Drew Barrymore

Image of Drew Barrymore
I live for makeup and I like wine. These are my truths!
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Wine
Image of Drew Barrymore
I am not someone who is ashamed of my past. I'm actually really proud. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but they in turn were my life lessons.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Mistake
Image of Drew Barrymore
I can't get caught up in darkness. I just don't. I always want to gravitate towards light. I love picking yourself up or surviving or being grateful for the good stuff and not getting lost in the tough stuff. The discipline is so natural for me.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Grateful
Image of Drew Barrymore
Apparently vodka helps flowers last longer when they're dying. But you can put vodka in anything and it'll make it better.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Flower
Image of Drew Barrymore
I don't think that life happens by sitting back and waiting. People hold their cards so tight to their chest. Life is short. Tell people you love them. What's the worst that's going to happen?
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Life Is Short
Image of Drew Barrymore
I think happiness is a choice. I believe luck is your attitude. It sounds like a really annoying bumper sticker. But there is such a great truth in that. You choose how you want to feel about what happens to you. I could have been a miserable failure. I haven't had anybody looking over me, and I've found my own way through optimistic exploration and fire-burning mistakes. I am a very happy person with an extraordinary life, so I must be doing a lot of things right. I really believe when you peel away the layers, the worlds is a beautiful place filled with beautiful people.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Drew Barrymore
I just think everything is a learning experience and every moment that you have that actually feels good inside of your heart is an absolute blessing and a gift.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Heart
Image of Drew Barrymore
There's a big world out there. Bigger than prom, bigger than high school, and it won't matter if you were the prom queen or the quarterback of the football team or the biggest nerd. Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Football
Image of Drew Barrymore
In general, people are true to their signs.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: People
Image of Drew Barrymore
I cry a lot. I'll cry because I see a person walking down the street looking lonely.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Lonely
Image of Drew Barrymore
Young girls come up to me all the time to ask for advice. They see me as a survivor.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Girl
Image of Drew Barrymore
But in some ways, I'm like an old woman - lived it, seen it, done it, been there, have the T-shirt.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Done
Image of Drew Barrymore
I wanna smoke pot, but I can't, cause I'm too paranoid.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Causes
Image of Drew Barrymore
Once you've been in a mental institution, people are going to look at you funny.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: People
Image of Drew Barrymore
I understand there are inevitable things that we have to go through: heartbreak, family problems. I don't feel like some Quixotic idiot who says, 'We don't have to feel pain.' No! Let's feel it, let's make it work for ourselves. But I want us all to be able to get past it.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Pain
Image of Drew Barrymore
One thing that got me started on it was the jean jacket. It's an item that could make you believe you're in the 50s or punk-rock 70s or grunge 90s. I was really focused on timelessness, and I think music is very timeless.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Believe
Image of Drew Barrymore
I'm such a workaholic. I'm always thinking about work.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Thinking
Image of Drew Barrymore
I've been producing for 13 years. I've made a string of joyful movies with positive messages about comedy, love and romance.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Years
Image of Drew Barrymore
I'm very homework-oriented - I'm a little Tracy Flick-ish.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Littles
Image of Drew Barrymore
Some of the mini-worlds that filmmakers have created are so ingrained in my love of culture.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Culture
Image of Drew Barrymore
As a kid I got to like hang out with Stephen King. That was like the highlight of my life. Cause I think he's the raddest human being ever.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Kings
Image of Drew Barrymore
I want to be with the man who wants to open a movie studio with me and make films for new, fresh filmmakers who aren't getting a chance somewhere else. I haven't yet had that type of partnership in a romantic relationship.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Men
Image of Drew Barrymore
I love movies, I love being a part of them, and this is the one occupation I love living and playing in and stressing myself out over.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Stress
Image of Drew Barrymore
I think there's a tremendous amount of guilt that goes on between mothers and daughters, no matter how good or bad their relationships are. It kills girls inside when they think they're letting their mothers down.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Girl
Image of Drew Barrymore
I always get nervous before a kissing scene. I make sure I always brush my teeth and eat lots of fruit and nice foods rather than garlic. I'm terribly self conscious.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Nice
Image of Drew Barrymore
I think Shazam is one of the coolest inventions on the planet, and whether I was in a thrift store or in my car, every other week I was Shazaming another Best Coast song.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Song
Image of Drew Barrymore
I should attempt to write a love song, I have written lots of poetry about love so I could turn those into lyrics. I'm a sucker for romance - always have been, always will be. I love walking down the beach and listening to my iPod and belting them out. What would we do without love songs?
