Adam Sandler

Image of Adam Sandler
My intention is never to hurt anybody. I'm happy when people are having a good time.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Hurt
Image of Adam Sandler
I don't know what drives me to succeed. I know I want to always do the best I can.I guess I was maybe in little league baseball as far as I wanted to be good at that. But school, I certainly wasn't the best at that.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Baseball
Image of Adam Sandler
I don't want to run around with new people. I feel safer with my friends.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Friendship
Image of Adam Sandler
Put on your yarmulkahHere comes HannukahSo much funnukahTo celebrate Hannukah
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Celebrate
Image of Adam Sandler
Never seen my friends do more push-ups, trying to challenge Cruises' manhood. It was like, I can be strong, too!
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Strong
Image of Adam Sandler
I do want children. I study dads more. I watch what they go through. I admire my father more than I ever did and my brother and my sister.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Brother
Image of Adam Sandler
I'm in a mood, Dave. A bad mood, a very bad mood! I was fired from my ice cream truck job today! No more Fudgicles!
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adam Sandler
I really do enjoy making movies and I try to test myself on occasion with some different stuff.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Trying
Image of Adam Sandler
The difference when you have kids comes up when someone wants to meet you out after 9:30 at night. You consider that giant sacrifice. You're like, "Do I do this? Do I stay out until 10:30 and be angry, all of tomorrow?
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Kids
Image of Adam Sandler
When I was kid, yeah, my family, my parents wanted me to marry a Jewish girl because that was what they taught their children, and thought it would be an easier life for me to raise a Jewish kid. And I have a Jewish wife, I have a Jewish kid. They seem pretty happy about it.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Girl
Image of Adam Sandler
I think when I bought a house, that's when I thought I felt like that's a grown up thing to do.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Thinking
Image of Adam Sandler
I wanted to make sure that I did one movie in my career that mothers hug me for.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Mother
Image of Adam Sandler
On this lovely, lovely Hanukkah, drink your gin and tonica.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Religious
Image of Adam Sandler
Sitting in a room being forced to listen to 'The Chanukah Song' over and over." [on his idea of Hell]
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Song
Image of Adam Sandler
I don't like being out in public too much. I don't like going to bars. I don't like doing celebrity stuff.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Bars
Image of Adam Sandler
I don't know what the hell I'm doing; I like what I've been doing. I believe in what I've done in the past; I hope my kid enjoys the movies I've made and enjoys some of the movies in the future.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Believe
Image of Adam Sandler
I still like some of the stuff, skateboarding. Just stupid things.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Stupid
Image of Adam Sandler
I still like doing stand-up now, but it's not the same. It used to be that I was out there with five other comedians. Now I usually just do it alone.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Comedian
Image of Adam Sandler
I'm filthy rich! It's good to be Adam Sandler!
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Rich
Image of Adam Sandler
I do feel good doing them [family-friendly movies], but it's not going to be my way of life. I'm a comedian.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Feel Good
Image of Adam Sandler
Comedy, such a lovely lady, she'll pick you up, you your feeling blue.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Blue
Image of Adam Sandler
Some of us will never ever find true love. Take, for instance me. And I'm pretty sure that guy right there. And that lady with the sideburns. And basically everybody at table nine.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Guy
Image of Adam Sandler
When you're shooting a movie you are away from home most of the time. It's an amazing thing that we get to do what we get to do, but you definitely are away from the family more than you'd like to be.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Home
Image of Adam Sandler
My hobbies are run-on sentences.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Running
Image of Adam Sandler
The idea of my kids being spoiled, I go to sleep thinking about it. I wake up thinking about. I'm trying to do the right thing. With the amount of money I have, it's difficult to raise children the way I was raised. But I took away the west and north wing of the house for those guys. So, they're not allowed in there.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Children
Image of Adam Sandler
I can't run a company... I can't even run my own life!
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Running
Image of Adam Sandler
I think I'm playing grown up because I have kids now. But I don't feel grown up yet.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Kids
Image of Adam Sandler
He has a 5 year plan... What is it, don't die?
