Arnold Bennett

Image of Arnold Bennett
If you've ever really been poor you remain poor at heart all your life. I've often walked when I could very well afford to take a taxi because I simply couldn't bring myself to waste the shilling it would cost.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Heart
Image of Arnold Bennett
Saw Washington Monument. Phallic. Appalling. A national catastrophe.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Washington Monument
Image of Arnold Bennett
You can only acquire really useful general ideas by first acquiring particular ideas . . . You cannot make bricks without straw.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Ideas
Image of Arnold Bennett
I will never cease advising my friends and enemies to read poetry before anything.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Enemy
Image of Arnold Bennett
The man who begins to go to bed forty minutes before he opens his bedroom door is bored; that is to say, he is not living.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Men
Image of Arnold Bennett
Because her instinct has told her, or because she has been reliably informed, the faded virgin knows that the supreme joys are not for her; she knows by a process of the intellect; but she can feel her deprivation no more than the young mother can feel the hardship of the virgin's lot.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Mother
Image of Arnold Bennett
Being a husband is a whole-time job.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Arnold Bennett
The makers of literature are those who have seen and felt the miraculous interestingness of the universe. If you have formed...literary taste...your life will be one long ecstasy of denying that the world is a dull place.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Long
Image of Arnold Bennett
All wrong doing is done in the sincere belief that it is the best thing to do.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Funny
Image of Arnold Bennett
The second suggestion is to think as well as to read. I know people who read and read, and for all the good it does them they might just as well cut bread-and-butter. They take to reading as better men take to drink. They fly through the shires of literature on a motor-car, their sole object being motion. They will tell you how many books they have read in a year. Unless you give at least 45 minutes to careful, fatiguing reflection (it is an awful bore at first) upon what you are reading, your 90 minutes of a night are chiefly wasted.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Book
Image of Arnold Bennett
The proper, wise balancing of one's whole life may depend upon the feasibility of a cup of tea at an unusual hour.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Wise
Image of Arnold Bennett
The chances are that you have already come to believe that happiness is unattainable. But men have attained it. And they have attained it by realizing that happiness does not spring from the procuring of physical or mental pleasure, but from the development of reason and the adjustment of conduct to principles.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Arnold Bennett
Literature exists so that where one man has lived finely ten thousand may afterward live finely
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Men
Image of Arnold Bennett
I don't read my reviews, I measure them.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Book
Image of Arnold Bennett
There is no magic method of beginning... Take hold of your nerves, and jump.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Magic
Image of Arnold Bennett
Its language is a language which the soul alone understands, but which the soul can never translate.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Music
Image of Arnold Bennett
Every scene, even the commonest, is wonderful, if only one can detach oneself, casting off all memory of use and custom and behold it, as it were, for the first time.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Memories
Image of Arnold Bennett
During a long and varied career as a bachelor, dear spouse [mock platform manner], I have noticed that marriage is usually the death of politeness between a man and a woman.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Marriage
Image of Arnold Bennett
I think it rather fine, this necessity for the tense bracing of the will before anything worth doing can be done. I rather like it myself. I feel it is to be the chief thing that differentiates me from the cat by the fire.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Cat
Image of Arnold Bennett
No mind, however loving, could bear to see plainly into all the recess of another mind.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Mind
Image of Arnold Bennett
The pleasure of doing a thing in the same way at the same time every day, and savoring it, should be noted.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Happiness
Image of Arnold Bennett
The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labour is immense.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Arnold Bennett
Which of us is not saying to himself which of us has not been saying to himself all his life: " I shall alter that when I have a little more time"? We never shall have any more time. We have, and we have always had, all the time there is.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Littles
Image of Arnold Bennett
Worry is evidence of an ill-controlled brain; it is merely a stupid waste of time in unpleasantness. If men and women practiced mental calisthenics as they do physical calisthenics, they would purge their brains of this foolishness.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Time
Image of Arnold Bennett
Worry is evidence of an ill-controlled brain; it is merely a stupid waste of time in unpleasantness.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Stupid
Image of Arnold Bennett
Falsehood often lurks upon the tongue of him, who, by self-praise, seeks to enhance his value in the eyes of others.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Eye
Image of Arnold Bennett
The only way to write a great book is to write it with the eyes of a child who sees things for the first time.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Children
Image of Arnold Bennett
The saxophone is the embodied spirit of beer.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Beer
Image of Arnold Bennett
Time is the explicable raw material of everything.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Time
Image of Arnold Bennett
A man of sixty has spent twenty years in bed and over three years in eating.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Birthday
Image of Arnold Bennett
Time is the inexplicable raw material of everything. With it, all is possible, without it nothing. The supply of time is truly a daily miracle, an affair genuinely astonishing when one examines it.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Miracle
Image of Arnold Bennett
The test of a first-rate work, and a test of your sincerity in calling it a first-rate work, is that you finish it.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Calling
Image of Arnold Bennett
It is only people of small stature who have to stand on their dignity.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: People
Image of Arnold Bennett
The parents exist to teach the child, but also they must learn what the child has to teach them; and the child has a very great deal to teach them
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Children
Image of Arnold Bennett
To write is to make oneself the echo of what cannot cease speaking.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Writing
Image of Arnold Bennett
Essential characteristic of the really great novelist: a Christ-like, all-embracing compassion.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Art
Image of Arnold Bennett
If you've ever really been poor, you remain poor at heart all your life.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Heart
Image of Arnold Bennett
Every scene, even the commonest, is wonderful, if only one can detach oneself, casting off all memory of use and custom, and behold it (as it were) for the first time; in its right, authentic colors; without making comparisons. Cherish and burnish this faculty of seeing crudely, simply, artlessly, ignorantly; of seeing like a baby or a lunatic, who lives each moment by itself and tarnishes by the present no remembrance of the past.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Baby
Image of Arnold Bennett
I do want an expensive honeymoon. Not because I'm extravagant, but because a honeymoon is a solemn, important thing ... a symbol. And it ought to be done -- well, adequately.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Important
Image of Arnold Bennett
In search of ideas I spent yesterday morning in walking about, and went to the stores and bought things in four departments. A wonderful and delightful way of spending time. I think this sort of activity does stimulate creative ideas.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Morning
Image of Arnold Bennett
As a rule people don't collect books; they let books collect themselves.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Book
Image of Arnold Bennett
The most important preliminary to the task of arranging one's life so that one may live fully and comfortably within one's daily budget of 24 hours is the calm realization of the extreme difficulty of the task, of the sacrifices and the endless effort which it demands.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Life
Image of Arnold Bennett
A sense of the value of time... is an essential preliminary to efficient work; it is the only method of avoiding hurry.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Essentials
Image of Arnold Bennett
Make love to every woman you meet; if you get five per cent of your outlay it's a good investment.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Love
Image of Arnold Bennett
Far from the madding crowd is a mistake on a honeymoon.... Solitude! Wherever you are, if you're on a honeymoon, you'll get quite as much solitude as is good for you every twenty-four hours. Constant change and distraction -- that's what wants arranging for. Solitude will arrange itself.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Mistake
Image of Arnold Bennett
Most people sleep themselves stupid.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Stupid
Image of Arnold Bennett
Only a very gifted mind could cope singly with all the problems which present themselves in the perfecting of a home.
- Arnold Bennett
Collection: Home