Dwyane Wade

Image of Dwyane Wade
You have to remember that you only want to use your dunks at the right time. If you do it at the right time, you can wake up everybody and change the whole momentum of the game. It can get the crowd up, get your teammates up. It can wake up yourself, too, if you're not shooting well.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Games
Image of Dwyane Wade
My kids motivate me to keep moving forward. My kids are my everything.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Moving
Image of Dwyane Wade
When I got my first check I was thinking my mother and father didn't make this probably in their lifetime. It's real amazing that some of us are just blessed.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Mother
Image of Dwyane Wade
I've learned great lessons from my parents for things on the court and off. I really look up to them.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Parent
Image of Dwyane Wade
Every morning when I wake and every night when I go to sleep, I'm thinking about what I can do to become a better father and a better person.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Morning
Image of Dwyane Wade
Every time I look at my children, they remind me to work harder and become a better man.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Children
Image of Dwyane Wade
I think that work has been the key for me. Just like they say shooting will become easy if you just keep working at it, well, I love the dribble game-that brings excitement to the game.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dwyane Wade
I always remind my kids that hard work pays off. That's how I got to where I am right now because of sacrifice and the work I put into it.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Dwyane Wade
I like playing against LeBron more than anybody else in the league. He brings out the best in me, and I bring out the best in him.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: League
Image of Dwyane Wade
I always remind my kids that hard work pays off. They see that I take nothing for granted in life. It helps them stay grounded.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Dwyane Wade
Being a leader is one thing I've never felt comfortable with. It's not my nature.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Leader
Image of Dwyane Wade
You've got to respect the game and you've got to respect what the people that have played have done for the game.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Games
Image of Dwyane Wade
My life is bigger than basketball.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Basketball
Image of Dwyane Wade
When I'm designing I try to think about what I like to see on other people.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dwyane Wade
Shooting is a lost art, but nobody wants to see nobody shoot all day. You want to see somebody break somebody off the dribble. That's today game, and that's what I try to do.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Art
Image of Dwyane Wade
The locker room has to be right. We've got to be patient to build this team.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Team
Image of Dwyane Wade
My biggest achievement - besides being drafted into the NBA - was becoming a father. Being a father has made me experience things that have contributed to my maturity and personal growth.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Father
Image of Dwyane Wade
Always be involved in your children's lives. Life gets hectic but we have to find a way to always stay connected and let our kids know that they are loved.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Children
Image of Dwyane Wade
The funny thing is, last summer we were golfing together, me, him and Alonzo Mourning. I don't know how to golf, but it's an unbelievable opportunity to go out and golf with one of the greats. And he's out there making fun of my swing - I can't hit the ball - and I'm getting frustrated because I'm a competitor. So Alonzo pulled me aside and said, 'Man, you're getting the chance to golf with Bill Russell. How many people can say they've done that?' And I looked at him and said, 'You know what? You're right.'
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Summer
Image of Dwyane Wade
Fashion's about taking chances, it's about taking risks, and just doing it the way you feel comfortable doing it. If you do that, people will respect it more.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Fashion
Image of Dwyane Wade
I realize that you have to be careful sometimes what you wish for.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Wish
Image of Dwyane Wade
Immediately after games, we're talking about what we need to do for the next game. We're not satisfied in the moment that we're in.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Talking
Image of Dwyane Wade
Well, it used to be Kobe Bryant... the second best all time.... now, I have a new favorite player to play against... my former teammate, LeBron James.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Player
Image of Dwyane Wade
I've stuck by being modest, honest and humble, because I think you'll get more appreciated that way and we all want to be appreciated in this world.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Humble
Image of Dwyane Wade
We play the whole summer. I do think guys should be compensated. Just like I think college players should be compensated as well. Unfortunately, it's not there. But I think it should be something, you know, there for it.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Summer
Image of Dwyane Wade
I would have to name two people - my parents. I've seen them come through adversity and work hard to create the best life for me and my siblings. Although I don't remember them together as a couple, I remember the love they had for their children.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Children
Image of Dwyane Wade
When people say that a certain sport is not a sport - have them play that sport and see if they can do it. Golf is one of the hardest sports you've ever played. Bowling is all about concentration, it's all about focus, it's all about aim.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Sports
Image of Dwyane Wade
I'll always be a Golden Eagle
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Eagles
Image of Dwyane Wade
Our goal is to be the best team in the NBA at the end of the year.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Team
Image of Dwyane Wade
I'm just a kid in a candy store right now, trying to have fun. I'm getting a chance to show my ability and my talent.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Fun
Image of Dwyane Wade
I'm a firm believer in God and I don't think he'd want me acting a certain way.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dwyane Wade
He's going to learn the hard way. Hopefully he changes his mentality quick.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Way
Image of Dwyane Wade
I look forward to the challenge, but most importantly, I look forward to the opportunity to do what hasn't been done that often, in a sense. Michael Jordan obviously has done it, but that's it.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Opportunity