Demetri Martin

Image of Demetri Martin
I have a jar at home, and I put pennies in it whenever I curse. The other day I spilled the jar. I owe it about $25.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Funny
Image of Demetri Martin
I love bowling almost as much as I love not bowling.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Bowling
Image of Demetri Martin
History, like wallpaper, repeats itself and can also make a room look old-fashioned.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Looks
Image of Demetri Martin
I like playing frisbee. It is the only sport where you can throw something at a person and it's okay.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Sports
Image of Demetri Martin
Skiing is my favorite sport, because, that's the only sport that is actually better to watch the worst the person is at it. "That guy won a gold medal in the Olympics" "Oh yeah, that's cool, i wanna watch the fat guy" "Come on dude, you can take that hill"
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Funny
Image of Demetri Martin
I was on the train the other day, and I heard somebody say, I'm really good at checkers. That's the same thing as saying, I'm not good at very many things.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Checkers
Image of Demetri Martin
The shortest distance between two idiots is a conga line.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Distance
Image of Demetri Martin
A Rubik's cube is equal to a drag queen. It's really colorful, but I don't wanna do it.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Queens
Image of Demetri Martin
Reality is a concept that depends largely upon where you point your face.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Reality
Image of Demetri Martin
The best way to make somebody feel important is to try to assassinate them.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Trying
Image of Demetri Martin
Jumping jacks are easier to do than crawling jacks.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Jumping
Image of Demetri Martin
A glove is a very literal looking hand puppet.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Hands
Image of Demetri Martin
A dreamcatcher works, if your dream is to be gay.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Demetri Martin
I never give anyone just one congratulation. Congratulations are always plural. They are similar to grapes.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Congratulations
Image of Demetri Martin
I love motor learning because it's very basic and primal. A lot of what I like to learn correlates with the opposite of what gets you laid. I can ride a unicycle and I can juggle. These are unimpressive things to know.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Opposites
Image of Demetri Martin
When I'm buying car insurance I ask myself, 'Which company has the most annoying and relentless commercials?'
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Car
Image of Demetri Martin
The other night I was playing twister with some amputees.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Night
Image of Demetri Martin
When telling a story about how wasted you were last night, stop.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Night
Image of Demetri Martin
A squirrel is the same as a can, when there's a bb gun in my hand. Can't you see that I am just a man? With distinctions... and comparisons.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Gun
Image of Demetri Martin
Clowns have no respect for pie.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Pie
Image of Demetri Martin
There are very few songs about just liking someone as a friend.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Song
Image of Demetri Martin
I wasn't the class clown, but I was starting to become the "crazy guy" at law school, which is the guy who is not so much "crazy" as "annoying."
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Crazy
Image of Demetri Martin
I don't like thank you cards because I don't know what else to say. What do I put on the inside? See Front.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Cards
Image of Demetri Martin
I feel so fortunate to be one of the lucky ones who is so grateful and appreciative to know such great synonyms for thankful.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Grateful
Image of Demetri Martin
Small businesses are important, but so are tiny businesses.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Important
Image of Demetri Martin
I do come across people who don't like me, don't like my comedy, don't think it's funny, it's too cutesy, or whatever they hate. And it's like, "Okay. That's your opinion. Somebody liked it, so that's good." Hopefully it balances out.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Hate
Image of Demetri Martin
I wanna put stickers on turtles... I don't know why.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Turtles
Image of Demetri Martin
Conclusions are based in time. We live in time. So any definition of success is bound up with time. With other things you can say, "Can I yo-yo? Can I juggle?" Usually you have a pretty small window in which to get your answer. Stand-up is different. You can't do stand-up for one night and say, "Am I a funny stand-up comedian?" In two months or two years you'll start to realize it.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Night
Image of Demetri Martin
Artistically, I find jokes really satisfying aesthetically, because there's something great about getting an idea down to a sentence or two.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Ideas
Image of Demetri Martin
I wonder if it's rude for a deaf person to talk with food in their hands.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Hands
Image of Demetri Martin
Clothing sizes are weird, they go: small, medium, large and then extra large, extra extra large, extra extra extra large. Something happened at large, they just gave up. They were like, 'I'm not doing any more adjectives; you just keep putting extras on there.' We could do better than that: small, medium, large, whoa, easy, slow down, stop it, interesting, American.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Interesting
Image of Demetri Martin
Saying, 'I'm sorry' is the same as saying, 'I apologize.' Except at a funeral.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Funny
Image of Demetri Martin
The easiest time to add insult to injury is when you're signing somebody's cast.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Insult To Injury
Image of Demetri Martin
There's a very fine line between giving someone the Heimlich maneuver and dry-humping a stranger.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Giving
Image of Demetri Martin
If you stretched the average person's intestines out from end to end, it would make them scream a lot.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Average
Image of Demetri Martin
I'm a body builder, but I don't use weights. I use snacks. It's kind of a different building process.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Snacks
Image of Demetri Martin
I wonder how they deal with mice at Disney World.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: World
Image of Demetri Martin
To remove all credibility from what you're saying try wearing sunglasses on your forehead.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Trying
Image of Demetri Martin
Never be less interesting than your refrigerator magnets.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Interesting
Image of Demetri Martin
Relationships, like eyebrows, are better when there is space between them.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Eyebrows
Image of Demetri Martin
People only mention it's a free country if they're doing something shitty.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Funny
Image of Demetri Martin
When I look up at the clouds I see so many animals, mostly sheep who have lost their limbs and heads.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Animal
Image of Demetri Martin
Leave no stone unturned in your quest to disrupt a rock garden.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Garden
Image of Demetri Martin
A know-it-all is a person who knows everything except for how annoying he is.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Annoying
Image of Demetri Martin
A Wednesday with no rain is a dry hump day.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Rain
Image of Demetri Martin
Siamese twins are interesting because they are the only people who can write a biography and an autobiography at the same time.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Writing
Image of Demetri Martin
When someone describes themself as a taxpayer, they're about to be an asshole.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Funny
Image of Demetri Martin
Someday I will tell my grandchildren that I lived in the era when OK was abbreviated to K.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Grandchildren
Image of Demetri Martin
I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a pita. Why the pita? That counts as another mystery.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Mystery