Barack Obama

Image of Barack Obama
But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
We reaffirm that on days like this, there are no Republicans or Democrats. We are Americans, united in concern for our fellow citizens.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Barack Obama
I think that Donald Trump is coming to this office with fewer set hard-and-fast policy prescriptions than a lot of other presidents might be arriving with.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
I believe that the starting point of faith is some doubt, not bein' so full of yourself and so confident that you are right and that God speaks only to us and doesn't speak to others, that God only cares about us and doesn't care about others.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Believe
Image of Barack Obama
The best judge of whether or not a country is going to develop is how it treats its women. If it's educating its girls, if women have equal rights, that country is going to move forward. But if women are oppressed and abused and illiterate, then they're going to fall behind.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Girl
Image of Barack Obama
Together we resolve that a great nation must care for the vulnerable and protect its people from life's worst hazards and misfortune.
- Barack Obama
Collection: People
Image of Barack Obama
Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Brother
Image of Barack Obama
Part of what we have to do a better job of, if our democracy is to function in a complicated diverse society like this, is to teach our kids enough critical thinking to be able to sort out what is true and what is false, what is contestable and what is incontestable. And we seem to have trouble with that. And our political system doesn't help.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
ISIS is a virulent, nasty organization that has gained a foothold in ungoverned spaces effectively in Syria and parts of western Iraq. We have to take it seriously. They've shown in Paris what they can do in an organized fashion.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fashion
Image of Barack Obama
It is that fundamental belief, it is that fundamental belief, I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper that makes this country work. It’s what allows us to pursue our individual dreams and yet still come together as one American family. E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Dream
Image of Barack Obama
If you have health insurance, then you don't have to do anything. If you've got health insurance through your employer, you can keep your health insurance, keep your choice of doctor, keep your plan.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Doctors
Image of Barack Obama
The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Barack Obama
The most expensive care we can give, we're giving those Americans without insurance. It's kind of stupid that we're fighting the notion that we want to quit paying a hidden tax and be up front about covering people in a way that is cost-effective.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Stupid
Image of Barack Obama
The Muslim call to prayer is one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Prayer
Image of Barack Obama
This victory alone is not the change we seek; it is only the chance for us to make that change.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Victory
Image of Barack Obama
What the American people hope -– what they deserve -– is for all of us, Democrats and Republicans, to work through our differences; to overcome the numbing weight of our politics. For while the people who sent us here have different backgrounds, different stories, different beliefs, the anxieties they face are the same. The aspirations they hold are shared: a job that pays the bills; a chance to get ahead; most of all, the ability to give their children a better life.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship.
- Barack Obama
Collection: America
Image of Barack Obama
I'm not somebody who is always comfortable with language that implies I've got a monopoly on the truth, or that my faith is automatically transferable to others.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Language
Image of Barack Obama
Alongside my own deep personal faith, I am a follower, as well, of our civic religion. I am a big believer in the separation of church and state.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Church
Image of Barack Obama
A lot of countries have advanced capabilities. And given the vulnerabilities of our infrastructure and our economies to digital platforms, we have to be careful in making sure that this doesn't become a lawless, low-level battlefield.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
Because our right to worship freely and safely, that right was denied to Christians in Charleston, South Carolina, and that was denied Jews in Kansas City, and that was denied Muslims in Chapel Hill, and Sikhs in Oak Creek. They had rights too. Our right to peaceful assembly, that right was robbed from movie goers in Aurora and Lafayette.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Christian
Image of Barack Obama
Both our nations [Malasian and American] are committed to building a regional order where all nations play by the same rules and disputes are resolved peacefully and this visit will be an opportunity to continue deepening our cooperation on behalf of regional stability and prosperity.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Barack Obama
I absolutely think that it's possible for us to find common ground.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
We [Americans] are a nation of immigrants. We all understand what this country has become because talent from all around the world wants to come here, people who are willing to take risks, people who want to build on their dreams and make sure their kids have an - even bigger dreams than they have.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West - know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy.
