Deepak Chopra

Image of Deepak Chopra
If you consciously let your body take care of you, it will become your greatest ally and trusted partner.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Healing
Image of Deepak Chopra
The current perception I get from the evening news is that the world is dominated by human failure, crime, catastrophe, corruption, and tragedy. We are all tuning in to see how the human mind is evolving, but the media keeps hammering home the opposite, that the human mind is mired in darkness and folly.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Failure
Image of Deepak Chopra
When you stay in the moment, you have all the time in the world, and whatever needs to be done will be completed in the exact right time.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Needs
Image of Deepak Chopra
Every drop of water in an ocean contains the flavor of the whole ocean. So too, every moment in time contains the flavor of eternity, if you could live in that moment, but most people do not live in the moment which is the only time they really have.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Ocean
Image of Deepak Chopra
The struggle is part of the creative process, and it's very enjoyable to have the struggle. Without the struggle, there would be no joy in creativity. The one thing that is not enjoyable is if you get attached to the outcome. And if you're constantly looking for approval and you are not immune to criticism, then you are in trouble, and you will continue to be struggling and never find the creative impulse.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Struggle
Image of Deepak Chopra
The fact that we are born with the potential to go from simple survival to God-consciousness is the remarkable trait that sets our nervous systems apart from all other creatures. How to Know God.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Simple
Image of Deepak Chopra
I can transform my entire life. The universe is an unbroken, continuous fabric within which I can create and intend my destiny.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Destiny
Image of Deepak Chopra
If you had all the money and all the time in the world, what would you do?!
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Life
Image of Deepak Chopra
Stop repeating what never worked in the first place. Stand back and ask for a new solution.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Firsts
Image of Deepak Chopra
Choice is the key, because human beings are the only creatures who can choose to evolve, who can shape their destiny. Furthermore, we have been given the gift of "self-awareness," which allows us to step back into our true selves to observe and use our brains to create the world we wish to live in.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Destiny
Image of Deepak Chopra
Don’t let a day go by without asking who you are…each time you let a new ingredient to enter your awareness.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Deepak Chopra
Self-love grows when you trust that the universe is on your side, form your desires from the heart and watch the higher Self carry them out, believe that you are enough in and of yourself, heed the tenderness and sweetness of your love for others, put your attention on positive energies in every situation, honor your own needs without having to seek outside approval, and cultivate the peace of inner silence.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Believe
Image of Deepak Chopra
The body does not create the mind; the Mind creates the body.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Mind
Image of Deepak Chopra
people are doing the best that they can from their own level of consciousness.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: People
Image of Deepak Chopra
The day must come when trust will be as natural to your nature as distrust now seems to be.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Deepak Chopra
If your attention is focused only on the result, then you are no longer in the process. But if you're in the process, then the result is guaranteed.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Focus
Image of Deepak Chopra
Imagine for a moment your own version of a perfect future. See yourself in that future with everything you could wish for at this very moment fulfilled. Now take the memory of that future and bring it here into the present. Let it influence how you will behave from this moment on.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Time
Image of Deepak Chopra
In my life nothing goes wrong. When things seem to not meet my expectations, I let go of how I think things should be. It's a matter of not having any attachment to any fixed outcome.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Deepak Chopra
Meditation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Meditation
Image of Deepak Chopra
Fear is the memory of pain. Addiction is the memory of pleasure. Freedom is beyond both.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Pain
Image of Deepak Chopra
Everything that happens to us is a reflection of who we are.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Uplifting
Image of Deepak Chopra
Gratitude is one of the most effective ways of getting in touch with your soul.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Deepak Chopra
Self-awareness includes awareness of your body.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Self
Image of Deepak Chopra
Be kind to yourself and others. Come from love every moment you can.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Be Kind
Image of Deepak Chopra
Happiness based on reasons is actually another form of misery.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Misery
Image of Deepak Chopra
Success, wealth, good health and nurturing relationships are by-products of happiness, not the cause.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Family
Image of Deepak Chopra
Remember that you will create peace only when you are peaceful.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Deepak Chopra
The more boundless your vision, the more real you are.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Real
Image of Deepak Chopra
When you perceive yourself as spirit, you will not simply feel love - you will BE love.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Love You
Image of Deepak Chopra
Our essential nature is one of pure potentiality.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Deepak Chopra
What you seek, you already are.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Consciousness
Image of Deepak Chopra
We live as ripples of energy in the vast ocean of energy.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Deepak Chopra
When mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, happiness is the natural result.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Mind
Image of Deepak Chopra
When it appears that there is no choice, some form of illusion is operating.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Choices
Image of Deepak Chopra
EVERYTHING that happens in the universe starts with an INTENTION
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Intention
Image of Deepak Chopra
Simply with a change of mind, you can change your life.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Mind
Image of Deepak Chopra
I used to be an atheist until I realized that I was God.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Atheist
Image of Deepak Chopra
Finding the hidden dimensions of your life is the way to fulfill your deepest hunger.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Way
Image of Deepak Chopra
The deepest reality you are aware of is the one from which you draw your power.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Reality
Image of Deepak Chopra
We go where our deepest desires take us.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Humor
Image of Deepak Chopra
Understand that if a deep desire lives in your heart, a dream that is part of your soul's fiber, a path exists to bring it to life.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Dream
Image of Deepak Chopra
You believe that you live in the world, where in fact the world lives within you.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Believe
Image of Deepak Chopra
The quality of our attention determines our experience.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Quality
Image of Deepak Chopra
Pursue excellence and ignore success. If you are excellent you will be successful
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Successful
Image of Deepak Chopra
You can't have ego and gratitude at the same time.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Deepak Chopra
A risk-free life is far from being a healthy life. To begin with, the very word "risk" implies worry, and people who worry about every bite of food, sip of water, the air they breathe, the gym sessions they have missed, and the minutiae of vitamin doses are not sending positive signals to their cells. A stressful day sends constant negative messaging to the feedback loop and popping a vitamin pill or choosing whole wheat bread instead of white bread does close to zero to change that.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Zero
Image of Deepak Chopra
We are the universe pretending to be individuals.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Individualism
Image of Deepak Chopra
Your awareness has its source in unity. Instead of seeking outside yourself, go to the source to realize who you are.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Unity
Image of Deepak Chopra
Discover your own discontent, and be grateful, for without divine discontent there would be no creative force.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Grateful