Criss Jami

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The man who is most aggressive in teaching tolerance is the most intolerant of all: he wants a world full of people too timid and ashamed to really disagree with anything.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Teaching
Image of Criss Jami
When a man is penalized for honesty he learns to lie.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Honesty
Image of Criss Jami
Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Leadership
Image of Criss Jami
The last thing Scripture should do is make you blind in the world. Instead, you hear everything, see everything, and feel everything because everything just so happens to point right back to it.
- Criss Jami
Collection: World
Image of Criss Jami
The writer's curse is that even in solitude, no matter its duration, he never grows lonely or bored.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Lonely
Image of Criss Jami
Popular culture is a place where pity is called compassion, flattery is called love, propaganda is called knowledge, tension is called peace, gossip is called news, and auto-tune is called singing.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Compassion
Image of Criss Jami
One who enjoys finding errors will then start creating errors to find.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Errors
Image of Criss Jami
It's not at all hard to understand a person; it's only hard to listen without bias
- Criss Jami
Collection: Bias And Prejudice
Image of Criss Jami
When you're the only sane person, you look like the only insane person.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Insane Person
Image of Criss Jami
There are two circumstances that lead to arrogance: one is when you're wrong and you can't face it; the other is when you're right and nobody else can face it.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Two
Image of Criss Jami
To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Courage
Image of Criss Jami
A sign of a lover of wisdom is his delight in not running his mouth about things he doesn't know.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Running
Image of Criss Jami
The humble ones are always learning and improving, and their secret is always that it's a secret.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Humble
Image of Criss Jami
Your love is as stable as you are: It's not about how good a person makes you feel, but rather what good you can do for them.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Love Is
Image of Criss Jami
God tests, but he does not tempt.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Temptation
Image of Criss Jami
I never feel unsafe except for when the majority is on my side.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Majority
Image of Criss Jami
Friends ask you questions; enemies question you.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Enemy
Image of Criss Jami
A wise man's goal shouldn't be to say something profound, but to say something useful.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Wise
Image of Criss Jami
It is a noble responsibility to not back down when you know that you know that you know that you are right.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Criss Jami
The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is the pretense of intelligent ignorance. The former is teachable; the latter is not.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Criss Jami
To be a philosopher, just reverse everything you have ever been told...and have a sense of humor doing it.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Philosopher
Image of Criss Jami
I believe God himself will someday debate with and answer every objection arrogant men can come up with against him; I believe he will humble us and humor himself. Know-it-alls, pseudo-intellectuals, militant anti-theists, for Christ's sake, or rather their own sake, best beware of getting roasted by their own medicine. Ah! Our delusions of trying to argue against an omniscient Creator.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Believe
Image of Criss Jami
What may intimidate a man is a woman who thinks with her mind before she feels with her heart. Nevertheless what determines the strength in the man is his ability to accept one when he sees one.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Heart
Image of Criss Jami
For the believer, humility is honesty about one's greatest flaws to a degree in which he fearless about truly appearing less righteous than another.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Honesty
Image of Criss Jami
It's not about going around trying to stir up trouble. As long as you're honest and you articulate what you believe to be true, somebody somewhere will become your enemy whether you like it or not.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Believe
Image of Criss Jami
Everyone has a natural slant towards seeking themselves. This gets in the way of seeking God unless God intervenes.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Way
Image of Criss Jami
Christ delves far beyond the means of superficiality, not simply because of his immaculate love, but also because he considers the distinct cases of each individual rather than withholding a broadened perception by use of stereotypes.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Mean
Image of Criss Jami
The apologist is most entrusted with apologetics when capable of arguing his opponent's position better than his opponent.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Opponents
Image of Criss Jami
To spend your time wanting things is to smother your time for achieving things beyond your expectations.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Expectations
Image of Criss Jami
These days when Christians bicker they exaggerate passion into a legalistic belief and prosperity into a lukewarm belief.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Christian
Image of Criss Jami
People think that fun in Christ is non-existent, but there is fun wherever your heart lives.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Fun
Image of Criss Jami
Man was designed in a way in which he must eat in order to give him a solid reason to go to work everyday. This helps to keep him out of trouble. God is wise.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Wise
Image of Criss Jami
I enjoy poetry where I can talk as bizarre as I please, but theology or philosophy, I always respect the truth by taking it a step further.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Criss Jami
The logic behind patriotism is a mystery. At least a man who believes that his own family or clan is superior to all others is familiar with more than 0.000003% of the people involved.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Believe
Image of Criss Jami
The hardest thing for a sane person to do is not care what anyone thinks, although everyone swears by it, hence our glorification of insanity.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Thinking
Image of Criss Jami
Some concepts are so incredibly risky they take an honest fool to try to articulate them.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Trying
Image of Criss Jami
There's nothing more contagious than the laughter of young children; it doesn't even have to matter what they're laughing about.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Laughter
Image of Criss Jami
Treat people like people. Beware of pity and patronization because in them, you can't see when you're unashamedly looking down on someone.
- Criss Jami
Collection: People
Image of Criss Jami
When everyone believes they are the life coaches, who are the players?
- Criss Jami
Collection: Believe
Image of Criss Jami
Happiness is good, but well-overrated: what we hate most are the very motivators that put us in gear. A man drifts along with little to contribute until something agitates him enough to make a difference, whether for himself or for his communities.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Hate
Image of Criss Jami
I've been able to sleep with my eyes open ever since I started watching baseball." "Drinking is such a necessity to human life that people cannot fathom an individual who, like a child confined to a church pew, gets little enjoyment out of it and would rather do other things.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Baseball
Image of Criss Jami
I still believe that many Americans have a deep longing for that glorious moment when a sermon is more Biblical than American.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Believe
Image of Criss Jami
A man who goes into a restaurant and blatantly disrespects the servers shows a strong discontent with his own being. Deep down he knows that restaurant service is the closest thing he will ever experience to being served like a king.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Strong
Image of Criss Jami
To reach only for that which pleasantly enchants you is the least of imagination, if even imagination at all, by the obvious reality of remaining within your means. The greater of imagination is parallel to risk. It extends beyond your comfort zone or haven, or sense of beauty, or what you personally believe suits you in exploration of what may not.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Believe
Image of Criss Jami
There was a time when skepticism was an act of rebellion. Since to a degree I both believe in evolution and have faith, I can only conclude that, as prophesied, to have faith will someday be an act of rebellion.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Believe
Image of Criss Jami
An exceedingly confident student would in theory make a terrible student. Why would he take school seriously when he feels that he can outwit his teachers?
- Criss Jami
Collection: Teacher
Image of Criss Jami
God loves atheists. The former ones make the most compelling theists because they're so empirically familiar with how atheists think.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Atheist
Image of Criss Jami
Pride and power fall when the person falls, but discoveries of truth form legacies that can be built upon for generations.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Fall
Image of Criss Jami
Usually without realizing it, our ultimate peace starts and ends in the authority of God alone, which means the solution to living in joy, peace, and harmony with our fellow men has been here for all since the beginning of mankind and throughout civilization. I have yet to feel the urge to argue politics: it reminds me of getting off the freeway to sit in raging traffic.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Mean
Image of Criss Jami
I feel as though whenever I create something, my Mr. Hyde wakes up in the middle of the night and starts thrashing it. I sometimes love it the next morning, but other times it is an abomination.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Morning