- Barack Obama
Collection: People
Image of Barack Obama
I remember when I was in Chicago and data started coming out that when black folks walk into an auto dealership, and women, too, to some degree, they are automatically given higher quotes, worse deals. And this was just documented extensively across auto dealerships around the country. There was a tax being imposed on black folks. By collecting that data, you can construct policies to combat that.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
The fact is every single day in the ordinary American people, America's families have to make decisions about their families and that should be made by them, not by the Texas or United States.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Texas
Image of Barack Obama
To look at long term trends in our economy, in our society, in the international sphere and using my best judgment, shape policies that will serve the American people, keep them safe, keep our economy growing, put people back to work.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Long
Image of Barack Obama
It's not a choice between our environment and our economy; it's a choice between prosperity and decline.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Choices
Image of Barack Obama
Clearly, Iran has influence in Iraq. Iraq has a majority Shi'a population, they have relationships to Iran. Some are natural.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Iran
Image of Barack Obama
So my biggest fun has been watching my daughters grow up. Now, unfortunately they're hitting the age where they still love me, but they think I'm completely boring. And so they'll come in, pat me on the head, talk to me for 10 minutes, and then they're gone all weekend. Right? They break my heart! So now I've got to start thinking, Well what's going to replace that fun?
- Barack Obama
Collection: Daughter
Image of Barack Obama
I've got two daughters and I want to make sure that they have the same opportunities that anybody's sons have. That's part of what I'm fighting for as president of the United States.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Daughter
Image of Barack Obama
Each path to knowledge involves different rules and these rules are not interchangeable.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Different
Image of Barack Obama
And so you [young Americans]need to be the Idea Generation. The generation who's always thinking on the cutting edge, who's wondering how to create and keep the next wave of American jobs and American innovations, who's figuring out how to out-compete the Idea Generations of Indias and Chinas of the world.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Barack Obama
I think when you're governing, it will become increasingly apparent that if you were to just eliminate trade deals with Mexico, for example, well, you've got a global supply chain. The parts that are allowing auto plants that were about to shut down to now employ double shifts is because they're bringing in some of those parts to assemble out of Mexico. And so it's not as simple as it might have seemed.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Simple
Image of Barack Obama
I have got to figure out a system because I have bad filing, sorting, and organizing habits.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Habit
Image of Barack Obama
Just like I described in health care, yeah, somebody comes in, they got new ideas, maybe ideas that are completely opposite of my ideas. Maybe some of it goes, maybe some of that progress goes back. Maybe they think of some things we didn't think of, and so in some other areas - we can learn something.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barack Obama
If we fall into the trap of painting all Muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists' work for them.
- Barack Obama
Collection: War
Image of Barack Obama
The key is whether or not we have got priorities that are working for you, as opposed to those who have been dictating the policy in Washington lately. And that's mostly lobbyists and special interests. We have got to put an end to that.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Priorities
Image of Barack Obama
Trump is not somebody who`s fit to be president in any circumstances. I would feel deeply frustrated, not because anything he said about me, but because I would fear for the future of our country.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
Keep in mind that, when I came in, we had had a crisis that was the worst we've seen since the 1930s, and working with people like Chancellor Merkel, working with the G-20 and other institutions internationally, we were able to stabilize the financial system, stabilize the US economy and return to growth.
- Barack Obama
Collection: People
Image of Barack Obama
We can lose so much of what we've gained in terms of the kind of democratic freedoms and market-based economies and prosperity that we've come to take for granted.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Kind
Image of Barack Obama
The greatest gift that Michelle and I have received over the last eight years has been the honor of serving as your President and First Lady. Together, we fought our way back from the worst recession in 80 years, and got unemployment to a nine-year low.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Eight
Image of Barack Obama
By so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we first got here. And I'm hopeful we'll build on the progress we've made in the years to come.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
Too often, we have failed to enforce international norms when it's inconvenient to do so.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Norm
Image of Barack Obama
Nobody said democracies supposed to be easy. It's hard. And in a big country like America, it probably should be hard.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Country
Image of Barack Obama
When it comes to our military, what we have to think about is not, you know just budgets, we've got to think about capabilities.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Military
Image of Barack Obama
A nuclear Iran is a threat to America's national security, and it is a threat to Israel's national security. We cannot afford to have a nuclear arms race in the most volatile region of the world.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Race