Top Zero Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Zero quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Zero quotes.

Image of Eric Bolling
And yet when you take Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, whatever, their combined killings in the name of religion -- well, that would be zero.
- Eric Bolling
Collection: Zero
Image of Daniel Burrus
The move from scarcity thinking to abundance thinking, from zero-sum competition to one-hundred-sum collaboration, is not just a “nice” or “moral” idea. In the twenty-first century, it's plain good sense. Scarcity says, “I'm going to keep all my ideas to myself and sell more than anyone else.” Abundance says, “By mentoring, coaching, and sharing all our best ideas, we're going to create a powerful tide that raises all our ships-and we'll all sell more as a result".
- Daniel Burrus
Collection: Zero
Image of William Happer
With each passing year, experimental observations further undermine the claim of a large positive feedback from water. In fact, observations suggest that the feedback is close to zero and may even be negative.
- William Happer
Collection: Zero
Image of Jean-Claude Van Damme
••When I walk across my living room from my chimney to my window, it takes me 10 seconds, but for a bird it takes one second, and for oxygen zero seconds!
- Jean-Claude Van Damme
Collection: Zero
Image of Helmut Schmidt
I have talked about the deterioration of the atmosphere between Washington and Moscow. It was quite clear that in the year 1980, which at the same time was an election year in America, these negotiations would not go very far, but immediately after the start of the Reagan administration we in Bonn started to try influencing them on the medium-range nuclear weapons negotiations, and we told them that in our view the best outcome would be zero-zero, zero on either side.
- Helmut Schmidt
Collection: Zero
Image of Hideaki Anno
In school tests, there's only one answer for each question, and you might get zero or half points if you're wrong. But in the real world, things aren't so black and white, so think about things on your own and express them in words or pictures. That's how you communicate with people. That's so important.
- Hideaki Anno
Collection: Zero
Image of Lori Greiner
Ive been making products for so long, I have a gut feel for what is right - what will work and what wont. I can tell instantly if its a hero or a zero.
- Lori Greiner
Collection: Zero
Image of Thane Rosenbaum
Legal ethics is a misnomer ... lawyers conducting themselves legally are not necessarily conducting themselves morally ."...and ..."The zero sum nature of the legal system, combined with the universal adoption of zealotry as the marching orders of practioners and prosecutors, transforms the moral mission of the legal system from one of truth-seeking, storytelling, and justice, to one of fabrication, distortion, and manipulation in pursuit of victory. These victories, however, make us all losers.
- Thane Rosenbaum
Collection: Zero
Image of Louis Bachelier
The mathematical expectation of the speculator is zero.
- Louis Bachelier
Collection: Zero
Image of Rajon Rondo
I'm a point guard, so I want to see everybody else score and be happy. I don't necessarily need to score at all. I could be happy with zero points as long as it was a team game and everybody contributed.
- Rajon Rondo
Collection: Zero
Image of Naoto Kan
The safest nuclear power or energy policy is to realize 'zero nuclear power.
- Naoto Kan
Collection: Zero
Image of Sho Baraka
I don't spend too much time attempting to defend myself against people who seem to have zero desire to have a substantive conversation.
- Sho Baraka
Collection: Zero
Image of Jaime Lerner
Creativity starts when you cut a zero from your budget.
- Jaime Lerner
Collection: Zero
Image of Adam Grant
This is what I find most magnetic about successful givers: they get to the top without cutting others down, finding ways of expanding the pie that benefit themselves and the people around them. Whereas success is zero-sum in a group of takers, in groups of givers, it may be true that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
- Adam Grant
Collection: Zero
Image of Trent Jamieson
Dark City Blue is a freight train of a thriller crashing through some madhouse city night while a bomb's ticking down to zero. It's the cage fighting equivalent of a police procedural: violent, gaudy, and packing heat.
- Trent Jamieson
Collection: Zero
Image of Michael Cera
Michael Cera was born in Canada in 1988 at the tender age of zero.
