Bill Moyers

Image of Bill Moyers
When a library is open, no matter its size or shape, democracy is open, too.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Library
Image of Bill Moyers
Beauty is an expression of that rapture of being alive.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Beauty
Image of Bill Moyers
There's 1,000 ways into addiction 1,000 ways out.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Addiction
Image of Bill Moyers
I can't speak for a war that I believe is immoral.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: War
Image of Bill Moyers
Presidents are afraid to lose wars. They're afraid to be outflanked on the right by the militarists. They don't want to be seen as soft on either communism or soft on terrorism or whatever. So presidents are constantly tugged away from their domestic commitments to foreign policy.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: War
Image of Bill Moyers
I was not a public - I was not a thinker. I was a doer.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Doers
Image of Bill Moyers
I'm the front man, I'm the man on camera, but there's a whole team beyond me.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Team
Image of Bill Moyers
The thing about war is that once it's triggered, it is unyielding in its appetite. And the more it consumes and gorges, the more it wants.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: War
Image of Bill Moyers
Journalism's been a continuing course in adult education for me.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Adults
Image of Bill Moyers
Lyndon Johnson believed the poor deserved a better life than the economy was providing them. He thought private power and greed had to be checked by a vibrant democracy.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Greed
Image of Bill Moyers
When certain causes become prairie fires, politicians make difficult choices, and often at the expense of someone like Jeremiah Wright and Walter Jenkins. That's the cruel nature of American politics, where the end becomes the consummate objective, and sometimes the means to get there come at a great price.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Moyers
Why is the country not having this conversation, the kind of conversation that requires the politicians who are responsible for the war to be specific to the concerns of the American people.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Country
Image of Bill Moyers
The most important thing the giant philanthropies could do - Gates, Rockefeller, Ford, Open Society Institute, and new ones emerging - would be to create a $2-to-$3 billion Trust for Independent Journalism. They wouldn't miss the money, and democracy would still have a fighting chance because of their investment.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Independent
Image of Bill Moyers
When we were covering the 2008 campaign I told my young African American colleagues that despite the historical significance of victory, Barack Obama was going to break their hearts. They didn't want to hear that, and they refused to believe it. Eighteen months later they started dropping by one by one to say, sadly: "He broke our hearts." A couple of them even wept.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Couple
Image of Bill Moyers
What we need is what the ancient Israelites called hochma - the science of the heart...the capacity to see, to feel, and then to act as if the future depended on you. Believe me, it does.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Believe
Image of Bill Moyers
If being tolerant of differing opinions, if believing that America has to make it as a pluralistic nation, if being civil, if that makes you a liberal, I plead guilty.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Religious
Image of Bill Moyers
Journalists who make mistakes get sued for libel; historians who make mistakes get to publish a revised edition.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Mistake
Image of Bill Moyers
A journalist is basically a chronicler, not an interpreter of events. Where else in society do you have the license to eavesdrop on so many different conversations as you have in journalism? Where else can you delve into the life of our times?
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Events
Image of Bill Moyers
The delusional is no longer marginal.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Delusional
Image of Bill Moyers
I'm angry at what's happening to America and angry with myself that I can't do more. I would be miserable if I couldn't bear witness.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: America
Image of Bill Moyers
Unless you're willing to fight and refight the same battles until you go blue in the face, drive the people you work with nuts going over every detail to make certain you've got it right, and then take hit after unfair hit accusing you of bias, there's no use even trying. You have to love it, and I do. You just hope it strikes a spark somewhere in the critical mass of public opinion and helps some people to resist further the seductions of political and corporate advertising.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bill Moyers
I can tell you that the job of trying to tell the truth about people whose job it is to hide the truth is about as complicated and difficult as trying to hide it in the first place.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Moyers
It's very difficult to measure the impact on policy of any investigative journalism. You hope it matters to let a little more truth loose in the world, but you can't always be sure it does. You do it because there's a story to be told. I can tell you that the job of trying to tell the truth about people whose job it is to hide the truth is about as complicated and difficult as trying to hide it in the first place.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Moyers
The things I really cared about - poverty, the Great Society, civil rights - were all being drained away by the Vietnam War. The line that keeps running through my mind is the line I never spoke: "I can't speak for a war that I believe is immoral."