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Funny
Image of Adam Sandler
Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Dad
Image of Adam Sandler
My mother says to me, when I'm making a new movie, she says, "Oh, is Steve Buscemi in it?" I'd say, "Yeah." And she, "Oh, then it's going to be a good one." I swear to God, she says that every time. And when I say Steve's not in it, she says, "Oh."
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Mother
Image of Adam Sandler
I never want movie theaters go away. It is the greatest time out on the town. You go out, it's a great place to go, great location, great hang, great date, good place to be with friends. But as an actor who works hard at making movies, I am glad that no matter what people can see your movie on. It's hard to keep a theater for long time; there are so many movies, so when you leave a theater, you're just glad there's a life for your movie.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Adam Sandler
The fact that you can see a movie at home, it's great. You're making it for as many people to see it as possible. And that's nice.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Nice
Image of Adam Sandler
If a girl breaks up with me, I want her to just die, just be dead. Not 'cause I hate her so much as it's just easier for when my friends go, 'Hey, what happened?' 'Oh, she's dead. I'd still be with her, but she's dead. What can I do? She was loving me, but she's dead.'
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Girl
Image of Adam Sandler
I'm just looking to make good movies and looking to be as good as I can be in them and that's about it. But I feel much more comfortable doing a comedy, but the fact that I got to try a few dramas, I feel I've tested myself a little bit.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Drama
Image of Adam Sandler
I've got the kid. I feel a little more relief that I don't have to just think about myself too much.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Kids
Image of Adam Sandler
I've always liked older ladies. I'm comfortable with it. They seem to be nice. They've seen it all.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Nice
Image of Adam Sandler
I choose to ignore hell in my life. When I was a little kid I asked my Dad "Am I going to go to hell?" because I'd heard about hell. And he said, "Nothing you're gonna do will get you into hell." And so I got to ignore it.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Dad
Image of Adam Sandler
Eat turkey all night long, 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Night
Image of Adam Sandler
Wasted is when you have a hankering for ice cream.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Ice Cream
Image of Adam Sandler
I'm not making every decision due to my children. But I do hope they never see some movies I'm doing. But I do want to do more family-friendly movies.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Children
Image of Adam Sandler
I guess in my house when I was growing up, I was comfortable trying to be funny. And my dad, of course, it bugged him sometimes. He was trying to rest, and I was constantly trying to say something stupid to get a reaction. But I like doing these movies. You can do it in front of the camera and then it's over. I don't have to worry about being in front of too many people.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Adam Sandler
I don't want my kid to hear any of the albums that I've made.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Kids
Image of Adam Sandler
I'm getting older, and it happens. You don't care as much. I don't care about too much anymore. I've got to think about that a little bit.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Thinking
Image of Adam Sandler
How do I speak Spanish? Not too well. Paz taught me a few words that, if people weren't nice to me, I could tell them a few things. I got to study with [chef] Thomas Keller, who we all love as a guy and Jim had a relationship with him at [his restaurant] the French Laundry.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Nice
Image of Adam Sandler
Paul Newman's half Jewishand Florence Henderson's half, tooPut them together,What a fine looking Jew!
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Together
Image of Adam Sandler
If it's something I feel I can do alright, I like being in those, and some that I think Rob Schneider and David Spade would be funnier at than me, I tell them to do it. I don't have any clue how we decide. There's this thing, this "Click", actually, one of my friends called me up, my partner told me about this idea that Steve Koren had. Steve Koren, by the way, the guy who wrote it with Mark O'Keefe, Steve Koren I've known since I was 22. He was a page at Saturday Night Live.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Thinking
Image of Adam Sandler
Like every other rich asshole, I have a cook and he's in my trailer making food all the time.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Rich
Image of Adam Sandler
I was a coin collector.I didn't know I was nerdy at the time until I felt my 16-D Mercury Dime that was in uncirculated condition might be a panty dropper, and it turned out not to be. Then I stumbled into skateboarding, which kind of was cooler. But I wasn't aware of what was cool. My dad wasn't around so he couldn't shake me and say, 'Drop the coin collecting bit. It's not where you want to go.' So, that and the spelling bee and the chess, I think I had it figured out for myself.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Dad
Image of Adam Sandler
I was a big fan of Kurt Russell growing up and I always wanted to be the modern day Kurt Russell.
- Adam Sandler
Collection: Growing Up