Barack Obama

Image of Barack Obama
Congress should fund research on the effects that violent video games have on young minds... We don't benefit from ignorance. We don't benefit from not knowing the science.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Barack Obama
From the first moment a woman dared to speak that hope - dared to believe that the American Dream was meant for her too - ordinary women have taken on extraordinary odds to give their daughters the chance for something else; for a life more equal, more free, and filled with more opportunity than they ever had. In so many ways we have succeeded, but in so many areas we have much work left to do.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Dream
Image of Barack Obama
Whatever we think of the past, we must not be prisoners to it.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Past
Image of Barack Obama
We don't turn back. We leave no one behind. We pull each other up. We draw strength from our victories, and we learn from our mistakes, but we keep our eyes fixed on that distant horizon, but we keep our eyes fixed on that distant horizon, knowing that Providence is with us, and that we are surely blessed to be citizens of the greatest nation on Earth.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Mistake
Image of Barack Obama
Every woman should have access to the healthcare that she needs.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Should Have
Image of Barack Obama
In addition to giving our children the science and math skills they need to compete in the new global context, we should also encourage the ability to think creatively that comes from a meaningful arts education.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Barack Obama
There's nothing that America can't handle if we actually look squarely at the problem. ...Change depends on our actions.
- Barack Obama
Collection: America
Image of Barack Obama
We will stand against violence and intimidation. We will stand for the rights and dignity of all human beings.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Rights
Image of Barack Obama
The next phase and this is part of what I'm interested in doing after I get out of the presidency is to make sure that I'm working with that next generation so that they understand you can't just rely on inspiration. There's a little perspiration involved in bringing about change too. That you have to be organized, that you have to vote even when it's not exciting.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Barack Obama
And I’ve said this all across the country when I talk to parents about education, government has to fulfill its obligations to fund education, but parents have to do their job too. We’ve got to turn off the TV set, we’ve got to put away the video game, and we have to tell our children that education is not a passive activity, you have to be actively engaged in it. If we encourage that attitude and our community is enforcing it, I have no doubt we can compete with anybody in the world.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
No other advanced nation endures this kind of violence. None. Here in America, the murder rate is three times what it is in other developed nations. The murder rate with guns is ten times what it is in other developed nations. And there's nothing inevitable about it. It comes about because of decisions we make or fail to make. And it falls upon us to make it different.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fall
Image of Barack Obama
We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
While we breathe, we will hope.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Breathe
Image of Barack Obama
Hope -- Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope! In the end, that is God’s greatest gift to us...A belief in things not seen. A belief that there are better days ahead.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Faith
Image of Barack Obama
At the dawn of the 21st century, where knowledge is literally power, where it unlocks the gates of opportunity and success, we all have responsibilities as parents, as librarians, as educators, as politicians, and as citizens to instill in our children a love of reading so that we can give them a chance to fulfill their dreams.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Dream
Image of Barack Obama
Our resources may be finite, but our will is infinite, and I am confident that if we come together and summon that great American spirit once again, we will meet the challenges of our time and write the next great chapter in our American story.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Money
Image of Barack Obama
Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Christian
Image of Barack Obama
Few artists have influenced the sound and trajectory of popular music more distinctly, or touched quite so many people with their talent. A strong spirit transcends rules,' Prince once said - and nobody's spirit was stronger, bolder, or more creative. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, his band, and all who loved him.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Strong
Image of Barack Obama
You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Funny
Image of Barack Obama
I have made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are. That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq. This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
The day I'm inaugurated, this country looks at itself differently and the world looks at America differently. If you believe that we've got to heal America and we've got to repair our standing in the world, then I think my supporters believe that I am a messenger who can deliver that message around the world in a way that no other candidate can do.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
If you like your doctor or health care provider, you can keep them. If you like your health care plan, you can keep that, too.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Doctors
Image of Barack Obama
If you've got a business - you didn't build that.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Election
Image of Barack Obama
We run everything to ground. If you see something, say something. Report your concerns to law enforcement. They will be looked at, they will be reviewed.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Running
Image of Barack Obama
