David Ogilvy

Image of David Ogilvy
Every ad is an investment in the long-term image of a brand.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Long
Image of David Ogilvy
You can't save souls in an empty church.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Soul
Image of David Ogilvy
We exist to build the business of our clients. The recommendations we make to them should be the recommendations we would make if we owned their companies, without regard to our own short-term interest. This earns their respect, which is the greatest asset we can have.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Clients
Image of David Ogilvy
The more informative your advertising, the more persuasive it will be. Before people making a buying decision, they have many questions. For example, why they should buy from you, why your product is better than other similar products, why they should trust you, and why they should buy it now, etc.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: People
Image of David Ogilvy
It takes uncommon guts to stick to one style in the face of all the pressures to 'come up with something new' every six months. It is tragically easy to be stampeded into change. But golden rewards await the advertiser who has the brains to create a coherent image, and the stability to stick with it over a long period.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Long
Image of David Ogilvy
Nobody has ever built a brand by imitating somebody else's advertising.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Advertising
Image of David Ogilvy
If you can’t advertise yourself, what hope do you have of advertising anything else?
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Advertising
Image of David Ogilvy
In most agencies, account executives outnumber the copywriters two to one. If you were a dairy farmer, would you employ twice as many milkers as you had cows?
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Agency
Image of David Ogilvy
Never use tricky or irrelevant headlines… People read too fast to figure out what you are trying to say.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: People
Image of David Ogilvy
I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information. When I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative.’ I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Art
Image of David Ogilvy
Shakespeare wrote his sonnets within a strict discipline, fourteen lines of iambic pentameter, rhyming in three quatrains and a couplet. Were his sonnets dull? Mozart wrote his sonatas within an equally rigid discipline - exposition, development, and recapitulation. Were they dull?.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Discipline
Image of David Ogilvy
If you have a truly big idea, the wrong technique won't kill it. And if you don't have a big idea, the right technique won't help you
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Ideas
Image of David Ogilvy
As a private person, I have a passion for landscape, and I have never seen one improved by a billboard. Where every prospect pleases, man is at his vilest when he erects a billboard. When I retire from Madison Avenue, I am going to start a secret society of masked vigilantes who will travel around the world on silent motor bicycles, chopping down posters at the dark of the moon. How many juries will convict us when we are caught in these acts of beneficent citizenship?
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Passion
Image of David Ogilvy
Sound an alarm! Advertising, not deals, builds brands.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Alarms
Image of David Ogilvy
When people aren't having any fun, they seldom produce good work. Kill the grimness with laughter. Encourage exuberance. Get rid of sad dogs that spread gloom.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Dog
Image of David Ogilvy
The worst fault a salesman can commit is to be a bore...... Pretend to be vastly interested in any subject the prospects shows an interest in.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Faults
Image of David Ogilvy
If you tell lies about a product, you will be found out - either by the Government, which will prosecute you, or by the consumer, who will punish you by not buying your product a second time.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Lying
Image of David Ogilvy
You have only 30 seconds in a TV commercial. If you grab attention in the first frame with a visual surprise, you stand a better chance of holding the viewer. People screen out a lot of commercials because they open with something dull. When you advertise fire-extinguishers, open with the fire.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Fire
Image of David Ogilvy
Set exorbitant standards, and give your people hell when they don't live up to them. There is nothing so demoralizing as a boss who tolerates second rate work.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: People
Image of David Ogilvy
Senior men have no monopoly on great ideas. Nor do creative people. Some of the best ideas come from account executives, researchers and others. Encourage this, you need all the ideas you can get.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Senior
Image of David Ogilvy
To advertisers: "Do not compete with your agency in the creative area. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?"
