Top Essentials Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Essentials quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Toni Bentley
We live only to dance. If living were not an essential prerequisite, we would abstain.
- Toni Bentley
Collection: Essentials
Image of Elena Ferrante
The fictional treatment of biographical material - a treatment that for me is essential - is full of traps.
- Elena Ferrante
Collection: Essentials
Image of Charles F. Haanel
The only way to keep from going backward is to keep going forward. Eternal vigilance is the price of success. There are three steps, and each one is absolutely essential. You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do.
- Charles F. Haanel
Collection: Essentials
Image of Georg Solti
From Toscanini I learnt the essential and desperate seriousness of making music.
- Georg Solti
Collection: Essentials
Image of George Sanders
I am essential to the theater.
- George Sanders
Collection: Essentials
Image of Eli Roth
Everybody has to know where they're coming from, what they're doing, why they're doing it, who they are. These are essentials.
- Eli Roth
Collection: Essentials
Image of Henry Cloud
Boundaries are basically about providing structure, and structure is essential in building anything that thrives.
- Henry Cloud
Collection: Essentials
Image of Joseph Stiglitz
Anybody who knows about capitalism knows that bankruptcy is an essential part of capitalism.
- Joseph Stiglitz
Collection: Essentials
Image of Joseph A. Schumpeter
The essential point to grasp is that in dealing with capitalism we are dealing with an evolutionary process
- Joseph A. Schumpeter
Collection: Essentials
Image of Doreen Virtue
Forgiveness is essential as the ultimate detox
- Doreen Virtue
Collection: Essentials
Image of Matthew Kelly
Our essential purpose is to become the best version of ourselves.
- Matthew Kelly
Collection: Essentials
Image of Gao Xingjian
What is essential is whether it is perceived and not whether it exists. To exist and yet not to be perceived is the same as not exist.
- Gao Xingjian
Collection: Essentials
Image of Kelly Link
Well, I don't ever leave out details, in that I don't come up with information or description which I don't then use. I only ever come up with what seems to me absolutely essential to make the story work. I'm not usually an overwriter. As I revise, it's usually a matter of adding in as much vivid details as seem necessary to make the story come clear without slowing down the momentum of the story.
- Kelly Link
Collection: Essentials
Image of J.A. Konrath
Writers are essential. Readers are essential. Publishers are not.
- J.A. Konrath
Collection: Essentials
Image of Ariana Franklin
Tomorrows were full of awful things. Today, now, was the essential.
- Ariana Franklin
Collection: Essentials
Image of Oskar Kokoschka
The most fundamental in me is coming uppermost, and the transient, the sensational, is dispersing, because it can't adversely influence what is essential to me.
- Oskar Kokoschka
Collection: Essentials
Image of S. Truett Cathy
Food is Essential to life, therefore make it good.
- S. Truett Cathy
Collection: Essentials
Image of Reginald Horace Blyth
What is essential is not the answer but the questions; the answers indeed are the death of the life that is in the questions.
- Reginald Horace Blyth
Collection: Essentials
Image of Joan Halifax
There is the in-breath and there is the out-breath, and too often we feel like we have to exhale all the time. The inhale is absolutely essential - and then you can exhale.
- Joan Halifax
Collection: Essentials
Image of Joel Grey
TDF is more essential today than it was when it was first founded in 1968.
- Joel Grey
Collection: Essentials
Image of Robert Andrews Millikan
I conceive the essential task of religion to be "to develop the consciences, the ideals, and the aspirations of mankind".
- Robert Andrews Millikan
Collection: Essentials
Image of Ada Lovelace
One essential object is to choose that arrangement which shall tend to reduce to a minimum the time necessary for completing the calculation.
- Ada Lovelace
Collection: Essentials
Image of Ada Lovelace
In almost every computation a great variety of arrangements for the succession of the processes is possible, and various considerations must influence the selections amongst them for the purposes of a calculating engine. One essential object is to choose that arrangement which shall tend to reduce to a minimum the time necessary for completing the calculation.
- Ada Lovelace
Collection: Essentials
Image of Fernand Point
Cuisine is not invariable like a Codex formula. But one must guard against tampering with the essential bases.
- Fernand Point
Collection: Essentials
Image of Elvin Jones
That's what the drummer is supposed to do. Keep the time. If you can do something else besides that, fine. But the time is essential and non-negotiable.
