Top Zero Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Zero quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Zero quotes.

Image of Bill Drayton
We need to reverse three centuries of walling the for-profit and non-profit sectors off from one another. When you think for-profit and non-profit, you most often think of entities with either zero social return or zero return on capital and zero social return. Clearly, there's some opportunity in the spectrum between those extremes. What's missing is the for-profit finance industry coming in to that area. Look at the enormous diversity of the for-profit financial industry as opposed to monolithic nature of the non-profit world; it's quite astonishing.
- Bill Drayton
Collection: Zero
Image of Kay Yow
I feel like I had zero control over getting cancer, but I have 100 percent control over how I will respond to dealing with cancer.
- Kay Yow
Collection: Zero
Image of Tig Notaro
As soon as I say I'm from Texas people say, "Oh, I'm sure the school was horrible" and they picture me wearing some barrel and suspenders and people are bucktoothed and ignoring me. But that's not the case. I just had zero interest. I wanted to finish my research in the woods or play guitar or go have a cigarette.
- Tig Notaro
Collection: Zero
Image of Drew Houston
The only way to learn on a zero dollar budget is to talk to people
- Drew Houston
Collection: Zero
Image of Dick Morris
Any Democrat who squirms on the tax-cut issue in the primaries has no chance ' zero ' to win the nomination. Each will have to take the “pledge” to oppose the Bush tax cuts. Thus, Bush will have succeeded in creating a situation where anyone who can win the nomination can't win the election. Democrats are not about to nominate anyone who backs the tax cut, and Americans are not going to elect anyone who favors a tax increase.
- Dick Morris
Collection: Zero
Image of Dick Morris
I probably had 150 meetings with Trent Lott. He has said exactly as many racist things to me as Bill Clinton has, which is to say zero.
- Dick Morris
Collection: Zero
Image of Charles Sumner
It's Christmas at Ground Zero The button has been pressed The radio Just let us know That this is not a test Everywhere the atom bombs are droppin It's the end of all humanity No more time for last minute shoppin' It's time to face your final destiny.
- Charles Sumner
Collection: Zero
Image of Jim Leyland
Everyone in the world disagrees with me, including some managers, but I think managing in the American League is much more difficult for that very reason (having the designated hitter). In the National League, my situation is dictated for me. If I'm behind in the game, I've got to pinch hit. I've got to take my pitcher out. In the American League, you have to zero in. You have to know exactly when to take them out of there. In the National League, that's done for you.
- Jim Leyland
Collection: Zero
Image of Michael Milken
The federal investment in finding cures for cancer - $3 billion annually [as of 1999] - is less than ... zero ... point ... zero ... zero ... zero ... four ... percent of our gross domestic product, or about one-seventh of what Americans spend on beauty products.
- Michael Milken
Collection: Zero
Image of Bob Bruce
I used to play golf with a guy who cheated so badly that he once had a hole in one and wrote down zero on the scorecard.
- Bob Bruce
Collection: Zero
Image of Sidney W. Fox
A further aspect I should like to discuss is what I call the practice of infinite escape clauses. I believe we developed this practice to avoid facing the conclusion that the probability of self-reproducing state is zero. This is what we must conclude from classical quantum mechanical principles as Wigner demonstrated
- Sidney W. Fox
Collection: Zero
Image of Kazimir Malevich
I transformed myself in the zero of form and emerged from nothing to creation, that is, to Suprematism, to the new realism in painting - to non-objective creation.
- Kazimir Malevich
Collection: Zero
Image of Joseph Nye
As we think of power in the 21st century, we want to get away from the idea that power’s always zero sum — my gain is your loss and vice versa. Power can also be positive sum, where your gain can be my gain.
- Joseph Nye
Collection: Zero
Image of Scott Lively
If your definition of homosexuality is being able to do whatever you want to, and that you should be able to go and engage in sex with another person, and that because of that, the disease you have is going to spread to that person and they're going to take it home and give it to their wife, how much tolerance should we have for that? We should have zero tolerance for that.
- Scott Lively
Collection: Zero
Image of Frank Oz
I'm always amused that people zero in on one thing, and it's the wrong thing to zero in on, but nevertheless, the reason they do that is because the voice is what they know - the voice represents everything about the character, that's why.
- Frank Oz
Collection: Zero
Image of Ray Anderson
For nearly 11 years, now, we have been on this mission; we call it, "climbing Mt. Sustainability", a mountain higher than Everest, to meet at that point at the top that symbolizes zero footprint-zero environmental impact. Sustainable: taking nothing, doing no harm.
