Alfie Kohn

Image of Alfie Kohn
If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Children
Image of Alfie Kohn
Don't let anyone tell you that standardized tests are not accurate measures. The truth of the matter is they offer a remarkably precise method for gauging the size of the houses near the school where the test was administered.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Education
Image of Alfie Kohn
Children learn how to make good decisions by making decisions, not by following directions.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Children
Image of Alfie Kohn
Educational success should be measured by how strong your desire is to keep learning.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Strong
Image of Alfie Kohn
If unconditional love and genuine enthusiasm are present, praise isn't necessary. If they're absent, praise won't help.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Unconditional Love
Image of Alfie Kohn
Children, after all, are not just adults-in-the-making. They are people whose current needs and rights and experiences must be taken seriously.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Children
Image of Alfie Kohn
If a child is off-task...mayb e the problem is not the child...maybe it's the task.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Children
Image of Alfie Kohn
In outstanding classrooms, teachers do more listening than talking, and students do more talking than listening. Terrific teachers often have teeth marks on their tongues.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Teacher
Image of Alfie Kohn
Educators remind us that what counts in a classroom is not what the teacher teaches; it’s what the learner learns.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Teacher
Image of Alfie Kohn
Saying you taught it but the student didn't learn it is like saying you sold it but the customer didn't buy it.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Teaching
Image of Alfie Kohn
The difference between a good educator and a great educator is that the former figures out how to work within the constraints of traditional policies and accepted assumptions, whereas the latter figures out how to change whatever gets in the way of doing right by kids. 'But we've always...', 'But the parents will never...', 'But we can't be the only school in the area to...' - all such protestations are unpersuasive to great educators. If research and common sense argue for doing things differently, then the question isn't whether to change course but how to make it happen.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: School
Image of Alfie Kohn
We can't value only what is easy to measure; measurable outcomes may be the least important results of learning.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Important
Image of Alfie Kohn
If I offered you a thousand dollars to take off your shoes, you'd very likely accept--and then I could triumphantly announce that 'rewards work.' But as with punishments, they can never help someone develop a *commitment* to a task or action, a reason to keep doing it when there's no longer a payoff.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Commitment
Image of Alfie Kohn
In a word, learning is decontextualized. We break ideas down into tiny pieces that bear no relation to the whole. We give students a brick of information, followed by another brick, followed by another brick, until they are graduated, at which point we assume they have a house. What they have is a pile of bricks, and they don't have it for long.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Ideas
Image of Alfie Kohn
Social psychology has found the more you reward people for doing something, the more they tend to lose interest in whatever they had to do to get the reward.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: People
Image of Alfie Kohn
Those who know they're valued irrespective of their accomplishments often end up accomplishing quite a lot. It's the experience of being accepted without conditions that helps people develop a healthy confidence in themselves, a belief that it's safe to take risks and try new things.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: People
Image of Alfie Kohn
Whoever said there's no such thing as a stupid question never looked carefully at a standardized test.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Stupid
Image of Alfie Kohn
The race to win turns us all into losers.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Winning
Image of Alfie Kohn
To be well-educated is to have the desire as well as the means to make sure that learning never ends.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Mean
Image of Alfie Kohn
Punishment and reward proceed from basically the same psychological model, one that conceives of motivation as nothing more than the manipulation of behavior.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Motivation
Image of Alfie Kohn
People will typically be more enthusiastic where they feel a sense of belonging and see themselves as part of a community than they will in a workplace in which each person is left to his own devices
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: People
Image of Alfie Kohn
How we feel about our kids isn't as important as how they experience those feelings and how they regard the way we treat them.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Kids
Image of Alfie Kohn
Each time I visit such a classroom, where the teacher is more interested in creating a democratic community than in maintaining her position of authority, I’m convinced all over again that moving away from consequences and rewards isn’t just realistic - it’s the best way to help kids grow into good learners and good people.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Teacher
Image of Alfie Kohn
Punishments and rewards are two sides of the same coin and that coin doesn't buy you much.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: School
Image of Alfie Kohn
We have so much to cover and so little time to cover it. Howard Gardner refers to curriculum coverage as the single greatest enemy of understanding. Think instead about ideas to be discovered.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alfie Kohn
