Top Election Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Election quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Elizabeth Drew
The Republicans’ plan is that if they can’t buy the 2012 election they will steal it.
- Elizabeth Drew
Collection: Election
Image of Ted Haggard
If the evangelicals vote, they determine the election.
- Ted Haggard
Collection: Election
Image of Michael Howard
There is only one opinion poll that I am interested in and that is the one that will take place on election day.
- Michael Howard
Collection: Election
Image of Paul Collier
Elections determine who is in power, but they do not determine how power is used.
- Paul Collier
Collection: Election
Image of Justin Miller
Kink isn't a crime; conspiring with a foreign power to commit espionage, fix election is. Stay focused.
- Justin Miller
Collection: Election
Image of Kisan Baburao Hazare
If I had campaigned for it, Arvind Kejriwal would have become the chief minister of Delhi.
- Kisan Baburao Hazare
Collection: Election
Image of David Corn
Jon Bolton is the neocon`s neocon. He was a hawk straight down the line. He wanted to bomb Iran five, six years ago before the Donald Trump election!
- David Corn
Collection: Election
Image of Matt Labash
There is only one candidate in this election who can universally mobilize conservatives, and as evident from the variety of primary victors, none of them is a Republican. It's Hillary Clinton.
- Matt Labash
Collection: Election
Image of Jan Eliasson
I don't have time. Come back after the election.
- Jan Eliasson
Collection: Election
Image of George Hearst
Elections cannot inconvenience me. They ratify my will or I neuter them.
- George Hearst
Collection: Election
Image of Vyacheslav Molotov
The trouble with free elections is that you never know how they are going to turn out.
- Vyacheslav Molotov
Collection: Election
Image of Jeh Johnson
I hope that the states are taking seriously their obligations to harden the cybersecurity around the election infrastructure that Americans rely upon and need.
- Jeh Johnson
Collection: Election
Image of Dmitry Peskov
Of course Russia is, let's say element, of American election campaign, was on the agenda to some extent but the influence of that element could have hardly been critical.
- Dmitry Peskov
Collection: Election
Image of Hamilton Jordan
If, after the election, you find a Cy Vance as Secretary of State and a Zbigniew Brzezinski as head of National Security, then I would say we failed. And I'd quit.
- Hamilton Jordan
Collection: Election
Image of Roger Babson
The election of Hoover...should result in continued prosperity for 1929.
- Roger Babson
Collection: Election
Image of Star Jones
[Hillary Clinton chose to make her marriage work. That is just outrageous.]It speaks of the sexism and the misogyny in this election [2016].
- Star Jones
Collection: Election
Image of Amy Klobuchar
As the ranking member of the Rules Committee, I'm particularly concerned about ensuring our elections are safe from foreign interference.
- Amy Klobuchar
Collection: Election
Image of Ilya Ponomarev
From the point of view of legislation of the Constitution, my mandate has been given by my constituency. So it's only my constituency that can revoke my mandate. So until the next election, nobody is supposed to do anything.
- Ilya Ponomarev
Collection: Election
Image of Sebastian Kurz
The elections would be free and democratic, and any result would have to be accepted.
- Sebastian Kurz
Collection: Election
Image of Matthew Dunlap
Maine election law specifies that anyone who is qualified to access the voter file must keep it confidential. And that is directory language. Making the list available is discretionary under the law.
- Matthew Dunlap
Collection: Election
Image of Rachel McAdams
We were there [ in the newsroom] through the elections [2008] so it was quite a frenzy going on. The other thing I learn is that journalists are very messy.
- Rachel McAdams
Collection: Election
Image of Jeff Sessions
I have never met with or had any conversation with any Russians or any foreign officials concerning any type of interference with any campaign or election in the United States.
- Jeff Sessions
Collection: Election
Image of Mitt Romney
I'm not going to say to Putin that he'll get more flexibility after the election. After the election he'll get more backbone.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Election
Image of Barack Obama
If you've got a business - you didn't build that.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Election
Image of Donald Trump
I'm afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Election
Image of Renata Adler
If you once cede to the Court the power to decide elections, let alone even the power to halt counting of the votes, then you have ceded it everything.
- Renata Adler
Collection: Election
Image of Michelle Obama
Elections aren't just about who votes, but who doesn't vote.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Election
Image of Nancy Pelosi
Elections are about the future.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Election
Image of Rick Perry
I would do away with Education, Commerce, and let's see - the third one I can't. I can't. Oops.
- Rick Perry
Collection: Election
Image of Mitt Romney
I've been as consistent as human beings can be.
- Mitt Romney
Collection: Election
Image of Colin Powell
Diplomacy never stops, and, with or without an election, it never stops.
- Colin Powell
Collection: Election
Image of Bill Vaughan
Vote in a national election.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: Election
Image of Donald Trump
Remember, we`re competing in a rigged election [2016]. This is a rigged election, folks.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Election
Image of Will Rogers
That's the trouble with a politician's life-somebody is always interrupting it with an election.
- Will Rogers
Collection: Election
Image of Bill Moyers
The fault line in American history is now a dividing line in the election and it's changing the conversation.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Election
Image of Paul Ryan
I never asked for stimulus.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Election
Image of Donna Brazile
[Hackers] did not stop. They - they came after us absolutely every day until the end of the election. They tried to hack into our system repeatedly.
- Donna Brazile
Collection: Election
Image of John le Carre
Elections are a Western jerk-off.
- John le Carre
Collection: Election
Image of Jim Brown
We have free elections. Everybody can vote, we fought for that, we brag about that and we know we're going to have a winner and we're going to have a loser.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Election
Image of William Kristol
I was "Never Trump." But it turned out never republican was really the theme of this election.
- William Kristol
Collection: Election
Image of William Kristol
It's been an unusual election [2016].
- William Kristol
Collection: Election
Image of Herman Cain
999 ... I can explain it in a minute
- Herman Cain
Collection: Election
Image of Narendra Modi
I am an apolitical Prime Minister. Apart from elections, I don't get involved into politics ever.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Election
Image of Blake Lively
Election made me more aware, more conscious, more sensitive. Not just of sexism but of discrimination in all areas - class, gender, race. I had realized that there were problems .
- Blake Lively
Collection: Election
Image of Chuck Todd
Paul Ryan, was saying [on election 2016 "I don`t see any evidence of systemic fraud."
- Chuck Todd
Collection: Election
Image of Ted Cruz
What many of the Senate Democrats are taking as the lesson of this election was that Hillary Clinton is too moderate and they need to go more Elizabeth Warren, more Bernie Sanders, more extreme and on the fringes.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Election
Image of Jill Stein
We deserve elections we can trust.
- Jill Stein
Collection: Election
Image of Evan Esar
In elections, the undecided vote is usually the deciding factor.
- Evan Esar
Collection: Election
Image of Clint Eastwood
I can't do that to myself...
- Clint Eastwood
Collection: Election
Image of Felix Frankfurter
After all, advocates, including advocates for States, are like managers of pugilistic and election contestants in that they have a propensity for claiming everything.
- Felix Frankfurter
Collection: Election