Evangeline Lilly

Image of Evangeline Lilly
I changed jobs like I changed shirts. It was something I just like to do - I like trying my hand at everything.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I think men don't know what they want, so the idea of not knowing what they're getting makes it a little easier on them.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Men
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I don't have the educated knowledge of what textures, colors, shapes and spaces need to be put together to make something just right. I'm learning it by trial and error, which is something that's slow going.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Space
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Truthfully, I love being in the jungle. I love it when the make-up artists come to set, they come equipped with dirt and sweat. I spend my days climbing trees and I can crawl out of bed and walk on set and that's exactly all I have to look like.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Artist
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Nature inspires us. Not being able to reach out and touch it, or see it, makes me get really antsy.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Inspire
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I have to have nature around me. I love the earth and this insanely beautiful creation that we live in. I just think it's to be marveled at and appreciated. It gives us life.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I tended to be a solitary young girl, and I still am. I would like to find a quiet corner and color in my coloring book. When I think back, I made that corner mine, not really caring about the rest of the house.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Girl
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Ironically, when I hit adolescence, I was approached about modeling and acting all the time. And, for five years, I said, "No, I'm not interested. I want a simple life, I don't want to be in the spotlight."
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Simple
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I don't know why, but the warmth and the comfort of flickering light help. And a fire, in the fireplace or on the beach, is very comforting. I think when you make something consistent and familiar, it helps. I light candles every single night in my home.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Beach
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I cried myself to sleep wishing I was ugly because men leered and disrespected me.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Love
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I love my home. It's the only thing I really spend money on. I don't really spend a lot of money on anything else. No fancy cars. No designer clothes.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Home
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I like fantasy. I like worlds where sometimes you need the special effects to make it come alive, but it's not so fun acting it.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Fun
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Diets are a fool’s errand. I eat something sweet every day, whether it’s chocolate or a cookie. If I don’t, I guarantee you that there’s going to be a day every week when I’m going to stuff myself, especially if it’s PMS time.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Sweet
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I just like short hair on women, I think it's cool. And I have wanted to cut my hair for very many years, but being on contract with a television show for six years prevents you from doing that, and then being on contract with a cosmetic endorsement campaign prevents you from doing that again. So for eight years, I've had to have long, flowing locks. And I was just so sick and tired of long, flowing locks, so I chopped them.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Tired
Image of Evangeline Lilly
My character is different from all of the Elves you've met before, in that she's really young. And I keep telling journalists this because I've really focused on that in my performance. I'm trying to distinguish her from all of these incredibly sage and wise Elves that have lived for thousands of years.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Wise
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I like ambiguity. I think it's so much more interesting to play than an overtly good or an overtly evil person.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Thinking
Image of Evangeline Lilly
People initially think I'm a snob because I'm intensely private.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Thinking
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I read every single letter. Some just break my heart. I've cried over letters that have come in, from young women and older women alike, saying to me, "You know, you made me want to stop crash dieting and just be healthy. You are my role model. I want to be like you."
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Heart
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I actually write as a passion, as something I actually am more passionate about than acting.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Passion
Image of Evangeline Lilly
There's a massive part of me that can be bold and courageous...very strong and very assertive and independent, almost to a fault sometimes.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Strong
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I am so glad that I get to maintain a relatively down-to-earth lifestyle.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Earth
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I eventually want to come back to Canada, to disappear, have nobody know me, and just be a writer and do what I want to do.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Want
Image of Evangeline Lilly
To impress me, a guy has to be completely unaffected by my presence. If he wants to talk to me, talk to me; if he doesn't, don't.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Guy
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Even though I'm resting I'm accomplishing something by sewing that shirt that I've been meaning to sew for weeks. And it's relaxing. It's so very meditative and quiet and enjoyable. But at least I'm producing something. I'm being productive in some way. I have a very hard time being completely idle.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Hard Times
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I'm surrounded by people who care about me and love me. I have a great job. I have wonderful roommates who take care of me. I have a family who adores me.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I just like short hair on women; I think its cool.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Thinking