Top computers Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of computers quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Adam Osborne
The future lies in designing and selling computers that people don't realize are computers at all.
- Adam Osborne
Collection: Computers
Image of Ralph Merkle
Nanotechnology will let us build computers that are incredibly powerful. We'll have more power in the volume of a sugar cube than exists in the entire world today.
- Ralph Merkle
Collection: Computers
Image of Clifford Stoll
Computers in classrooms are the filmstrips of the 1990s.
- Clifford Stoll
Collection: Computers
Image of Edward Tufte
If you like overheads, you'll love PowerPoint.
- Edward Tufte
Collection: Computers
Image of Dave Barry
I am not the only person who uses his computer mainly for the purpose of diddling with his computer.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Computers
Image of Marc Jacobs
I wouldn't know how to find eBay on the computer if my life depended on it.
- Marc Jacobs
Collection: Computers
Image of Niklas Zennstrom
If you could utilize the resources of the end users' computers, you could do things much more efficiently.
- Niklas Zennstrom
Collection: Computers
Image of Jean Rostand
Think? Why think! We have computers to do that for us.
- Jean Rostand
Collection: Computers
Image of Dave Parnas
As a rule, software systems do not work well until they have been used, and have failed repeatedly, in real applications.
- Dave Parnas
Collection: Computers
Image of Erykah Badu
Man, I don't want to have nothing to do with computers. I don't want the government in my business.
- Erykah Badu
Collection: Computers
Image of Ken Olsen
There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.
- Ken Olsen
Collection: Computers
Image of Eugene Jarvis
I got interested in computers and how they could be enslaved to the megalomaniac impulses of a teenager.
- Eugene Jarvis
Collection: Computers
Image of Jef Raskin
Right now, computers, which are supposed to be our servant, are oppressing us.
- Jef Raskin
Collection: Computers
Image of Steve Jobs
The most compelling reason for most people to buy a computer for the home will be to link it to a nationwide communications network. We're just in the beginning stages of what will be a truly remarkable breakthrough for most people - as remarkable as the telephone.
- Steve Jobs
Collection: Computers
Image of Nick Park
We can do things that we never could before. Stop-motion lets you build tiny little worlds, and computers make that world even more believable.
- Nick Park
Collection: Computers
Image of Philip Emeagwali
Because I believe that humans are computers, I conjectured that computers, like people, can have left- and right-handed versions.
- Philip Emeagwali
Collection: Computers
Image of Seymour Cray
I just bought a Mac to help me design the next Cray.
- Seymour Cray
Collection: Computers
Image of Larry Ellison
Bill Gates is the pope of the personal computer industry. He decides who's going to build.
- Larry Ellison
Collection: Computers
Image of Robert Moog
I happen to think that computers are the most important thing to happen to musicians since the invention of cat-gut which was a long time ago.
- Robert Moog
Collection: Computers
Image of Alan Perlis
If your computer speaks English, it was probably made in Japan.
- Alan Perlis
Collection: Computers
Image of Jeff Hawkins
I do two things. I design mobile computers and I study brains.
- Jeff Hawkins
Collection: Computers
Image of Christopher Plummer
I'm too old-fashioned to use a computer. I'm too old-fashioned to use a quill.
- Christopher Plummer
Collection: Computers
Image of Bob Taft
Yet in this global economy, no jobs are safe. High-speed Internet connections and low-cost, skilled labor overseas are an explosive combination.
- Bob Taft
Collection: Computers
Image of Jonathan Shapiro
Gee, I am a complete Luddite when it comes to computers, I can barely log on!
- Jonathan Shapiro
Collection: Computers
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
A wonderful thing about a book, in contrast to a computer screen, is that you can take it to bed with you.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Computers
Image of Niklaus Wirth
In the practical world of computing, it is rather uncommon that a program, once it performs correctly and satisfactorily, remains unchanged forever.
- Niklaus Wirth
Collection: Computers
Image of John Warnock
What I try to do is factor in how people use computers, what people's problems are, and how these technologies can get applied to those problems. Then I try to direct the various product groups to act on this information.
