Daniel J. Boorstin

Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The courage to imagine the otherwise is our greatest resource, adding color and suspense to all our life.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Courage
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
A wonderful thing about a book, in contrast to a computer screen, is that you can take it to bed with you.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Computers
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
A sign of celebrity is that his name is often worth more than his services.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Famous
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Technology is so much fun but we can drown in our technology. The fog of information can drive out knowledge.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Design
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The celebrity is a person who is known for his well-knownness.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Famous
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Time
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The traveler was active; he went strenuously in search of people, of adventure, of experience. The tourist is passive; he expects interesting things to happen to him. He goes 'sight-seeing.'
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Experience
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Learning
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Politics
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Knowledge is not simply another commodity. On the contrary. Knowledge is never used up. It increases by diffusion and grows by dispersion.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Freedom
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
We suffer primarily not from our vices or our weaknesses, but from our illusions. We are haunted, not by reality, but by those images we have put in their place.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
I write to discover what I think. After all, the bars aren't open that early.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The world of crime is a last refuge of the authentic, uncorrupted, spontaneous event.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
As individuals and as a nation, we now suffer from social narcissism. The beloved Echo of our ancestors, the virgin America, has been abandoned. We have fallen in love with our own image, with images of our making, which turn out to be images of ourselves.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Human models are more vivid and more persuasive than explicit moral commands.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
We need not be theologians to see that we have shifted responsibility for making the world interesting from God to the newspaperman.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Reading is like the sex act - done privately, and often in bed.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
A best-seller was a book which somehow sold well because it was selling well.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The force of the advertising word and image dwarfs the power of other literature in the 20th century.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Nothing is really real unless it happens on television.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
I've learned any fool can write a bad ad, but it takes a real genius to keep his hands off a good one.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The most important American addition to the World Experience was the simple surprising fact of America. We have helped prepare mankind for all its later surprises.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
We read advertisements... to discover and enlarge our desires. We are always ready - even eager - to discover, from the announcement of a new product, what we have all along wanted without really knowing it.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
I have observed that the world has suffered far less from ignorance than from pretensions to knowledge. It is not skeptics or explorers but fanatics and ideologues who menace decency and progress. No agnostic ever burned anyone at the stake or tortured a pagan, a heretic, or an unbeliever.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Atheist
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Planning for the future without a sense of history is like planting cut flowers.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Flower
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Creators, makers of the new, can never become obsolete, for in the arts there is no correct answer. The story of discoverers could be told in simple chronological order, since the latest science replaces what went before. But the arts are another story- a story of infinite addition. We must find order in the random flexings of the imagination.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Art
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The American citizen lives in a world where fantasy is more real than reality, where the image has more dignity than its original. We hardly dare face our bewilderment, because our ambiguous experience is so pleasantly irridescent, and the solace of belief in contrived reality is so thoroughly real. We have become eager accessories to the great hoaxes of the age. These are the hoaxes we play on ourselves.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Real
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The fog of information can drive out knowledge.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The hero is known for achievements; the celebrity for well-knowns. The hero reveals the possibilities of human nature. The celebrity reveals the possibilities of the press and media. Celebrities are people who make news, but heroes are people who make history. Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Hero
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
I write to discover what I think.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Celebrity-worship and hero-worship should not be confused. Yet we confuse them every day, and by doing so we come dangerously close to depriving ourselves of all real models. We lose sight of the men and women who do not simply seem great because they are famous but are famous because they are great. We come closer and closer to degrading all fame into notoriety.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Sports
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
We must abandon the prevalent belief in the superior wisdom of the ignorant.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Learning
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Our attitude toward our own culture has recently been characterized by two qualities, braggadocio and petulance. Braggadocio - empty boasting of American power, American virtue, American know-how - has dominated our foreign relations now for some decades. Here at home - within the family, so to speak - our attitude to our culture expresses a superficially different spirit, the spirit of petulance. Never before, perhaps, has a culture been so fragmented into groups, each full of its own virtue, each annoyed and irritated at the others.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Attitude
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The hero created himself; the celebrity is created by the media.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Hero
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Throught human history, illusions of knowledge, not ignorance, have proven to be the principal obstacles to discovery
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The history of Western science confirms the aphorism that the great menace to progress is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Each living art object, taken out of its native habitat so we can conveniently gaze at it, is like an animal in a zoo. Something about it has died in the removal.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Art
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Historians will not fail to note that a people who could spend $300 billion on defense refused to spend a tiny fraction of that total to keep their libraries open in the evening.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: People
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The most promising words ever written on the maps of human knowledge are terra incognita, unknown territory.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Maps
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Probably no one of us has the True Religion. But all of us together - if we are allowed to be free - are discovering ways of conversing about the great mysteries. The pretense to know all the answers to the deepest mysteries is, of course, the grossest fraud. And any people who declare a Jihad, a holy war on unbelievers - those who do not share their believers' pretended omniscience - are enemies of thinking men and woman and of civilization. I see religion as only a way of asking unanswerable questions, of sharing the joy of a community of quest, and solacing one another in our ignorance.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: War
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Our discontent begins by finding false villains whom we can accuse of deceiving us. Next we find false heroes whom we expect to liberate us. The hardest, most discomfiting discovery is that each of us must emancipate himself.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Hero
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The problem for us is less to discover the way it really is than to see the meaning of the way.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Way
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
In America, communities existed before governments. There were many groups of people with a common sense of purpose and a feeling of duty to one another before there were political institutions.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Government
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The hero was distinguished by his achievement; the celebrity by his image or trademark. The hero created himself; the celebrity is created by the media. The hero was a big man; the celebrity is a big name.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Sports
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
More appealing than knowledge itself is the feeling of knowledge.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
By reading we discover our world, our history, and ourselves.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Reading