I believe that for all our imperfections, we are full of decency and goodness, and that the forces that divide us are not as strong as those that unite us.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Strong
Image of Barack Obama
We know that every father has a personal responsibility to do right by their kids - to encourage them to turn off the video games and pick up a book; to teach them the difference between right and wrong; to show them through our own example the value in treating one another as we wish to be treated. And most of all, to play an active and engaged role in their lives.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Father
Image of Barack Obama
This pleased Onyango, for to him knowledge was the source of all the white man's power, and he wanted to make sure that his son was as educated as any white man.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Son
Image of Barack Obama
It’s not that I want to punish your success. I want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success, too. My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Attitude
Image of Barack Obama
The future must not belong to those who bully women. It must be shaped by girls who go to school and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Girl
Image of Barack Obama
...I believe deeply that we canot solve the challenges of your time unless we solve them together - unless we perfect our union by understanding that we may have differnt stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction - towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren. This belief comes from my unyielding faith in the decency and generosity of the American people.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Hope
Image of Barack Obama
Our politics at its best involves us recognizing ourselves in each other. And our politics at its worst are when we see immigrants or women or blacks or gays or Mexicans as somehow separate, apart from us.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Gay
Image of Barack Obama
I think at a certain age I became conscious of the power of words. And it was fairly late. I was kind of a goofball - but I was always subconsciously thinking about issues.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
State visits are often an opportunity for the United States to reaffirm our ties and friendship with our closest partners around the world.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Barack Obama
The easiest way to get 15 minutes of fame is to be rude to somebody.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Rude
Image of Barack Obama
I want to make sure that as president of the United States that I'm not asserting in some way that my decisions overrule the decisions of prosecutors who are there to uphold the law.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Law
Image of Barack Obama
There's just a whole different attitude and vibe when you're not in power as when you're in power.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Attitude
Image of Barack Obama
Our vulnerability to Russia or any other foreign power is directly related to how divided, partisan, dysfunctional our political process is. That's the thing that makes us vulnerable.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Russia
Image of Barack Obama
It's time to end the hypocrisy of those who accumulate wealth through the global economy, and then siphon funds to those who teach children to tear it down.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Barack Obama
The ideals and the values of the United States inspired the entire world. I don't think any of us can say that our standing in the world now, the way children around the world look at the United States, is the same. And part of what we need to do is to send a message to the world that we are going to invest in issues like education, we are going to invest in issues that relate to how ordinary people are able to live out their dreams. And that is something that I'm going to be committed to as president of the United States.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Dream
Image of Barack Obama
I don't expect to get 100 percent of what I want, but what we can't do is go back to the kind of top-down economics that doesn't work.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Top Down
Image of Barack Obama
I will tell you, when 20 6-year-olds are gunned down and Congress literally does nothing, yeah that's the closest I came to feeling disgusted.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Years
Image of Barack Obama
I was never great, but I was a good [basketball] player, and I could play seriously. Now I'm like one of these old guys who's running around, and the guys I play with, who are all a lot younger, they sort of pity me and sympathize with me. They tolerate me, but we all know that I'm the weak link on the court. And I don't like being the weak link.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Running
Image of Barack Obama
You might slow down a little bit, you might not jump as high as you used to, but I know what I'm doing and I'm fearless.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fearless
Image of Barack Obama
During the course of my presidency, it feels as if a couple times a year, I end up having to speak to the country and to speak to a particular community about a devastating loss. The grieving that the country feels is real, the sympathy, the prioritizing, the comforting of the families, all that’s important. But I think part of the point that I wanted to make was that it’s not enough just to feel bad.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
America is a country of strong families and strong values. My life's been blessed by both.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
In Missouri, it's a 50/50 state, so I'm kind of used to half the state being mad at me.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Mad
Image of Barack Obama
What's good for America better damn well be good for General Motors.
- Barack Obama
Collection: America
Image of Barack Obama
Black children, white children, Latino children. America is becoming more diverse, it's becoming more tolerant as a consequence there's more interactions between groups. There are going be tensions that arise.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Children
Image of Barack Obama
There isn't anyone who can't serve ... nobody who can't help somebody else.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Community