- Michael Cera
Collection: Zero
Image of Dennis Lindley
It is dangerous to attach probability zero to anything other than a logical impossibility.
- Dennis Lindley
Collection: Zero
Image of Steven Strogatz
Change is most sluggish at the extremes precisely because the derivative is zero there.
- Steven Strogatz
Collection: Zero
Image of Jim Marrs
Many questions remain in the UFO controversy. Scientists ask how interstellar pilots could survive a trip of hundreds of years while cutting-edge physicists offer speculation of deep space wormholes and the use of zero point energy. For now, we could not do any better than to study MAJIC EYES ONLY and read the accounts of UFO crash retrievals and ponder what a reality that includes diverse intelligent life outside of our planet might mean for us and future generations.
- Jim Marrs
Collection: Zero
Image of Cameron Sinclair
Forget your environmental footprint. Think about your ethical footprint. What good is it to build a zero-carbon, energy efficient complex, when the labor producing this architectural gem is unethical at best?
- Cameron Sinclair
Collection: Zero
Image of Dave Collins
Do I believe in the concept of Zero Harm? Let's just say I believe that nothing is impossible
- Dave Collins
Collection: Zero
Image of Dave Collins
Anyone who loves the concept of Zero Harm obviously has nothing to love
- Dave Collins
Collection: Zero
Image of Timothy Hallinan
The enemy is not the badly written page; it is the empty page the great advantage of a badly written page is that it can be rewritten. It can be improved. A blank page is zero. In fact, it’s worse than zero, because it represents territory you’re afraid, unwilling, or too lazy to explore. Avoid exploring this territory long enough, and you’ll abandon your book.
- Timothy Hallinan
Collection: Zero
Image of Michael Morell
What I want you to know is that 'Zero Dark Thirty' is a dramatization, not a realistic portrayal of the facts.
- Michael Morell
Collection: Zero
Image of Leonhard Euler
If a nonnegative quantity was so small that it is smaller than any given one, then it certainly could not be anything but zero. To those who ask what the infinitely small quantity in mathematics is, we answer that it is actually zero. Hence there are not so many mysteries hidden in this concept as they are usually believed to be. These supposed mysteries have rendered the calculus of the infinitely small quite suspect to many people. Those doubts that remain we shall thoroughly remove in the following pages, where we shall explain this calculus.
- Leonhard Euler
Collection: Zero
Image of Bryan Caplan
The use of force is easy to rationalize in terms of basic economics. 'We should make them PAY for what they've done!' It's just the law of demand: raise the price of crossing us, and fewer people will cross us. Make the price another Hiroshima, and perhaps the quantity demanded will fall to zero.
- Bryan Caplan
Collection: Zero
Image of Bernard Lietaer
When the banks create the money, they don't create the interest. They send you into the world to compete with everybody else to get the second $100,000 that never was created and bring it back to them. So if we're in a world with zero-growth population, goods, services, and money, the problem would be obvious.
- Bernard Lietaer
Collection: Zero
Image of Brad Feld
Building a startup community is not a zero-sum game in which there are winners and losers: if everyone engages, they and the entire community can all be winners.
- Brad Feld
Collection: Zero
Image of Vicki Myron
Everone has a pain thermometer that goes from zero to ten. No one will make a change until they reach ten. Nine won't do it. At nine you are still afraid. Only ten will move you, and when you're there, you'll know. No one can make that decision for you.
- Vicki Myron
Collection: Zero
Image of Rob Long
If we accept that there is no such thing as 'zero risk' then we should not spin the meaning of words with assertions such as 'all accidents are preventable'.
- Rob Long
Collection: Zero
Image of Melissa M
The environment and support is one of a kind! A zero judgement, safe place to discuss and achieve goals!
