E. W. Howe

Image of E. W. Howe
Everyone suffers wrongs for which there is no remedy.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
Many people would be more truthful were it not for their uncontrollable desire to talk.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
When men are not regretting that life is so short, they are doing something to kill time.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
All of the troubles that some people have in life is that which they married into.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
Virtue must be valuable, if men and women of all degrees pretend to have it.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
Americans detest all lies except lies spoken in public or printed lies.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
A theory is no more like a fact than a photograph is like a person.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
For every quarrel a man and wife have before others, they have a hundred when alone.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
The average man's judgment is so poor, he runs a risk every time he uses it.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
Fishing seems to be the favorite form of loafing.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
If a woman doesn't chase a man a little, she doesn't love him.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
There is only one thing people like that is good for them; a good night's sleep.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
Farmers only worry during the growing season, but townspeople worry all the time.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
The underdog often starts the fight, and occasionally the upper dog deserves to win.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
When a man is trying to sell you something, don't imagine that he is polite all the time.
- E. W. Howe
Image of E. W. Howe
The way out of trouble is never as simple as the way in
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Simple
Image of E. W. Howe
The more wealth a man has, the louder his children talk.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Children
Image of E. W. Howe
A man forgets his good luck next day, but remembers his bad luck until next year.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Good Luck
Image of E. W. Howe
Good manners do more for a man that good looks.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
There is only one thing for a man to do who is married to a woman who enjoys spending money, and that is to enjoy earning it.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Marriage
Image of E. W. Howe
Everyone suffers wrongs for which there is no remedy
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Suffering
Image of E. W. Howe
The government is mainly an expensive organization to regulate evildoers, and tax those who behave: government does little for fairly respectable people except annoy them.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Government
Image of E. W. Howe
A successful man cannot realize how hard an unsuccessful man finds life.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Success
Image of E. W. Howe
Most people put off till tomorrow that which they should have done yesterday.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Should Have
Image of E. W. Howe
It is a matter of regret that many low, mean suspicions turn out to be well founded.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Regret
Image of E. W. Howe
A man has a right to think lots of things he has no right to say.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
At first a woman doesn't want anything but a husband, but as soon as gets one, she wants everything else in the world.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Husband
Image of E. W. Howe
Every man is a reformer until reform tramps on his toes.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
I try to have no plans the failure of which would greatly annoy me. Half the unhappiness in the world is due to the failure of plans which were never reasonable, and often impossible.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Trying
Image of E. W. Howe
One of the most difficult things in the world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Cost
Image of E. W. Howe
Men are a good deal better collectively than they are individually. Many a man will do that privately which he will denounce in a crowd.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
Man is still a savage to the extent that he has little respect for anything that cannot hurt him.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Respect
Image of E. W. Howe
Nearly every man is a coward, if confronted by the proper terror.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
The greatest thing in the world is for a man to be able to do something well, and say nothing about it.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
Faith may have removed mountains way off somewhere, a long time ago, but it won't remove a wart at home this week.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Faith
Image of E. W. Howe
Somehow, everyone hates to see an unusually pretty girl get married. It is like taking a bite out of a very fine-looking peach.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Girl
Image of E. W. Howe
Nothing pleases a woman quite so well as to look so sweet that a man wants to kiss her, and then abuse him for his impudence.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Sweet
Image of E. W. Howe
When a man tells you what people are saying about you, tell him what people are saying about him; that will immediately take his mind off your troubles.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
Bravery is knowledge of the cowardice of the enemy.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Courage
Image of E. W. Howe
If a man takes one day off, it takes him about three days to get the harness fitted again.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Work
Image of E. W. Howe
No man's credit is ever as good as his money.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Funny
Image of E. W. Howe
Even if a farmer intends to loaf, he gets up in time to get an early start.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Funny
Image of E. W. Howe
A man has his clothes made to fit him; a woman makes herself fit her clothes.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Inspirational
Image of E. W. Howe
Financial sense is knowing that certain men will promise to do certain things, and fail.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Business
Image of E. W. Howe
You can make up a quarrel, but it will always show where it was patched.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of E. W. Howe
One has fear in front of a goat, in back of a mule, and on every side of a fool
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Funny
Image of E. W. Howe
An honest answer is the sign of true friendship.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Wise
Image of E. W. Howe
Few men progress, except as they are pushed along by events.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: Men
Image of E. W. Howe
Most people eat as if they were fattening themselves for market.
- E. W. Howe
Collection: People