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Dog
Image of David Ogilvy
Never write more than two pages on any subject.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Writing
Image of David Ogilvy
I prefer the discipline of knowledge to the anarchy of ignorance.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Ignorance
Image of David Ogilvy
What is a good advertisement? An advertisement which pleases you because of its style, or an advertisement which sells the most? They are seldom the same.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Style
Image of David Ogilvy
You aren't advertising to a standing army; you are advertising to a moving parade. Three million consumers get married every year. The advertisement which sold a refrigerator to those who got married last year will probably be just as successful with those who'll get married next year. An advertisement is just like a radar sweep, constantly hunting new prospects as they come into the market. Get a good radar and keep it sweeping.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Moving
Image of David Ogilvy
On the average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Average
Image of David Ogilvy
Never use jargon words like 'reconceptualize', 'demassification', 'attitudinally', 'judgmentally'. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Use
Image of David Ogilvy
Try and inject into every commercial you make a touch of singularity; a bird that will hook on to the consumers mind
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Bird
Image of David Ogilvy
The success of a meeting often depends on having the right documents - proofs, artwork, schedules, research charts, etc. - present at the start of the meeting. All too often we arrive like plumbers, leaving our tools behind.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Leaving
Image of David Ogilvy
Give people a taste of Old Crow, and tell them it's Old Crow. Then give them another taste of Old Crow, but tell them it's Jack Daniel's. Ask them which they prefer. They'll think the two drinks are quite different. They are tasting images
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Ogilvy
I never tell one client that I cannot attend his sales convention because I have a previous engagement with another client; successful polygamy depends upon pretending to each spouse that she is the only pebble on your beach.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Beach
Image of David Ogilvy
Make sure you have a vice president in charge of your revolution, to engender ferment among your more conventional colleagues.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: President
Image of David Ogilvy
Supposing you've got an acute appendicitis. You've got to be operated on tonight. Would you like to have a surgeon who's read some books of anatomy and knows how to do that operation - or would you prefer to have a surgeon who refused to read all books about anatomy and relied on his own instinct?
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Book
Image of David Ogilvy
I always use my clients' products. This is not toady-ism, but elementary good manners.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Good Man
Image of David Ogilvy
I was doing a campaign once for a manufacturer, and I couldn't think of an ideas, and I was kind of desperate about it. The night before I had to show something to my client I had a dream, an interesting dream. I woke up and for once in my life I wrote it down and went back to sleep Next morning I went to the office and had that dream out into a TV commercial which is still running thirty years after and which has made that particular product the leader in its field.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Running
Image of David Ogilvy
I'd like to be remembered, as a copywriter who had some big ideas. That's what the advertising business is all about. Big ideas
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Ideas
Image of David Ogilvy
If you, my fellow copywriters or art directors, want to win the award, devote your genius to making the cash register ring.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Art
Image of David Ogilvy
I don't believe in tricky advertising, I don't believe in cute advertising, I don't believe in comic advertising. The people who perpetrate that kind of advertising never had to sell anything in their lives
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Cute
Image of David Ogilvy
Training should not be confined to trainees. It should be a continuous process, and should include the entire professional staff of the agency. The more our people learn, the more useful they can be to our clients.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Agency
Image of David Ogilvy
I have an inviolable rule against employing nepots and spouses, because they breed politics. Whenever two people get married, one of them must depart - preferably the female, to look after the baby.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Baby
Image of David Ogilvy
The mission of a great school is not to cram you with facts so that you can regurgitate them...This gives many boys such a distaste for learning that they never read another book as long as they live. No, the mission is to inspire you with a taste for scholarship - a taste which will last you all your life.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Book
Image of David Ogilvy
H. L. Mencken once said that nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. That is not true. I have come to believe that it pays to make all your layouts project a feeling of good taste, provided that you do it unobtrusively. An ugly layout suggests an ugly product. There are very few products which do not benefit from being given a first class ticket through life.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Believe
Image of David Ogilvy
Few of the great creators have bland personalities. They are cantankerous egotists, the kind of men who are unwelcome in the modern corporation.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Men
Image of David Ogilvy
Claude Hopkins.. maintained that nobody with a college education could write an advertisement addressed to the mass millions. That's absolute poppycock.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Writing
Image of David Ogilvy
Why should a manufacturer bet his money, perhaps the future of his company, on your instinct?
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Business
Image of David Ogilvy
I know of a brewer who sells more of his beer to the people who never see his advertising than to the people who see it every week. Bad advertising can unsell a product.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Beer
Image of David Ogilvy
The worst fault a salesman can commit is to be a bore. Foster any attempt to talk about other things; the longer you stay the better you get to know the prospect, and the more you will be trusted.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Faults
Image of David Ogilvy
Managing an advertising agency isn't all beer and skittles. After fourteen years of it, I have come to the conclusion that the top man has one principle responsibility: to provide an atmosphere in which creative mavericks can do useful work.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Responsibility
Image of David Ogilvy
The only marketers who know what the hell they're doing are those who have worked in sales
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Hell