E. W. Howe

Image of E. W. Howe
When I am idle and shiftless, my affairs become confused; when I work, I get results ... not great results, but enough to encourage me.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Confused
Image of E. W. Howe
I express many absurd opinions. But I am not the first man to do it; American freedom consists largely in talking nonsense.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
The only thing some people do is get older.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Inspirational
Image of E. W. Howe
A conquered foe should be watched.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Enemy
Image of E. W. Howe
When a man diets, he eats oatmeal in addition to everything else he usually eats.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
There must be some good in the cocktail party to account for its immense vogue among otherwise sane people.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Party
Image of E. W. Howe
People tolerate those they fear further than those they love.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: People
Image of E. W. Howe
As a man handles his troubles during the day, so he goes to bed at night a General, Captain, or Private.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Night
Image of E. W. Howe
No man can smile in the face of adversity and mean it.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Smile
Image of E. W. Howe
No man is smart, except by comparison to those who know less
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Smart
Image of E. W. Howe
How good we all are, in theory, to the old; and how in fact we wish them to wander off like old dogs, die without bothering us, and bury themselves.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Dog
Image of E. W. Howe
Everyone hates a martyr; it's no wonder martyrs were burned at the stake.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Hate
Image of E. W. Howe
Half the promises people say were never kept, were never made.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Keeping Promises
Image of E. W. Howe
A man should be taller, older, heavier, uglier, and hoarser than his wife.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Marriage
Image of E. W. Howe
If you want to know how old a woman is . . . ask her sister-in-law.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Humorous
Image of E. W. Howe
Don't be crazy to do a lot of things you can't do.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Crazy
Image of E. W. Howe
No man has all the wisdom in the world; everyone has some.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Wisdom
Image of E. W. Howe
The only gambling tip which amounts to anything is to keep out of the game.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Gambling
Image of E. W. Howe
Some people never have anything except ideals.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: People
Image of E. W. Howe
There is something in the red of a raspberry pie that looks as good to a man as the red in a sheep looks to a wolf.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Food
Image of E. W. Howe
Probably no man ever had a friend that he did not dislike a little.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Friendship
Image of E. W. Howe
To avoid mistakes and regrets, always consult your wife before engaging in a flirtation.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Marriage
Image of E. W. Howe
Nearly every lawsuit is an insult to the intelligence of both plaintiff and defendant.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Insult
Image of E. W. Howe
Indignation does no good unless it is backed with a club of sufficient size to awe the opposition.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Doe
Image of E. W. Howe
We are not free, it was not intended we should be. A book of rules is placed in our cradle, and we never get rid of it until we reach our graves. Then we are free, and only then.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Freedom
Image of E. W. Howe
The most agreeable thing in life is worthy accomplishment. It is not possible that the idle tramp is as contented as the farmers along the road who own their own farms, and whose credit is good at the bank in town. When the tramps get together at night, they abuse the farmers, but do not get as much satisfaction out of it as do the farmers who abuse the tramps. The sounder your argument, the more satisfaction you get out of it.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Night
Image of E. W. Howe
You can't do anything unless you do it yourself. And usually you can't do it yourself very well.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Do It Yourself
Image of E. W. Howe
A poem is no place for an idea.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Ideas
Image of E. W. Howe
About all some men accomplish in life is to send a son to Harvard.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Education
Image of E. W. Howe
Most people have seen worse things in private than they pretend to be shocked at in public.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: People
Image of E. W. Howe
It is your enemies who keep you straight. For real use one active, sneering enemy is worth two ordinary friends.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Hate
Image of E. W. Howe
No scheme pays as well as legitimate business.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Pay
Image of E. W. Howe
A women could never be President. A condidate must be over 35, and where are you going to find a woman who will admit she's over 35?
- E. W. Howe
Collection: President
Image of E. W. Howe
A loafer never works except when there is a fire; then he will carry out more furniture than anybody.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Motivation
Image of E. W. Howe
Men are virtuous because women are; women are virtuous from necessity.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
Most of us are either too think to enjoy eating, or too fat to enjoy walking.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Food
Image of E. W. Howe
What is common sense? That which attracts the least opposition that which brings most agreeable and worthy results.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Common Sense
Image of E. W. Howe
When you can't do anything else to a boy, you can make him wash his face.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Boys
Image of E. W. Howe
Express a mean opinion of yourself occasionally; it will show your friends that you know how to tell the truth.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Mean
Image of E. W. Howe
When I get hold of a book I particularly admire, I am so enthusiastic that I loan it to someone who never brings it back.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Book
Image of E. W. Howe
Honesty is largely a matter of information, of knowing that dishonesty is a mistake. Principle is not as powerful in keeping people straight as a policeman.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Honesty
Image of E. W. Howe
If you have sense enough to realize why flies gather around a restaurant, you should be able to appreciate why men run for office.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Running
Image of E. W. Howe
Success does not mean happiness: it means an unusual number of industrious enemies.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Success
Image of E. W. Howe
I believe in grumbling; it is the politest form of fighting known.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Believe
Image of E. W. Howe
A reasonable probability is the only certainty.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Motivational
Image of E. W. Howe
A woman does not spend all her time in buying things; she spends part of it in taking them back.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Women
Image of E. W. Howe
Reading is like permitting a man to talk a long time, and refusing you the right to answer.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Reading
Image of E. W. Howe
Nothing tires a man more than to be grateful all the time.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Appreciation
Image of E. W. Howe
There is no such thing as a convincing argument, although every man thinks he has one.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men