- Ray Anderson
Collection: Zero
Image of R. S. Thomas
The furies are at home in the mirror; it is their address. Even the clearest water, if deep enough can drown. Never think to surprise them. Your face approaching ever so friendly is the white flag they ignore. There is no truce with the furies. A mirror's temperature is always zero. It is ice in the veins. It's camera is an x-ray. It is a chalice held out to you in silent communion, where gaspingly you partake of a shifting identity never your own.
- R. S. Thomas
Collection: Zero
Image of Lancelot Hogben
There has been no more revolutionary contribution than the one which the Hindus (Indians) made when they invented ZERO.
- Lancelot Hogben
Collection: Zero
Image of James Chanos
I've seen a lot more go to zero than infinity.
- James Chanos
Collection: Zero
Image of David Foreman
The optimum human population of earth is zero.
- David Foreman
Collection: Zero
Image of Keith Devlin
The human brain finds it extremely hard to cope with a new level of abstraction. This is why it was well into the eighteenth century before mathematicians felt comfortable dealing with zero and with negative numbers, and why even today many people cannot accept the square root of minus-one as a genuine number.
- Keith Devlin
Collection: Zero
Image of John Fugelsang
You complain and demand zero compromise - so the GOP obstructs Obama so the economy doesn't improve - then you complain and demand even more zero compromise. Then you get to blame Obama for the slow recovery, which is sorta like John Wilkes Booth blaming Lincoln for missing the end of a play.
- John Fugelsang
Collection: Zero
Image of Chris Kluwe
I can assure you that gay people getting married will have zero effect on your life. They won't come into your house and steal your children. They won't magically turn you into a lustful cockmonster. They won't even overthrow the government in an orgy of hedonistic debauchery because all of a sudden they have the same legal rights as the other 90 percent of our population ... you know what having these rights will make gays? Full-fledged American citizens just like everyone else, with the freedom to pursue happiness and all that entails.
- Chris Kluwe
Collection: Zero
Image of Sven-Goran Eriksson
We need goals when the scoreline is zero zero
- Sven-Goran Eriksson
Collection: Zero
Image of Rick DeMarinis
The Ploughmen is as good a book as I’ve read in years. Kim Zupan’s language is as rich as Cormac McCarthy’s, and like Cormac’s, it comes from ground-zero of the heart. I’m also reminded of James Lee Burke’s sure-footed prose and delight in metaphor. Luminous...nothing short of brilliant...a firstnovel that leaves me impatient for the next.
- Rick DeMarinis
Collection: Zero
Image of Medea Benjamin
The CIA is absolutely out of control. The CIA has been on a killing spree... The CIA has become a death squad and to see these films [ like Zero Dark Thirty] get so much acclaim at the time when the CIA is in its rogue killing phase is very disturbing.
- Medea Benjamin
Collection: Zero
Image of Medea Benjamin
There is a real attempt to sanitize the CIA killings and to glorify the CIA and to give it a new face. That's what happened with Zero Dark Thirty, that's what happened with Michelle Obama... When she appeared my jaw dropped; I couldn't believe it... These were really a disgusting propaganda films, glorifying the role of the CIA.
- Medea Benjamin
Collection: Zero
Image of Honeysuckle Weeks
Size zero doesn't make you happy and I'm not sure I have the discipline for Hollywood. I'm too much of a fan of chocolate and crisps.
- Honeysuckle Weeks
Collection: Zero
Image of Bernard Madoff
The person that is buying a share of stock is convinced he knows something that the other person who's selling it to him does not know. There's no zero sum game in Wall Street.
- Bernard Madoff
Collection: Zero
Image of Brock Yates
While greenies and their media flunkies continue to savage the gasoline-powered internal-combustion engine and rhapsodize about hybrids, hydrogen, electrics, natural gas, propane, nuclear, and God-knows-what-other panaceas, perhaps including bovine urine, there are no realistic, economically viable alternatives. None. Zero. Like it or not, as long as we remain dependent on the private automobile for transportation (roughly 80 percent of all movement in the nation is by car), we are harnessed to the IC gas engine.
- Brock Yates
Collection: Zero
Image of Katharine Hayhoe
Our carbon emissions have to eventually go to zero. We have to. Otherwise we're never going to have a stable climate and that's what our goal is for human civilization to thrive, a stable climate. We don't want one that's hotter, we don't want one that's colder, we want one that's stable.
- Katharine Hayhoe
Collection: Zero
Image of Katharine Hayhoe
Natural gas is a very flexible source of energy that can help us bridge the gap between our current high-carbon economy and our zero-carbon future.
