Daniel J. Boorstin

Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Of all the nations in the world, the United States was built in nobody's image. It was the land of the unexpected, of unbounded hope, of ideals, of quest for an unknown perfection. It is all the more unfitting that we should offer ourselves in images. And all the more fitting that the images which we make wittingly or unwittingly to sell America to the world should come back to haunt and curse us.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Land
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
If our knowledge is, as I believe, only an island in an infinite sea of ignorance, how can we in our short lifetime find satisfaction in exploring our little island? How can we persuade ourselves to be exhilarated by our meager knowledge and yet not be discouraged by the ocean vistas?
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Short Life
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Formerly, a public man needed a private secretary for a barrier between himself and the public. Nowadays he has a press secretary, to keep him properly in the public eye.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Eye
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
. . . the messiness of experience, that may be what we mean by life.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Mean
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Jeffersonian isolationism expressed an essentially cosmopolitan spirit. The Jeffersonian was determined - even at the expense of separating himself from the rest of the globe, and even though he be charged with provincial selfishness - to preserve America as an uncontaminated laboratory.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: America
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Our American past always speaks to us with two voices: the voice of the past, and the voice of the present. We are always asking two quite different questions. Historians reading the words of John Winthrop usually ask, What did they mean to him? Citizens ask, What do they mean to us? Historians are trained to seek the original meaning; all of us want to know the present meaning.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The star is the ultimate American verification of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Emile. His mere existence proves the perfectability of any man or woman. Oh wonderful pliability of human nature, in a society where anyone can become a celebrity! And where any celebrity . . . may become a star!
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Stars
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
In fast-moving, progress-conscious America, the consumer expects to be dizzied by progress. If he could completely understand advertising jargon he would be badly disappointed. The half-intelligibility which we expect, or even hope, to find in the latest product language personally reassures each of us that progress is being made: that the pace exceeds our ability to follow.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Moving
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Standing, standing, standing - why do I have to stand all the time? That is the main characteristic of social Washington.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Politics
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
[The Library of Congress] is a multimedia encyclopedia. These are the tentacles of a nation.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Science
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The American experience stirred mankind from discovery to exploration. From the cautious quest for what they knew (or thought they knew) was out there, into an enthusiastic reaching to the unknown. These are two substantially different kinds of human enterprise.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Discovery
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Climaxing a movement for calendar reform which had been developing for at least a century, in 1582 Pope Gregory ordained that October 4 was to be followed by October 15.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Movement
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
It is only a short step from exaggerating what we can find in the world to exaggerating our power to remake the world.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Exaggeration Is
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
In the small town each citizen had done something in his own way to build the community. The town booster had a vision of the future which he tried to fulfill. The suburb dweller by contrast started with the future
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Visions Of The Future
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The variety of minds served the economy of nature in many ways. The Creator, who designed the human brain for activity, had insured the restlessness of all minds by enabling no single one to envisage all the qualities of the creation. Since no one by himself could aspire to a serene knowledge of the whole truth, all men had been drawn into an active, exploratory and cooperative attitude.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Attitude
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
But rather that we should lose our sense that neither can become the other, that the traditional novel form continues to enlarge our experience in those very areas where the wide-angle lense and the Cinerama screen tend to narrow it.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Lenses
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The computer can help us find what we know is there. But the book remains our symbol and our resource for the unimagined question and the unwelcome answer.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Book
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The institutional scene in which American man has developed has lacked that accumulation from intervening stages which has been so dominant a feature of the European landscape.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Men
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
History had been man's effort to accomodate himself to what he could not do. Amereican history in the 20th century would, more than ever before, test man's ability to accomodate himself to all the new things he could do.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Men
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Until now when we have started to talk about the uniqueness of America we have almost always ended by comparing ourselves to Europe. Toward her we have felt all the attraction and repulsions of Oedipus
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Country
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Education
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is the illusion of knowledge.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
There was a time when the reader of an unexciting newspaper would remark, ‘How dull is the world today!’ Nowadays he says, ‘What a dull newspaper!’
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Reading