- Melissa M
Collection: Zero
Image of Ajahn Sumedho
The empty mind - the pure mind - is not a blank, zero-land, where you're not feeling or caring about anything. It's an effulgence of the mind. It's a brightness that is truly sensitive and accepting. It's an ability to accept life as it is. When we accept life as it is, we can respond appropriately to the way we're experiencing it, rather than just reacting out of fear and aversion.
- Ajahn Sumedho
Collection: Zero
Image of Andrew Nicholson
Spreading the word on a zero budget is difficult. You find yourself spending all night on Twitter following people; using Facebook to leave messages on various club walls; commenting on YouTube clips and blog posts; giving interviews online and taking photos of bottles to send to websites in the hope that they feature you.
- Andrew Nicholson
Collection: Zero
Image of Walter Willett
If you step back and look at the data, the optimum amount of red meat you eat should be zero.
- Walter Willett
Collection: Zero
Image of Ahmet Davutoglu
Zero problems with neighbors' is a value. But another equally important value is to establish peace.
- Ahmet Davutoglu
Collection: Zero
Image of David Shuster
I consider part of lower Manhattan to be hallowed ground. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in the World Trade Center towers... and for that reason alone, our nation should make absolutely sure that what gets built on Ground Zero is an inspiring tribute to all who loved the Twin Towers, worked in them, and died there.
- David Shuster
Collection: Zero
Image of Richard Layard, Baron Layard
Competition for status is a zero sum game
- Richard Layard, Baron Layard
Collection: Zero
Image of Jill Stein
The Obama administration has embraced the policies of George W. Bush, and then gone much further. Wall Street bailouts went ballistic under Obama - $700 billion under Bush, but $4.5 trillion under Obama, plus another $16 trillion in zero-interest loans for Wall Street.
- Jill Stein
Collection: Zero
Image of Oscar Goodman
Hatred is not what Las Vegas is about. We will have zero tolerance for anyone who is intolerant.
- Oscar Goodman
Collection: Zero
Image of Doron Zeilberger
Let me also remind you that zero, like all of mathematics, is fictional and an idealization. It is impossible to reach absolute zero temperature or to get perfect vacuum. Luckily, mathematics is a fairyland where ideal and fictional objects are possible.
- Doron Zeilberger
Collection: Zero
Image of Kenneth Waltz
In a zero-sum game, the problem is entirely one of distribution, not at all one of production.
- Kenneth Waltz
Collection: Zero
Image of Maynard Webb
There's a false notion that success is a zero sum game. To win in our careers we have to give up family. To work hard we have to sacrifice sleep. To accomplish we must take (or borrow or steal) from somewhere else in our lives. It's just not the case.
- Maynard Webb
Collection: Zero
Image of Josh Linkner
Ask yourself this: If there was zero chance of failure, what would you do? Now, go do that.
- Josh Linkner
Collection: Zero
Image of James Redford
At the end of the day, the task I have is just like anyone else, to prove myself through my product or work. I've really found this to be true, the name advantage is a zero sum gain.
- James Redford
Collection: Zero
Image of Joe Gibbs
I'll tell you what - if you attend a Cowboy-Redskins game, you better not leave 'til that clock hits zero.
- Joe Gibbs
Collection: Zero
Image of Wu Guanzhong
If you plagiarize others' techniques, you steal their emotions and tell your spectators a lie with your work. Works as such equal zero.
- Wu Guanzhong
Collection: Zero
Image of Michael R. Taylor
Stated in the simplest terms, the recognized solution to the problem of foodborne illness is a comprehensive prevention strategy that involves all participants in the food system, domestic and foreign, doing their part to minimize the likelihood of harmful contamination. And that is the strategy mandated by FSMA. It is not a strategy that assumes we can achieve a zero-risk food supply, but it is a strategy grounded in the conviction that we can better protect consumers and the economic vigor of the food system if everyone involved implements reasonably available measures to reduce risk.
- Michael R. Taylor
Collection: Zero
Image of Philip Morrison
The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search the chance of success is zero.
- Philip Morrison
Collection: Zero