- Katharine Hayhoe
Collection: Zero
Image of Stewart D. Friedman
If you're searching for "work/life balance" you'll always be disappointed because "balance" connotes a zero-sum equation.
- Stewart D. Friedman
Collection: Zero
Image of Eugene Fama
Active management is a zero-sum game before cost, and the winners have to win at the expense of the losers.
- Eugene Fama
Collection: Zero
Image of Robert Conquest
We still find, especially in parts of academe, the damaging notion that everything is a struggle for power, or being empowered, or hegemony, or oppression: and that all competition is a zero-sum game. This is not more than repetition of Lenin's destructive doctrine. Intellectually, it is reductionism; politically, it is fanaticism.
- Robert Conquest
Collection: Zero
Image of Gary McKinnon
I knew that governments suppressed antigravity, UFO-related technologies, free energy or what they call zero-point energy. This should not be kept hidden from the public when pensioners cant pay their fuel bills.
- Gary McKinnon
Collection: Zero
Image of Jonah Peretti
A creative idea plus a fresh network is the best way to go from zero to millions.
- Jonah Peretti
Collection: Zero
Image of Stefan Rahmstorf
The crux of the sea level issue is that it starts very slowly but once it gets going it is practically unstoppable...There is no way I can see to stop this rise, even if we have gone to zero emissions.
- Stefan Rahmstorf
Collection: Zero
Image of Gerald Epstein
Here's the interesting thing: the fact that QE and lowering interest rates almost to zero has worsened inequality, does not mean that raising interest rates will help reduce inequality.
- Gerald Epstein
Collection: Zero
Image of Chris Rapley
Although reducing human emissions to the atmosphere is undoubtedly of critical importance, as are any and all measures to reduce the human environmental "footprint", the truth is that the contribution of each individual cannot be reduced to zero... If we believe that the size of the human "footprint" is a serious problem (and there is much evidence for this) then a rational view would be that along with a raft of measures to reduce the footprint per person, the issue of population management must be addressed.
- Chris Rapley
Collection: Zero
Image of Les Dawson
There is a remote tribe that worships the number zero. Is nothing sacred?
- Les Dawson
Collection: Zero
Image of Fritz Machlup
The danger of tautological propositions is considerable in discussions of the concept of normal profits. Because supernormal profits seem to invite newcomers to an industry and sub-normal profits seem to drive away those who are in an industry, some writers are inclined to define normal profits as the earnings of the fixed resources in an industry which neither grows nor declines in size or number of firms. It should be clear that such a definition is useless: it muddles together attractiveness and actual afflux, desirbility of entry and ease of entry, zero profits and monopoly rents.
- Fritz Machlup
Collection: Zero
Image of Hilary Benn
Why do we send valuable items like aluminium and food waste to landfill when we can turn them into new cans and renewable energy? Why use more resources than we need to in manufacturing? We must now work together to build a zero waste nation - where we reduce the resources we use, reuse and recycle all that we can and only landfill things that have absolutely no other use
- Hilary Benn
Collection: Zero
Image of Santino Marella
They try to get me to watch The Condemned and I said NO,NO, NO. It's a sad fact Stone Colduh can't act he should GO, GO, GO. He likes to hang out in baaaaaars, I gave his movie zero staaaaaars. They try to make me watch The Condemned and I said uh NO,NO,NO.
- Santino Marella
Collection: Zero
Image of Ted Cruz
And many of the alarmists on global warming, they've got a problem cause the science doesn't back them up. And in particular, satellite data demonstrate for the last 17 years, there's been zero warming. None whatsoever.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Zero
Image of Marilla Ricker
Religion is not the hero of the day, but the zero. In any exposition of the products of brains, the Sunday-School takes the booby prize. . . . Man has asked for truth and the Church has given him miracles. He has asked for knowledge, and the Church has given him theology. He has asked for facts, and the Church has given him the Bible. This foolishness should stop. The Church has nothing to give man that has not been in cold storage for two thousand years. Anything would become stale in that time.
- Marilla Ricker
Collection: Zero
Image of Bobby Allison
When you win a race your on top that day, so take it for what its worth, have a good time and party, cause the next day when you get out of bed, the meter goes back to zero again.
- Bobby Allison
Collection: Zero
Image of Leonid Brezhnev
We are entirely for the idea that Europe shall be free from nuclear weapons, from medium-range weapons as well as tactical weapons. That would be a real zero option.
- Leonid Brezhnev
Collection: Zero
Image of Mitch Daniels
The president wasn't dragged anywhere, ... In reality, I think, it was his opposition which was dragged upstairs one step at a time from zero to this number that was very close to what the president proposed.
- Mitch Daniels
Collection: Zero