Assessments should compare the performance of students to a set of expectations, never to the performance of other students.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Assessment
Image of Alfie Kohn
The late W. Edwards Deming, guru of Quality management, once declared, 'The most important things we need to manage can't be measured.' If that’s true of what we need to manage, it should be even more obvious that it’s true of what we need to teach.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Important
Image of Alfie Kohn
If faculty would relax their emphasis on grades, this might serve not to lower standards but to encourage an orientation toward learning.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Relax
Image of Alfie Kohn
Trying to do well and trying to beat others are two different things. Excellence and victory are conceptually distinct . . . and are experienced differently.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Two
Image of Alfie Kohn
If rewards do not work, what does? I recommend that employers pay workers well and fairly and then do everything possible to help them forget about money. A preoccupation with money distracts everyone - employers and employees - from the issues that really matter.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Issues
Image of Alfie Kohn
The Legacy of Behaviorism: Do this and you'll get that.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Legacy
Image of Alfie Kohn
Being a team player should not imply a demand for simple obedience and conformity.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Team
Image of Alfie Kohn
It's not just that humiliating people, of any age, is a nasty and disrespectful way of treating them. It's that humiliation, like other forms of punishment, is counterproducti ve. 'Doing to' strategies - as opposed to those that might be described as 'working with' - can never achieve any result beyond temporary compliance, and it does so at a disturbing cost.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Punishment
Image of Alfie Kohn
We learn most readily, most naturally, most effectively, when we start with the big picture - precisely when the basics don't come first.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Firsts
Image of Alfie Kohn
To control students is to force them to accommodate to a preestablished curriculum.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Curriculum
Image of Alfie Kohn
Contrary to what you think, your company will be a lot more productive if you refuse to tolerate competition among your employees.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alfie Kohn
Grades dilute the pleasure that a student experiences on successfully completing a task.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Tasks
Image of Alfie Kohn
Maximum difficulty isn't the same as optimal difficulty.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Difficulty
Image of Alfie Kohn
Non-cooperative approaches, by contrast, almost always involve duplication of effort, since someone working independently must spend time and skills on problems that already have been encountered and overcome by someone else. A technical hitch, for example, is more likely to be solved quickly and imaginatively if scientists (including scientists from different countries) pool their talents rather than compete against one another.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Country
Image of Alfie Kohn
When we do things that are controlling, whether intentional or not, we are not going to get those long-term outcomes.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: School
Image of Alfie Kohn
What can we surmise about the likelihood of someone's being caring and generous, loving and helpful, just from knowing that they are a believer? Virtually nothing, say psychologists, sociologists, and others who have studied that question for decade
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Caring
Image of Alfie Kohn
When was the last time you spent the entire day with only 42 year olds?
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Years
Image of Alfie Kohn
The legendary statistical consultant W. Edwards Deming, . . . has called the system by which merit is appraised and rewarded 'the most powerful inhibitor to quality and productivity in the Western world' . . . it is simply unfair to the extent that employees are held responsible for what are, in reality, systemic factors that are beyond their control.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Powerful
Image of Alfie Kohn
In education, parody is obsolete.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Obsolete
Image of Alfie Kohn
There are different kinds of motivation, and the kind matters more than the amount.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Motivation
Image of Alfie Kohn
Someone who thinks well of himself is said to have a healthy self-concept and is envied. Someone who thinks well of his country is called a patriot and is applauded. But someone who thinks well of his species is regarded as hopelessly naïve and is dismissed.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Country
Image of Alfie Kohn
Punishments erode relationships and moral growth.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Punishment
Image of Alfie Kohn
Do rewards motivate people? Absolutely. They motivate people to get rewards.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Education
Image of Alfie Kohn
You have to give them unconditional love. They need to know that even if they screw up, you love them. You don't want them to grow up and resent you or, even worse, parent the way you parented them.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Alfie Kohn
Some who support [more] coercive strategies assume that children will run wild if they are not controlled. However, the children for whom this is true typically turn out to be those accustomed to being controlled— those who are not trusted, given explanations, encouraged to think for themselves, helped to develop and internalize good values, and so on. Control breeds the need for more control, which is used to justify the use of control.
- Alfie Kohn
Collection: Running