- Elvin Jones
Collection: Essentials
Image of Benedetto Croce
History is various and sinuous and no essential part of the human spirit is ever wholly absent from it.
- Benedetto Croce
Collection: Essentials
Image of Glenda Jackson
The good writer and the good actor are always searching for what is essential. It is a never-ending task because what is essential is always elusive and, therefore, fascinating.
- Glenda Jackson
Collection: Essentials
Image of Pierre-Auguste Renoir
There are some things in painting which cannot be explained, and that something is essential.
- Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Collection: Essentials
Image of Luis Bunuel
A writer or painter cannot change the world. But they can keep an essential margin of nonconformity alive.
- Luis Bunuel
Collection: Essentials
Image of Savielly Tartakower
The first essential for an attack is the will to attack.
- Savielly Tartakower
Collection: Essentials
Image of Henry Gantt
The greatest problem before engineers and managers today is the economical utilization of labor . The limiting of output by the workman, and the limiting by the employer of the amount a workman is allowed to earn, are both factors which militate against that harmonious co-operation of employer and employee which is essential to their highest common good.
- Henry Gantt
Collection: Essentials
Image of Roy Jenkins
A substantial extension of public ownership is an essential pre-requisite of greater equality of earned income
- Roy Jenkins
Collection: Essentials
Image of Mac Barnett
Not only is a good prank harmless, but, like a good story, it reveals an essential truth that would otherwise be hidden.
- Mac Barnett
Collection: Essentials
Image of Winston Smith
Thoughtcrime is death. Thoughtcrime does not entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death. I have committed even before setting pen to paper the essential crime that contains all others unto itself.
- Winston Smith
Collection: Essentials
Image of Joan Robinson
The first essential for economists ... is to ... combat, not foster, the ideology which pretends that values which can be measured in terms of money are the only ones that ought to count.
- Joan Robinson
Collection: Essentials
Image of Richard Holbrooke
It is essential that the foreign forces who have invaded and occupy large parts of the Congo halt their offensive action
- Richard Holbrooke
Collection: Essentials
Image of Kurt Schwitters
The medium is as unimportant as I myself. Essential is only the forming.
- Kurt Schwitters
Collection: Essentials
Image of Niki Lauda
The less you talk, the more time you have for the essential things.
- Niki Lauda
Collection: Essentials
Image of Horatio Greenough
In nakedness I behold the majesty of the essential instead of the trappings of pretension.
- Horatio Greenough
Collection: Essentials
Image of A. O. Scott
Not just a timely movie, a great one...Timbuktu feels at once timely and permanent, immediate and essential.
- A. O. Scott
Collection: Essentials
Image of Keith K. Hilbig
Because the pernicious opposition by Satan continues, the continuous enlightened guidance of the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential.
- Keith K. Hilbig
Collection: Essentials
Image of Pierre de Coubertin
The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.
- Pierre de Coubertin
Collection: Essentials
Image of Jeff Jarvis
Make linking to the rest an essential part of what you do best.
- Jeff Jarvis
Collection: Essentials
Image of Laura Ramirez
Family is essential because we all yearn to feel like we belong to something greater than ourselves.
- Laura Ramirez
Collection: Essentials
Image of Alex Toth
Strip it all down to essentials and draw the hell out of what's left.
- Alex Toth
Collection: Essentials
Image of John Whitmore
Learning to create is essential, necessary, vital & fundamental. It is the centrepiece in which you create the life that you really want
- John Whitmore
Collection: Essentials
Image of J. R. D. Tata
Good human relations not only bring great personal rewards but are essential to the success of any enterprise.
- J. R. D. Tata
Collection: Essentials
Image of Jan Tschichold
We cannot alter the essential shape of a single letter without at the same time destroying the familiar printed face of our language, and thereby rendering it useless.
- Jan Tschichold
Collection: Essentials
Image of Oswald Boelcke
In any form of attack it is essential to assail your opponent from behind.
- Oswald Boelcke
Collection: Essentials
Image of Jules Dervaes
In our society, growing food yourself has become the most radical of acts. It is truly the only effective protest, one that can-and will-overturn the corporate powers that be. By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential to change the world-we change ourselves!
- Jules Dervaes
Collection: Essentials