Alan Alda

Image of Alan Alda
I love to watch how scientists' minds work.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
When I am at a dinner table, I love to ask everybody, 'How long do you think our species might last?' I've read that the average age of a species, of any species, is about two million years. Is it possible we can have an average life span as a species? And do you picture us two million years more or a million and a half years, or 5,000?
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I don't watch that much TV, so I can't compare one show to another. When I watch television, I watch people talking to one another usually or a science show where they show me microbes, you know. Microbes actually communicate quite a bit, and so there's a lot of talking going on.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
It's a funny feeling to work with people who you consider your colleagues and to realize that they actually are young enough to be your children.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
To do a musical takes a tremendous amount of energy because you have to act and sing at the same time. And everything has to be precise. Because you can't forget the lyrics because the band keeps playing, you know, and you're under a certain amount of pressure.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I used to read science fiction a lot, and I still like science fiction when it is a model of how we really are and to see ourselves from another perspective.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I read science, because to me, that's extremely exciting. It's like a great detective story, and it's happening right in front of us.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I feel like every time a door is opened by science, suddenly there are a hundred doors that need to get opened. That's what makes it an everlasting, interesting experience to go through.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
Awards can give you a tremendous amount of encouragement to keep getting better, no matter how young or old you are.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I'm most at home on the stage.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
There is a wonderful feeling of power when you're a director, but I don't think I need that, and I'm OK without it.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
My background is on the stage, so when I'd write movies, they'd be a lot like plays.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
On the stage, the characters express themselves more through words than images. So the arguments of the characters and the tension between characters - words have to be used to express that, and I love that about theater.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I think I look better in a suit than a loincloth. So that may define some of the parts I play.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I think most people are interested in our origins; once we understand, it might be easier to become the people we'd like to be. Or, better, become the people we think we already are.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I used to be an amateur inventor when I was a kid; I'm always inventing something.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
It's very important for us to see that science is done by people, not just brains but whole human beings, and sometimes at great cost.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I've had many uncanny experiences. I think it's hard to be alive and not have them. But I don't know if I can decide what that means or what they are.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
We need to be more conversant with it because science is in our lives. It's in everything. It's in the food we eat. It's in the air we breathe. It's everywhere.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
If two scientists are giving their papers at a symposium, and one of them is just naturally better at talking to the public or talking to a group of people, that scientist is liable to get more attention - in fact, I'm told that they do get more attention - than the one who's a little more stiff about it. Well, that's not good for science.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
A really great actor, in a lucky performance, can transform himself or herself. I've seen actors do that. But often it's a mechanical transformation, which isn't as interesting, and you've got to be careful how you go about something like that, I think.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
I never thought about my image. It interests me that there are people who do, that they seem to be methodical about it. Maybe things would have gone differently for me in some ways if I had.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
What I always wanted to get seen as was as a good actor, when it was the acting I was doing. When I'm writing, I want to try to be seen as a good writer. Not as somebody with a particular idea to sell, or something like that.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
The idea that the brain is not fully formed until you are almost 30 years old has already been introduced, and the Supreme Court already has based two rulings on it.
- Alan Alda
Image of Alan Alda
Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile, or the light won't come in.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Change
Image of Alan Alda
The difference between listening and pretending to listen, I discovered, is enormous. One is fluid, the other is rigid. One is alive, the other is stuffed. Eventually, I found a radical way of thinking about listening. Real listening is a willingness to let the other person change you. When I’m willing to let them change me, something happens between us that’s more interesting than a pair of dueling monologues.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Real
Image of Alan Alda
Be brave enough to live creatively . . . what you'll discover will be wonderful: yourself.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Brave
Image of Alan Alda
Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while or the light won't come in. If you challenge your own, you won't be so quick to accept the unchallenged assumptions of others. You'll be a lot less likely to be caught up in bias or prejudice or be influenced by people who ask you to hand over your brains, your soul or your money because they have everything all figured out for you.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Light
Image of Alan Alda
Originality is unexplored territory. You get there by carrying a canoe - you can't take a taxi.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Alan Alda
Be brave enough to live creatively.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Brave
Image of Alan Alda
The best things said come last. People will talk for hours saying nothing much and then linger at the door with words that come with a rush from the heart.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Alan Alda
People who laugh together generally don't kill each other.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Positive Thinking
Image of Alan Alda
life is meaningless unless you bring meaning to it; ... it is up to us to create our own existence. Unless you do something, unless you make something it's as though you aren't there.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Life Is
Image of Alan Alda
Life is great-I wouldn't know what I'd do without it.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Life Is Great
Image of Alan Alda
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed is really advice to myself, a reminder to myself not to avoid change or uncertainty, but to go with it, to surf into change.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Dog
Image of Alan Alda
Don't be upset that it takes a long, long time to find wisdom because nobody knows where wisdom can be found. It tends to break out at unexpected times like a rare virus and mostly people with compassion and understanding are susceptible to it.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Compassion
Image of Alan Alda
Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Laughter
Image of Alan Alda
Our lives depend on good communication. Good communication helps personal relationships, it helps bosses and employees get along better. We rely on it.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Communication
Image of Alan Alda
How can I ever hope to communicate something to you unless I get signals back from you that I'm on the right track or that I've started at some place that you're familiar with?
- Alan Alda
Collection: Track
Image of Alan Alda
Republicans are as capable of coming up with great ideas and moving this country along as anyone - they just don't do it.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Country
Image of Alan Alda
Whenever you wonder about yourself, look up at the stars swirling around in the heavens and just realize how tiny and puny they are. They're supposed to be gigantic explosions and they're just these insignificant little dots. If you step back from things far enough you realize how important and powerful you are.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Stars
Image of Alan Alda
When I started out as an actor, I thought, Here's what I have to say; how shall I say it? I began to understand that what I do in the scene is not as important as what happens between me and the other person. And listening is what lets it happen. It's almost always the other person who causes you to say what you say next. You don't have to figure out how you'll say it. You have to listen so simply, so innocently, that the other person brings about a change in you that makes you say it and informs the way you say it.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Listening
Image of Alan Alda
I still don't like the word agnostic. It's too fancy. I'm simply not a believer. But, as simple as this notion is, it confuses some people. Someone wrote a Wikipedia entry about me, identifying me as an atheist because I'd said in a book I wrote that I wasn't a believer. I guess in a world uncomfortable with uncertainty, an unbeliever must be an atheist, and possibly an infidel. This gets us back to that most pressing of human questions: why do people worry so much about other people's holding beliefs other than their own?
- Alan Alda
Collection: Atheist
Image of Alan Alda
I have thought about punching people out. Sometimes, I've thought, 'Why don't I just act on that impulse?' But then, I've never hit anybody in anger. Hey! I've never hit anybody for fun.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Fun
Image of Alan Alda
Real listening is a willingness to let the other person change you.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Alan Alda
I'll carry on, carry over, carry forward, Cary Grant, cash and carry, carry me back to Old Virginia, I'll even 'hari-kari' if you show me how, but I will not carry a gun!
- Alan Alda
Collection: Gun
Image of Alan Alda
If you don't listen deeply, the connection won't take place.... [You have to be] willing to be changed by the person you're listening to, where you're not just waiting for a pause so you can say your thing, but you're actually letting them have an effect on you if they can.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Waiting
Image of Alan Alda
I found I wasn't asking good enough questions because I assumed I knew something.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Asking
Image of Alan Alda
artists try to say things that can't be said. in a fragile net of words, gestures, or colors, we hope to capture a feeling; a taste; a painful longing. but the net is always too porous, and we are left with the sweet frustration of almost knowing, which is teasingly pleasurable.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Sweet