Angelique Kidjo

Image of Angelique Kidjo
Your brain is your greatest weapon. Connect it to your heart, and you can go anywhere.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Angelique Kidjo
It is proven that when women are educated, the ability of the country goes up immediately.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Country
Image of Angelique Kidjo
It doesn't matter what challenge you face, the most important thing is, when you fall, how you rise and how high you want to go, where you want to go from that rise on.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Fall
Image of Angelique Kidjo
You cannot transform the society of people if the people are not part of the change.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: People
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I don't care about skin the color, everybody is a human being. Beneath every skin color, you bleed red. That's just the bottom line of the truth.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Skin Color
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Dream big, as long as you do it in sync with your truth, with your heart, your brain. And you are not hurting anybody, go ahead and do it.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Dream
Image of Angelique Kidjo
You have to stand for something or you fall for everything.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Fall
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Education is very political, because when you educate the people, then you have a country that you can't fool anymore.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Country
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Don't let anyone define you from what you live through and everything that they think you stand for. Just be proud of who you are.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Thinking
Image of Angelique Kidjo
You can fall, but you can rise also.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Happiness
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I refuse for anyone to tell me who I am because I know who I am.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Who I Am
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Everyone wins when children - and especially girls – have access to education. An educated girl is likely to increase her personal earning potential and prepare herself for a productive and fulfilling life, as well as reduce poverty in the whole community. Investing in girls' education also helps delay early marriage and parenthood. Our booming economies in Africa need more female engineers, teachers and doctors to prosper and sustain growth.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Girl
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Telling my story is to empower people to believe in their own power. We have so much power individually.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Believe
Image of Angelique Kidjo
From the moment you are clear in your vision of yourself and how you project that vision in your family, your community and in the world, that's all that matters.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Community
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I don't like the idea of something being pure. It means we have to be perfect, I don't want to be perfect.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Mean
Image of Angelique Kidjo
If you love music, you have to be the one that opens doors. You have to be the one that build bridge on which everybody can be free to walk on. I know that that's my mission.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Doors
Image of Angelique Kidjo
My legacy is not only about legacy, it's about how we as a human family learn to live together within our difference.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Differences
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Music for me has been my breath, my backbone since I was a little kid. Anything that comes to my life, hard time or good time, I always find comfort in music.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Kids
Image of Angelique Kidjo
The music of the westerner comes from Africa, whether they like it or not. The majority of the instruments of the music, of the pop music, rock and roll, or R&B, hip hop, whatever it is, their roots trace back to Africa. So if you are black, white, yellow, or red, whatever you do, it doesn't matter, because your DNA is back in Africa.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Rocks
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Education is not something that the government invests in. Because if you invest in education, no politician can come and tell you something that doesn't make sense.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Government
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Your color doesn't define your brain nor your soul. You can stand next to any human being and challenge that person as long as you use your brain.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Color
Image of Angelique Kidjo
You cannot be defined by your skin color, where you come from. The world is yours, embrace it.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Skin Color
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Don't say that you are a victim if you let somebody manipulate you.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Victim
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I collaborate with people because their music talk to me as much as mine talk to them.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: People
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I want to look at myself in the mirror at the end of my life and say I've done my share and I'm proud of what I've done.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Angelique Kidjo
The richness of Africa, culturally, is vast. That's the challenge that we have to face, because most of the time, people in the western world, their attention span is really narrow.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: People
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Don't let anyone define and decide for you fate.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Fate
Image of Angelique Kidjo
For me, from the point of view of my life, I've been impacted by women that taught me that, as a woman, my body is a sanctuary, that whoever I invite in my body, I have to be clear in that invitation.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Views
Image of Angelique Kidjo
If everybody can be happy with what they achieve with their life, this world would be a better place.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Would Be
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I am a storyteller with my music. And my story, nobody gonna tell it for me.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Stories
Image of Angelique Kidjo
As long as you are happy with your life, you'll have less problems.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Long
Image of Angelique Kidjo
What we have to learn from the women of Africa is that every day is worth living.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Worth Living
Image of Angelique Kidjo
We cannot hurt ourselves just for the sake of it. When you hurt somebody you hurt yourself. Down the line, the ripple of it comes back to you.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Hurt
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I want everybody to be happy because, if you're happy, you are more open to other people. Don't let misery bring you down.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: People
Image of Angelique Kidjo
What you do that makes you happy and that makes your family, the people that love you, their opinion counts more than anybody out there that is putting a category on you or defining you according to the old phantasmal.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Love You
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Doing an album is like having a business card; to show people what you do. The most important thing to me is the stage. I do albums because I love the stage.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: People
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Africa is not just about where you are born. For me, Africa is the whole continent; from south to north, to east to west.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: East
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Even the most racist person make a very painful racial comment, give him a smile. It's better than you take a weapon on him because he's just gonna go like, "Oh." He's just being stupid.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Stupid
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I don't care about what people think about me.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Thinking
Image of Angelique Kidjo
As far as I'm concerned, no human being should be, absolutely not, put in the category of color.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Color
Image of Angelique Kidjo
As long as music of mine is not used to preach hate, or to bash women, it's okay for me. If it doesn't promote violence against women, drugs, this and that, use it, go ahead.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Hate
Image of Angelique Kidjo
Don't let misery bring you down.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Misery
Image of Angelique Kidjo
There are people who refuse to say that Africa is a continent, but that doesn't remove the fact that it is a continent.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: People
Image of Angelique Kidjo
If you're on stage and you're more concerned about your dress, and then you think that the public is accessory, you got nothing to do there.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Thinking
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I never use someone just because they are great musicians. I work with people who have the same kind of feeling towards the music that I do, and the subject that I'm speaking of at that time.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: People
Image of Angelique Kidjo
If you don't trust the roots of the modern music in Africa, then there's hope for that music at all.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Roots
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I'm a story teller. I really know how to tell stories of Africa.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Stories
Image of Angelique Kidjo
With technology today you can sing like a frog and sound good. And then when you come on stage, what do you do. Some of those artists never toured, probably just hype.
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Artist
Image of Angelique Kidjo
I’m honoured when Africa recognises me
- Angelique Kidjo
Collection: Recognise