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Running
Image of Bill Moyers
President Bush, whose scorn for journalists is balanced by a soft spot in his heart for the conglomerates they work for, threatens to veto the Senate action. Keep in mind that when the public was asked to submit comments to the FCC about consolidation, only one percent approved it. The President may not be listening, but the Senate is, and the public won this round. The House has a similar resolution under consideration.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Heart
Image of Bill Moyers
Barack Obama seemed to think he could win over his enemies. He certainly seemed to believe too much in his own powers of persuasion. One thing's for sure - he misunderstood the nature of his adversaries.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Believe
Image of Bill Moyers
Although I was brought up in a culturally and religious conservative culture, as a Baptist I was taught that no one has the right to subpoena your conscience.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Religious
Image of Bill Moyers
I like what I do and keep thinking the best is yet to come.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bill Moyers
Television can stir emotions, but it doesn't invite reflection as much as the printed page.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Reflection
Image of Bill Moyers
In those days [1955], affirmative action was for whites only. I might still be working for the grocery store in the small Texas town where I grew up were it not for affirmative action for Southern white boys.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Boys
Image of Bill Moyers
How can those of us who are parents help our children recognize their bliss?
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Children
Image of Bill Moyers
On the eve of the election last month my wife Judith and I were driving home late in the afternoon and turned on the radio for the traffic and weather. What we instantly got was a freak show of political pornography: lies, distortions, and half-truths - half-truths being perhaps the blackest of all lies. They paraded before us as informed opinion.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Lying
Image of Bill Moyers
Watching the debate this afternoon it was apparent they loved term limits in the House - as Brutus loved Caesar.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: House
Image of Bill Moyers
A producer is a saboteur who tries to infiltrate the passivity of viewers and to create impressions that are lasting.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Trying
Image of Bill Moyers
Standing up to your government can mean standing up for your country.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Country
Image of Bill Moyers
Professionals give advice; pilgrims share wisdom.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Bill Moyers
The most encouraging sign is that 71 percent of the public believe the system is profoundly corrupted by the power of money. Ninety-six percent of the people believe it's "important" that we reduce the influence of money. Yet 91 percent think it's "not likely" that its influence will be lessened. Think about that: People know what's right to do yet don't think it can or will be done.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Believe
Image of Bill Moyers
Sharing is the essence of teaching. It is, I have come to believe, the essence of civilization...Without it, the imagination is but the echo of the self, trapped in a soundproof chamber, reverberating upon itself until it is spent in exhaustion or futility.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Believe
Image of Bill Moyers
When the public loses faith in democracy's ability to solve the problems it has created for itself, the game's almost over. And I think we are this close to losing democracy to the mercenary class.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bill Moyers
Charity depends on the vicissitudes of whim and personal wealth; justice depends on commitment instead of circumstance. Faith-based charity provides crumbs from the table; faith-based justice offers a place at the table.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Commitment
Image of Bill Moyers
Now Barack Obama, who campaigned for transparency, is the President defending secret negotiations on new trade agreements that are largely being written by corporate lawyers and lobbyists. He would give corporations the key to the treasury while he gets the authority to fast track another hammering of working people and the environment. Yet the only people who get a real tongue-lashing from this President's White House are progressives around town who dare to call him on the carpet for abandoning his promises.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Real
Image of Bill Moyers
Lyndon Johnson was thirteen of the most interesting and difficult men I ever met. He could be as couth as he was uncouth, as magnanimous as malicious, at times proud and sensitive, at times paranoid and darkly uneasy with himself. Freud would have had a field day with him.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Men
Image of Bill Moyers
Democracy works when people claim it as their own
- Bill Moyers
Collection: People
Image of Bill Moyers
Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been. Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Creativity
Image of Bill Moyers
The consensual seduction of the mainstream media by and with the government is one of the most dangerous toxins at work in America today.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Government
Image of Bill Moyers
Jon Stewart is a remarkable satirist and parodist in the vein of Mark Twain, because Jon Stewart understands what Mark Twain knew, which is that the truth goes down more easily in a democracy when it's marinated in humor.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Democracy
Image of Bill Moyers
Our great progressive struggles have been waged to make sure ordinary citizens, and not just the rich and privileged, share in the benefits of a free society.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Struggle
Image of Bill Moyers
Fate handed Barack Obama the best of all political gifts - a dyspeptic, surly, spiteful opposition on the one hand and very unpopular financiers on the other - and he wouldn't come out punching, name names, or go for the jugular. It was as if while getting mugged by guys with brass knuckles, he turned the other cheek. He even jeopardized his pledge to preserve women's rights under Roe v. Wade in order to get a health care bill written by the corporate lapdog Max Baucus and the gang of revolving door mercenaries he hired to write a bill friendly to industry.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Moyers
When I was growing up, I never heard anyone pray, "Give me this day my daily bread." It was always, "Give us this day our daily bread." That stuck. We're all in this together.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Growing Up