Evangeline Lilly

Image of Evangeline Lilly
My son is wonderful. He is amazing.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
We're not going to protect the Earth the way we need to protect it if we don't stop making so many babies.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I love getting older!
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I'm a bit of a pick-pocket on-set. If something is small enough to go in my pocket, and it will be neat memorabilia, it's gone.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
On 'Ant-Man', I took a rubber stamp from the office of Hank Pym, who's played by Michael Douglas.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I dance around my living room to cheesy '80s aerobics music until I'm sweating really hard!
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Walking is a very underestimated exercise in North America. It's all run hard, lift weights and push your body, but walking is wonderful for elongating the body and posture.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
If one day a TV series comes into my head, and that is what I want to write, I'll write it. It just depends what story is in my brain at the time.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
There are so many reasons why, for me, writing is superior to acting. One of them is anonymity. Writers can live relatively normal lives.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I just don't think that a lot of the time the messages we send kids prepare them for real life.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Wonder Woman was my favorite superhero as a little girl. I still have a huge girl crush on Wonder Woman; I think she's amazing.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I don't want to shield kids from reality.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I see kids and young adults walking the streets of L.A. with this enormous sense of entitlement, who seem to think that if they are basically good people and pay their bills, then the world will be good back to them. And I think life isn't always like that.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Believe me, there is nothing more rewarding than making Peter Jackson chuckle.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I love to dance. Don't get me started, because you will never get me to stop.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
For a human audience, seeing things that are slightly more otherworldly and beyond human power is always really fun and exciting to watch.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I think of the 'Hobbit' films as being films for the family.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
If you go back to, say, the Brothers Grimm or Roald Dahl, you see so much darkness in children's material.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I don't want to just model. Anyone can do that. I've let myself be in magazines in the past without participating as much as I should have.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
It would be amazing to play Sylvia Plath. She was so dark, and what came out of her writing was troubled and fierce. The dimensions, levels, layers and levels would be incredible to take on.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I am an opportunist. When opportunities come, and I see them serving my grander goals in life, I take them.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I've been astounded to discover how good to their teams and crew that Marvel are. They're so collaborative, so smart with their stories. They have rich, dynamic characters which are so much fun to play.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
If I went for too long without writing, I would start to feel like something inside me was dying.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
It is a very frustrating thing to be the face of a creative project and yet essentially have zero creative control over that project. Essentially, you're a pawn in the system.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I do love 'Star Wars,' although I'm not one of those crazy fans who knows everything about everyone.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
There are some 'Star Treks' I love, and there are some I don't love.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
It's a surprisingly sacrificial job being an actor.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I'm a bit delusional, but every time I do a job, I think I'm retired.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I spent a lot of time in the clouds. Becoming a mother has really helped me put my feet on the ground and given me a very powerful sense of self and a powerful sense of priority in life.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
After about five hours of pushing, my midwife and my birthing assistant said, 'You know, we have a few suggestions.' And I was like, 'Really? After five hours of pushing you have a few suggestions? You couldn't have told me five minutes in?'
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Saying 'no' is not hard for me; it's scarier for me to say 'yes.' I'm actually more afraid of commitment than of saying 'no.'
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
When I was 14 years old, I was crazy about Dr. Seuss. I loved the words he made up, and I just thought, 'Well, if he can make up words, then I can make up words.'
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
By rights, I should be an out-of-work actress because I just don't want it as badly as some people want it.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I'm not a highly social person. I'm a highly productive person.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Your mind and soul are the kings of your physique way more than any exercise you do.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Diets are a fool's errand.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
Everyone thinks they can cure stress by adding to their schedule, like going to yoga. Oh, great - one more thing to feel guilty about when you can't do it.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
My partner doesn't read. He's not illiterate - he just chooses not to read - and I love reading. I'm obsessed with reading.
- Evangeline Lilly
Image of Evangeline Lilly
It's not your circumstances that make or break your day. It's your attitude!
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Attitude
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I have these huge, pointed ears. They're like three times the size of Orlando Bloom's ears. And I think he has ear envy, I love my ears.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Thinking
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I love the creative end of acting. But I hate fame.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Hate
Image of Evangeline Lilly
The way I've been able to embrace fame is by realizing that celebrity is just a means to send whatever message you want out into the world.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Mean
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I wasn't actually going to see the original film [Lord of the Ring], because I didn't think it was possible that a film could represent the books appropriately. So I was protesting, and I wasn't going to see them. And then my family all took a jaunt together, the entire family, to see the movies, and were like, "What, you're just going to stay home?" So I saw the movies and was thoroughly impressed that Peter Jackson managed to make my vision of the book come to life, as well as my sister's and my father's, and my aunt's and my uncle's, everyone's.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Uncles
Image of Evangeline Lilly
There is a little bit of evil in all of us, and it's very easy to draw that out.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Evil
Image of Evangeline Lilly
My valentine is always my dad.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Dad
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I try my very hardest to remember that I don't have to be anything but Evangeline. That's all that's expected of me. And if I try to be more or less, I will fall flat on my face. So if I just continue to hold my head high and keep myself in check, I'm being who I was born to be.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Fall
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I think I'm not always what I seem.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Thinking
Image of Evangeline Lilly
I'm very proud of being a woman, and as a woman, I don't even like the word feminism because when I hear that word, I associate it with women trying to pretend to be men, and I'm not interested in trying to pretend to be a man. I don't want to embrace manhood, I want to embrace my womanhood.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Men
Image of Evangeline Lilly
You can't have a movie with a group of people that are significant players in the story, that push forward the plot, without introducing at least one or two of them.
- Evangeline Lilly
Collection: Player