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Song
Image of Drew Barrymore
I think video village is bullshit. It's like it's a breeding ground for people to nitpick and feel important. It's just such a weird dynamic.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Thinking
Image of Drew Barrymore
But it's all about confidence and allowing yourself to put your personality into it. I really am the worst singer on the planet; I make people cry and vomit when I sing.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: People
Image of Drew Barrymore
To be honest, I don't have data in my brain of how a relationship with a man is supposed to function.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Men
Image of Drew Barrymore
You can't treat a romantic relationship the same way you do a business one, by being bossy. It takes tender, compromising, loving tactics. And that's such a different approach.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Different
Image of Drew Barrymore
I'm not a very organized person for being uber work-obsessed. I struggle to keep it all organized because everything can become important and, when you have so many spinning plates, they sometimes can cancel each other out because you lose track of everything.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Struggle
Image of Drew Barrymore
I feel really connected to these young ladies I get to work with; I'm dancing around with them and playing music for them. We sit down and get to know each other so we have a shorthand.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Dancing
Image of Drew Barrymore
I just think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness. If somebody walks in the room and they're drop-dead gorgeous and sexy, it's really fun to look at. But if someone is giving of their spirit and they make you laugh and feel good, that's a whole other level of beauty.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Drew Barrymore
Get yourself out. Be brave. Don't leave before you're ready, because you should know that you tried everything. So there's a conviction and a confidence when you step away from something that may or may not be conducive to your life. I think if you run away too quickly, you're going to have that "Oh God, did I try everything?" feeling. Try everything. Make it work. Do everything you can. If it's not working, then know when the signal is and move on. Change. Try something different.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Running
Image of Drew Barrymore
I like so many different kinds of chick flicks. I like rom-coms, I like female friendship movies.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Female
Image of Drew Barrymore
I can tell when an actor's forcing tears, and it's tricky because you then have to film it and edit in a certain way to skirt around the issue.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Issues
Image of Drew Barrymore
When [my friend] had her kid, she was like, "9:30?! I'm not living in Barcelona. I need dinner at 6." I never got that until now. Four years ago, when I met her, I thought that was extreme. I was like, "I love Barcelona!" Now, I'm so mad when someone suggests an 8 pm reservation because that means we won't eat until 8:30 or 9 pm. Forget it!
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Mean
Image of Drew Barrymore
I love writing, directing and photography; if I could figure out a way to put the three things together, that's what I would love to do.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Photography
Image of Drew Barrymore
I loved Duran Duran's "Girls on Film" - it was really sexy and naughty and totally weird. When you're a kid watching that stuff on television you're like, "Well, we are opening up as a society!"
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Girl
Image of Drew Barrymore
My twenties were about exploring love and being a wildflower and trying to figure everything out. Now I'm not comfortable being that happy wildflower anymore, but I still don't feel like a woman. I wonder when that moment's going to hit.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Trying
Image of Drew Barrymore
I know what the intimidation level of high school is. You're on a hamster wheel, running, running, running, trying so hard to fit in. It's all about how you deal with what you're given, feeling OK with being the odd man out before you're finally successful.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Running
Image of Drew Barrymore
Girls want to be with guys who have a sense of humor-it makes them far more attractive to us.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Girl
Image of Drew Barrymore
I'm sure wine snobs look at me and think, how dare you.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Wine
Image of Drew Barrymore
Don't show your flaws.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Flaws
Image of Drew Barrymore
I no longer have the fear of being alone. It's cool to find out that you don't need a boyfriend to be happy.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Needs
Image of Drew Barrymore
My life is so different than I thought it would be.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Different
Image of Drew Barrymore
I always like worlds where you could be in several different time periods.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: Different
Image of Drew Barrymore
Sometimes you come to a point where there's nothing more you can do. You love and respect each other, but it's not working. So you amicably decide to part. I don't know what the future holds: a lot of people get back together after they break up.
- Drew Barrymore
Collection: People