Bette Davis

Image of Bette Davis
You mustn't miss the moment. There's only one first sailing into Rio harbor.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Bette Davis
I wouldn't piss on Joan Crawford if she were on fire.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Fire
Image of Bette Davis
I am a woman meant for a man, but I never found a man who could compete.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Men
Image of Bette Davis
You should know me well enough by now to know I don't ask for things I don't think I can get.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bette Davis
One begins to realize that one is getting old when the birthday candles weigh more than the cake.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Cake
Image of Bette Davis
I have eyes like a bullfrog, a neck like an ostrich and long, limp hair. You just have to be good to survive with that equipment.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Eye
Image of Bette Davis
There was more good acting at Hollywood parties than ever appeared on the screen.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Party
Image of Bette Davis
I want to die with my high heels on, still in action.
- Bette Davis
Collection: High Heels
Image of Bette Davis
There's only one way to work -- like hell.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Way
Image of Bette Davis
I'd luv to kiss ya, but I just washed my hair.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Funny
Image of Bette Davis
It's true we don't know what we've got until its gone, but we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, Pain of love lasts a lifetime.
- Bette Davis
Collection: I Miss You
Image of Bette Davis
There is a certain ecstasy in wanting things you can't get.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Certain
Image of Bette Davis
[On gay men:] Let me say, a more artistic, appreciative group of people for the arts does not exist ... They are more knowledgeable, more loving of the arts. They make the average male look stupid.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Art
Image of Bette Davis
Your luck is how you treat people.
- Bette Davis
Collection: People
Image of Bette Davis
It has been my experience that one cannot, in any shape or form, depend on human relations for lasting reward. It is only work that truly satisfies.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Experience
Image of Bette Davis
She's the original good time who was had by all.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Time
Image of Bette Davis
The act of sex, gratifying as it may be, is God's joke on humanity. It is man's last desperate stand at superintendency.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Sex
Image of Bette Davis
Don't you hate people who drink white wine? I mean, my dear, every alcoholic in town is getting falling-down drunk on white wine. They think they aren't drunks because they only drink wine. Never, never trust anyone who asks for white wine. It means they're phonies.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Hate
Image of Bette Davis
You know what I'm going to have on my gravestone? 'She did it the hard way.'
- Bette Davis
Collection: Way
Image of Bette Davis
Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night! - As Margo Channing in All About Eve
- Bette Davis
Collection: Night
Image of Bette Davis
One can make more enemies as a female with a brain, I think.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bette Davis
I have been at war from the beginning. I've never looked back before. I've never had the time and it has always seemed so dangerous. To look back is to relax one's vigil.
- Bette Davis
Collection: War
Image of Bette Davis
What a fool I was to come to Hollywood where they only understand platinum blondes and where legs are more important than talent.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Important
Image of Bette Davis
I was thought to be "stuck up." I wasn't. i was just sure of myself.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Stuck Up
Image of Bette Davis
I never said anything that was unprintable. Never said anything just for the sake of being startling.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Sake
Image of Bette Davis
The real female should be partly male and the real male should be partly female anyway.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Real
Image of Bette Davis
I firmly believe, however, that if your children have never hated you, you have failed as a parent.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Children
Image of Bette Davis
I was so uncomfortable at a party recently when the conversation droned on about women who are constantly getting married. I was on the edge of my chair, close to squirming in embarrassment because I myself was guilty of four husbands. I finally leaned forward and squeaked, 'But one died!
- Bette Davis
Collection: Husband
Image of Bette Davis
As a female I think it's a terrible hindrance in business. I think it's a terrible hindrance for any female to have a lot of intelligence in private life, but I think in business sometimes it's even worse because there's deep resentment.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bette Davis
I think men have got to change an awful lot. They still prefer the little woman.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Men
Image of Bette Davis
They say that in Hollywood one can't be honest, but I think honesty counts in Hollywood just as much as it does anywhere else. I think it's just too much trouble to be dishonest and keep up with yourself.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Honesty
Image of Bette Davis
Dramatic art in her opinion is knowing how to fill a sweater.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Art
Image of Bette Davis
I think I'll have a large order of prognosis negative.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Thinking
Image of Bette Davis
Pray to God and say the lines.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Theatre
Image of Bette Davis
Technicolor makes me look like death warmed over.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Movie
Image of Bette Davis
If Hollywood didn't work out, I was prepared to be the best secretary in the world.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Work Out
Image of Bette Davis
The only way you can become a legend is in your coffin
- Bette Davis
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Bette Davis
If men found out how to give birth to children they'll never propose again.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Children
Image of Bette Davis
Evil people you never forget them. And that's the aim of any actress-never to be forgotten.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Evil People
Image of Bette Davis
Yes, burn your bridges.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Relationship
Image of Bette Davis
The out-of-work actor wears out more than shoe leather. The very sensibilities that make him an artist are shattered by the disregard he is shown as a human being.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Artist
Image of Bette Davis
At 50, I thought proudly: Here we are, half century! Being 60 was fairly frightening. You want to know how I spent my 70th birthday? I put on a completely black face, a fuzzy black Afro wig, wore black clothes and hung a black wreath on my door.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Doors
Image of Bette Davis
I was the female Marlon Brando of my generation.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Generations
Image of Bette Davis
It's a very independent male creature that lives alone, and a lot of independent females who live alone. It's all very sad but it's much easier for both sexes to do it this way nowadays.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Sex
Image of Bette Davis
The real actor - like any real artistj- has a direct line to the collective heart.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Real
Image of Bette Davis
Almost as many inhumanities are committed in the name of love as in the name of religion.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Names
Image of Bette Davis
I wanted to be the first to win three Oscars, but Miss Hepburn has done it. Actually it hasn't been done. Miss Hepburn only won half an Oscar. If they'd given me half an Oscar I would have thrown it back in their faces. You see, I'm an Aries. I never lose.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Winning
Image of Bette Davis
I didn't forget your breakfast. I didn't bring your breakfast. Because you didn't eat your din-din.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Food