Top Peaceful Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Peaceful quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jean-Paul Sartre
What is life but an unpleasant interruption to a peaceful nonexistence.
- Jean-Paul Sartre
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Kent Haruf
My desire is to be anonymous, isolated, quiet, peaceful, and concentrated.
- Kent Haruf
Collection: Peaceful
Image of L.A. Meyer
I'm really a peaceful sort of coward.
- L.A. Meyer
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Cressida Cowell
We're all snatching precious moments from the peaceful jaws of time.
- Cressida Cowell
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Norman Borlaug
You can't build a peaceful world on empty stomachs and human misery.
- Norman Borlaug
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Naomi Wolf
Peaceful, lawful protest - if it is effective - IS innately disruptive of “business as usual.” That is WHY it is effective.
- Naomi Wolf
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Eva Ibbotson
Shadows are cool and peaceful places for those whose minds are overstocked with treasure.
- Eva Ibbotson
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Swami Satchidananda
If you are becoming more easeful, peaceful & useful then you know you are growing.
- Swami Satchidananda
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Mark Ruffalo
We are living in revolutionary times. The good news is we have everything we need to leave fossil fuels in the ground. All we need is for you to join the rest of the world to bring about a cleaner, more stable, and peaceful future.
- Mark Ruffalo
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Jeremy Enigk
I feel like everybody knows the world isn't the happiest, most peaceful place. And though everybody has an idea of what's wrong, we're not changing it for the better.
- Jeremy Enigk
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Rahsaan Roland Kirk
I wish we could just stay on the bandstand, it's so peaceful up here.
- Rahsaan Roland Kirk
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Seraphim of Sarov
Acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved.
- Seraphim of Sarov
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Jean-Baptiste Rousseau
It should be remembered that the foundation of the social contract is property; and its first condition, that every one should be maintained in the peaceful possession of what belongs to him.
- Jean-Baptiste Rousseau
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Horatius Bonar
A ministry of power must be the fruit of a holy, peaceful, loving intimacy with the Lord.
- Horatius Bonar
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Bruce Cockburn
Male female slave or free; peaceful or disorderly; maybe you and he will not agree; but you need him to show you new ways to see.
- Bruce Cockburn
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Mir-Hossein Mousavi
I see that the West is beginning to separate the question of nuclear armament from the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
- Mir-Hossein Mousavi
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Lee L Jampolsky
You can learn to direct yourself to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening with your body.
- Lee L Jampolsky
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Shenhui
If we don't occupy ourself with everything, then peaceful mind will have nowhere to abide.
- Shenhui
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Rex W. Tillerson
It's important to understand the policy of the U.S. towards North Korea is to deny North Korea possession of a nuclear weapon and the ability to deliver that weapon. Our strategy has been to undertake this peaceful pressure campaign we call it enabled by the four no's.The four no's being that we do not seek regime change, a regime collapse, an accelerated reunification of the peninsula, and we do not seek a reason to send our forces north of the demilitarized zone.
- Rex W. Tillerson
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Robert Spencer
There is no reliable way for American authorities to distinguish jihadists and potential jihadists from peaceful Muslims.
- Robert Spencer
Collection: Peaceful
Image of James Fallows
The whole point of constitutional democracy is the peaceful transfer of power; of Al Gore passing the baton to George W. Bush, even though that election was very suspiciously called.
- James Fallows
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Sally Field
I don't know what happiness is. I have periods of feeling joyous and peaceful and excited about what I'm doing, but I am also frequently very sad.
- Sally Field
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Michael Bassey
It is good to stay in a peaceful poverty than to stay in a painful wealth.
- Michael Bassey
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Michelle Cruz
Nothing that occurs in life is random or without purpose. Lessons were found within each event in our lives that, positive or negative, ultimately instilled a peaceful mind in us.
- Michelle Cruz
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Dalia Grybauskaite
If there were more women heads of state in the world, the world would be more peaceful and better focused on the improvement of the overall quality of life and welfare.
- Dalia Grybauskaite
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Nhat Hanh
We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Kim Harrison
Inside Junior's it was peaceful. I can change that, I thought dryly.
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Arthur Desmond
This world is too peaceful, too acquiescent, too tame. It is a circumcised world. Nay! - a castrated world! It must be made fiercer, before it can become grander and better and - more natural.
- Arthur Desmond
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Janet Collins
A vertical line is dignity. The horizontal line is peaceful. The obtuse angle is action. That's universal, it is primary.
- Janet Collins
Collection: Peaceful
Image of John Legend
The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful
- John Legend
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Ramana Maharshi
If one's mind has peace, the whole world will appear peaceful.
- Ramana Maharshi
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Louise Hay
When you find Peace within, you create a Peaceful world around you.
- Louise Hay
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Eckhart Tolle
When you say “yes” to the “isness” of life, when you accept this moment as it is, you can feel a sense of spaciousness within you that is deeply peaceful.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Peaceful
Image of John Greenleaf Whittier
Press bravely onward! - not in vainYour generous trust in human kind;The good which bloodshed could not gainYour peaceful zeal shall find.
- John Greenleaf Whittier
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Rumi
Peaceful is the one who is not concerned with having more or less.
- Rumi
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Sun Tzu
He who relies solely on warlike measures shall be exterminated; he who relies solely on peaceful measures shall perish.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Julian of Norwich
God is nearer to us than our own spirit
- Julian of Norwich
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Vladimir Putin
Brazil does have every right to develop its own peaceful nuclear programme.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Eleanor Roosevelt
Sometimes it is extremely good for you to forget that there is anything in the world which needs to be done, and to do some particular thing that you want to do. Every human being needs a certain amount of time in which he can be peaceful.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Brad Pitt
Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.
- Brad Pitt
Collection: Peaceful
Image of John Mortimer
Murderers have usually killed the one person in the world that was bugging them and they're usually quite peaceful and agreeable.
- John Mortimer
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Eckhart Tolle
The energy that flows into what you do, although it may be high energy, is very peaceful energy. It is not out of alignment with life.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Stephenie Meyer
Happy and sad, elated and miserable, secure and afraid, loved and denied, patient and angry, peaceful and wild, complete and empty...all of it. I would feel everything. It would all be mine.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Laozi
Nurture the spontaneous peaceful life.
- Laozi
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Repose in that peaceful, cool, calm, serene depth of your Being. You know, this is something immensely valuable and precious
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Death by violence, death by cold, death by starvation - they are the normal endings of the stately creatures of the wilderness. The sentimentalists who prattle about the peaceful life of nature do not realize its utter mercilessness.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Barack Obama
If you want a model for what is possible, if you want to see how to build a peaceful and prosperous and dynamic society, then look at Berlin and look at Germany.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Norman Vincent Peale
Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Collection: Peaceful
Image of Mike Pence
The president desires a peaceful resolution of the confrontation with North Korea and we'll continue to pursue that, but it all begins when the Kim regime announces their willingness to abandon their nuclear and ballistic missiles program and not before.
- Mike Pence
Collection: Peaceful