- John Warnock
Collection: Computers
Image of Stephen R. George
I got up with my wife, I sat down at the computer when she went to work, and I didn't stop until she got home.
- Stephen R. George
Collection: Computers
Image of Andy Rooney
Computers may save time but they sure waste a lot of paper. About 98 percent of everything printed out by a computer is garbage that no one ever reads.
- Andy Rooney
Collection: Computers
Image of Kevin Mitnick
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Inc, which set the computing world on its ear with the Macintosh in 1984.
- Kevin Mitnick
Collection: Computers
Image of Alain Robert
Modern people are only willing to believe in their computers, while I believe in myself.
- Alain Robert
Collection: Computers
Image of Linus Torvalds
Shareware tends to combine the worst of commercial software with the worst of free software.
- Linus Torvalds
Collection: Computers
Image of Walter F. Mondale
What do we want our kids to do? Sweep up around Japanese computers?
- Walter F. Mondale
Collection: Computers
Image of Sumner Redstone
The Internet is a powerful way to make lots of money... But we are not going to buy Yahoo!
- Sumner Redstone
Collection: Computers
Image of Alan Perlis
In computing, turning the obvious into the useful is a living definition of the word 'frustration'.
- Alan Perlis
Collection: Computers
Image of Tony Visconti
Computers have virtually replaced tape recorders.
- Tony Visconti
Collection: Computers
Image of Wietse Venema
When I write software, I know that it will fail, either due to my own mistake, or due to some other cause.
- Wietse Venema
Collection: Computers
Image of Nicholas Negroponte
Even in the developing parts of the world, kids take to computers like fish to water.
- Nicholas Negroponte
Collection: Computers
Image of Arthur C. Clarke
Reading computer manuals without the hardware is as frustrating as reading sex manuals without the software.
- Arthur C. Clarke
Collection: Computers
Image of Florence Henderson
I'm a '70s mom, and my daughter is a '90s mom. I know a lot of women my age who are real computer freaks.
- Florence Henderson
Collection: Computers
Image of Steve Wozniak
What I was proud of was that I used very few parts to build a computer that could actually speak words on a screen and type words on a keyboard and run a programming language that could play games. And I did all this myself.
- Steve Wozniak
Collection: Computers
Image of Bill Budge
I started on an Apple II, which I had bought at the very end of 1978 for half of my annual income. I made $4,500 a year, and I spent half of it on the computer.
- Bill Budge
Collection: Computers
Image of Toomas Hendrik Ilves
When hackers have access to powerful computers that use brute force hacking, they can crack almost any password; even one user with insecure access being successfully hacked can result in a major breach.
- Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Collection: Computers
Image of Jimmy Carter
Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing... you are talking about the Internet, you are talking about cell phones, you are talking about computers. This doesn't affect two-thirds of the people of the world.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Computers
Image of John Lasseter
Computers don't create computer animation any more than a pencil creates pencil animation. What creates computer animation is the artist.
- John Lasseter
Collection: Computers
Image of Jackie Chan
Don't try to be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Study computers instead.
- Jackie Chan
Collection: Computers
Image of Martin Garrix
Using social media to hurt and destroy is callous, acted out by cowards hiding behind computers. My advice is to ignore negativity. Focus on the love around.
- Martin Garrix
Collection: Computers
Image of Oren Etzioni
A calculator is a tool for humans to do math more quickly and accurately than they could ever do by hand; similarly, AI computers are tools for us to perform tasks too difficult or expensive for us to do on our own, such as analyzing large data sets or keeping up to date on medical research.
- Oren Etzioni
Collection: Computers
Image of Mark Skousen
Bitcoin is not an actual physical coin, and if computers are shut down, you can't buy or sell them. That's why nothing will ever replace gold and silver coins themselves, and all investors should have them at home or in a safe deposit box.
- Mark Skousen
Collection: Computers
Image of Tim Berners-Lee
The Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an extension of the current one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.
- Tim Berners-Lee
Collection: Computers