and the secretary of defense would not assert as plainly and bluntly as they have that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction if it was not true, and if they did not have a solid basis for saying it.
- Ari Fleischer
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Laurence Silberman
The intelligence community's 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) stated, in a formal presentation to President Bush and to Congress, its view that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction - a belief in which the NIE said it held a 90% level of confidence. That is about as certain as the intelligence community gets on any subject.
- Laurence Silberman
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Laurence Silberman
The intelligence community was absolutely uniform and uniformly wrong about the existence of weapons of mass destruction (in Iraq).
- Laurence Silberman
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Haim Harari
Bombs take hours or days to reach every corner of the earth. Words arrive instantly and kill more people. They are a weapon of mass destruction.
- Haim Harari
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Jose Maria Aznar
Not acting to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction is neither politically nor morally acceptable.
- Jose Maria Aznar
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Saddam Hussein
We do not have weapons of mass destruction.
- Saddam Hussein
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Guy Lawson
The biggest weapon of mass destruction in history is the AK-47, not Iranian nuclear weapons.
- Guy Lawson
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Cynthia McKinney
Silence is the deadliest weapon of mass destruction.
- Cynthia McKinney
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Nancy Pelosi
That's why they (the Bush administration) had to make up that story about weapons of mass destruction. Because that was the only thing that would sell to the American people, and that wasn't true.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Nancy Pelosi
I come to this debate, Mr. Speaker, as one at the end of 10 years in office on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction was one of my top priorities. I applaud the President on focusing on this issue and on taking the lead to disarm Saddam Hussein... Others have talked about this threat that is posed by Saddam Hussein. Yes, he has chemical weapons, he has biological weapons, he is trying to get nuclear weapons.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Tony Blair
I have absolutely no doubt at all that we will find evidence of weapons of mass destruction programmes.
- Tony Blair
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of John Bolton
The European arguments against the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act demonstrate that "some Europeans have never lost faith in appeasement as a way of life. It is clear that Iran is cynically manipulating gullible (or equally cynical) Europeans to advance its development of weapons of mass destruction.
- John Bolton
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Colin Powell
He (Saddam Hussein) has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbours.
- Colin Powell
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Stephenie Meyer
If we could bottle your luck, we'd have a weapon of mass destruction on our hands.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Tony Blair
Saddam Hussein's regime is despicable, he is developing weapons of mass destruction, and we cannot leave him doing so unchecked. He is a threat to his own people and to the region and, if allowed to develop these weapons, a threat to us also.
- Tony Blair
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Tony Blair
As I have said throughout, I have no doubt that they will find the clearest possible evidence of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.
- Tony Blair
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Colin Powell
Change of regime with respect to Iraq had nothing to do with this; it had everything to do with the fact that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And at the time change in regime as a policy came into effect in 1998, it was seen as the only way to compel Iraq to get rid of its weapons of mass destruction.
- Colin Powell
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Fred Thompson
China is one of the world's greatest proliferators of weapons of mass destruction to these rogue nations
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of George W. Bush
Any outlaw regime that has ties to terrorist groups or seeks to possess weapons of mass destruction is a grave danger to the civilised world and will be confronted.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of George W. Bush
Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Michael Scheuer
Well, the next attack in the United States will be larger than 9/11. And there's no doubt that if they have a weapon of mass destruction, they'll use it.
- Michael Scheuer
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Jimmy Carter
There was promulgation of false propaganda by the administration about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There was promulgation of false propaganda about Iraq as a base for Al Qaeda.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Dick Cheney
The biggest threat we face is the possibility of terrorist groups like al Qaeda equipped with weapons of mass destruction, with nukes, bugs or gas. That was the threat after 9/11 and when we took down Saddam Hussein we eliminated Iraq as a potential source of that.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of George W. Bush
Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Dick Cheney
America has shown we are serious about removing the threat of weapons of mass destruction... We now know that Saddam Hussein had the capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction.... We know he had the necessary infrastructure because we found the labs and the dual-use facilities that could be used for these chemical and biological agents. We know that he was developing the delivery systems - ballistic missiles - that had been prohibited by the United Nations.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Krista Tippett
Einstein believed deeply that science should transcend national and ethnic divisions. But he watched physicists and chemists become the purveyors of weapons of mass destruction in the early 20th century.
- Krista Tippett
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of George W. Bush
We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge. We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Deepak Chopra
Weapons of mass destruction are always in the wrong hands.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Jacques Chirac
As far as France is concerned, we are ready to envisage everything that can be done under UNSCR 1441. [...] But I repeat that every possibility offered by the present resolution must be explored, that there are a lot of them and they still leave us with a lot of leeway when it comes to ways of achieving the objective of eliminating any weapons of mass destruction which may exist in Iraq. I'd like nevertheless to note that, as things stand at the moment, I have, to my knowledge, no indisputable proof in this sphere.
- Jacques Chirac
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of George W. Bush
The biggest threat facing America is terrorists with weapons of mass destruction.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of George W. Bush
North Korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Noam Chomsky
The number of people killed by the sanctions in Iraq is greater than the total number of people killed by all weapons of mass destruction in all of history.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Richard Armitage
Our President feels, and apparently many in the United Nations Security Council feel, that it is necessary to disarm Iraq before Iraq can again use weapons of mass destruction on her neighbors or she makes some liaison with terrorists who will use these weapons either against Iraq's neighbors or ourselves.
- Richard Armitage
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Obviously some states are allowed to have weapons of mass destruction while others are not.
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Louise Erdrich
I want to remember what bullshit looks like when weapons of mass destruction are diagrammed out and whacko "intelligence" is delivered in an ominous way to strike fear into people and especially to pull on the idealism and zeal of the young.
- Louise Erdrich
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Christopher Dodd
There is no question that Iraq possesses biological and chemical weapons and that he [Saddam Hussein] seeks to acquire additional weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. That is not in debate. I also agree with President Bush that Saddam Hussein is a threat to peace and must be disarmed, to quote President Bush directly.
- Christopher Dodd
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of John F. Kennedy
The Kennedy Administration's public pronouncements on the matter suggested that the presence of Soviet nuclear missiles in Castro's Cuba would represent an unacceptable strategic threat to the United States. . . . This urgent transformation of Cuba into an important strategic base - by the presence of these large, long-range, and clearly offensive weapons of sudden mass-destruction - constitutes an explicit threat to the peace and security of all the Americas. . . .
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of E. A. Bucchianeri
Abortion should be listed as a weapon of mass destruction against the voiceless.
- E. A. Bucchianeri
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of John F. Kerry
We must recognize that there is no indication that Saddam Hussein has any intention of relenting. So we have an obligation of enormous consequence, an obligation to guarantee that Saddam Hussein cannot ignore the United Nations. He cannot be permitted to go unobserved and unimpeded toward his horrific objective of amassing a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction.
- John F. Kerry
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Derrick Jensen
If we hope to stem the mass destruction that inevitably attends our economic system (and to alter the sense of entitlement - the sense of contempt, the hatred - on which it is based), fundamental historical, social, economic, and technological forces need to be pondered, understood, and redirected. Behavior won't change much without a fundamental change in consciousness. The question becomes: How do we change consciousness?
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Mass Destruction
Image of Dennis Kucinich
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction.
- Dennis Kucinich
Collection: Mass Destruction