Elizabeth Bowen

Image of Elizabeth Bowen
It is in this unearthly first hour of spring twilight that earth's almost agonized livingness is most felt. This hour is so dreadful to some people that they hurry indoors and turn on the lights.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Spring
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
All my life I have said, "Whatever happens there will always be tables and chairs"--and what a mistake.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: War
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
First love, with its frantic haughty imagination, swings its object clear of the everyday, over the rut of living, making him all looks, silences, gestures, attitudes, a burning phrase with no context.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Attitude
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
the slight sense of degeneracy induced by reading novels before luncheon
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Reading
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Solitary and farouche people don't have relationships; they are quite unrelatable. If you and I were capable of being altogether house-trained and made jolly, we should be nicer people, but not writers.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: People
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
... a novel survives because of its basic truthfulness, its having within it something general and universal, and a quality of imaginative perception which applies just as much now as it did in the fifty or hundred or two hundred years since the novel came to life.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Truth
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
... in nine out of ten cases the original wish to write is the wish to make oneself felt[ellipsis in source] the non-essential writer never gets past that wish.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Nothing, that is say no one, can be such an inexorable tour-conductor as one's own conscience or sense of duty, if one allows either the upper hand: the self-bullying that goes on in the name of sight-seeing is grievous.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Bullying
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
... in general, the Anglo-Irish do not make good dancers; they are too spritely and conscious; they are incapable of one kind of trance or of being seemingly impersonal. And, for the formal, pure dance they lack the formality: about their stylishness (for they have stylishness) there is something impromptu, slightly disorderly.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Dance
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
... love dreads being isolated, being left to speak in a void -- at the beginning it would often rather listen than speak.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Void
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Princess Bibesco delighted in a semi-ideal world - a world which, though having a counterpart in her experience, was to a great extent brought into being by her own temperament and, one might say, flair.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Princess
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
In big houses in which things are done properly, there is always the religious element. The diurnal cycle is observed with more feeling when there are servants to do the work.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Religious
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
On the subject of dress almost no one, for one or another reason, feels truly indifferent: if their own clothes do not concern them, somebody else's do.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Clothes
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Makes of men date, like makes of car.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Men
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
rudeness to Mrs. Dosely was like dropping a pat of butter on to a hot plate - it slid and melted away.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Hot
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Almost everyone admits to hunger during the Opera.... Hunger is so exalting that during a last act you practically levitate.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Opera
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
As a novelist, I cannot occupy myself with "characters," or at any rate central ones, who lack panache, in one or another sense, who would be incapable of a major action or a major passion, or who have not a touch of the ambiguity, the ultimate unaccountability, the enlarging mistiness of persons "in history." History, as more austerely I now know it, is not romantic. But I am.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Passion
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Imagination of my kind is most caught, most fired, most worked upon by the unfamiliar: I have thrivenon the changes and chances, the dislocations andcontrasts which have made up so much of my life.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Change
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Dress has never been at all a straightforward business: so much subterranean interest and complex feeling attaches to it. As a topic ... it has a flowery head but deep roots in the passion. On the subject of dress almost no one, for one or another reason, feels truly indifferent: if their own clothes do not concern them, somebody else's do. ... Ten minutes talk about clothes (except between perfect friends) tends to make everyone present either overbearing, guarded or touchy.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Passion
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Sins cut boldly up through every class in society, but mere misdemeanours show a certain level in life.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Short Life
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
...there must be something she wanted; and that therefore she was no lady.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Wanted
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
No, it is not only our fate but our business to lose innocence, and once we have lost that, it is futile to attempt a picnic in Eden.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Fate
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Each piece of dialogue MUST be "something happening". . .The "amusing" for its OWN sake should above all be censored. . .The functional use of dialogue for the plot must be the first thing in the writer's mind. Where functional usefulness cannot be established, dialogue must be left out.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Mind
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
every short story is an experiment - what one must ask is not only, did it come off, but was it, as an experiment, worth making?
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Stories
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
When I read a story, I relive the moment from which it sprang. A scene burned itself into me, a building magnetized me, a mood orseason of Nature's penetrated me, history suddenly appeared to me in some tiny act, or a face had begun to haunt me before I glanced at it.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Live In The Moment
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
the process of reading is reciprocal; the book is no more than a formula, to be furnished out with images out of the reader's mind.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Book
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
One can suffer a convulsion of one's entire nature, and, unless it makes some noise, no one notices. It's not just that we are incurious; we completely lack any sense of each other's existences.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Suffering
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
very young people are true but not resounding instruments.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: People
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
nobody ever dies of an indignity.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Embarrassment
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Revenge was a very wild kind of justice.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Revenge
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
After inside upheavals, it is important to fix on imperturbable things. Their imperturbableness, their air that nothing has happened renews our guarantee.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Air
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Sacrificers are not the ones to pity. The ones to pity are those they sacrifice.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Sacrifice
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
We desert those who desert us; we cannot afford to suffer; we must live how we can.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Survival
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Writers do not find subjects; subjects find them.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Subjects
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Convention was our safeguard: could one have stronger?
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Stronger
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Sport and death are the two great socializing factors in Ireland.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Sports
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Bring all your intelligence to bear on your beginning.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
We have really no absent friends.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Absence
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
History is not a book, arbitrarily divided into chapters, or a drama chopped into separate acts; it has flowed forward. Rome is a continuity, called 'eternal.' What has accumulated in this place acts on everyone, day and night, like an extra climate.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Drama
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Curiosity in Rome is a form of courtesy.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Rome
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
But complex people are never certain that they are not crooks, never certain their passports are quite in order, and are, therefore, unnerved by the slightest thing.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Order
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
It is not our exalted feelings, it is our sentiments that build the necessary home.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Home
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Love of privacy - perhaps because of the increasing exactions of society - has become in many people almost pathological.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: People
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Dogs are a habit, I think.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Funny
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
But in general, for the purposes of most novelists, the number of objects genuinely necessary for. . .describing a scene will be found to be very small.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Numbers
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Temperamentally, the writer exists on happenings, on contacts, conflicts, action and reaction, speed, pressure, tension. Were he acontemplative purely, he would not write.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
...though one can be callous in Ireland one cannot be wholly opaque or material. An unearthly disturbance works in the spirit; reason can never reconcile one to life; nothing allays the wants one cannot explain.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Opaque
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Some ideas, like dandelions in lawns, strike tenaciously: you may pull off the top but the root remains, drives down suckers and may even sprout again.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Ideas
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
But surely love wouldn't get so much talked about if there were not something in it?
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Love