Martha Stewart

Image of Martha Stewart
Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Great
Image of Martha Stewart
You should feel good about making your home nicer for your family and your friends. You should feel great about cooking a good dinner and making a dress for a granddaughter, creating a beautiful birthday party. It's all part of life.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Birthday
Image of Martha Stewart
I admire the courage and self-reliance it takes to start your own business and make it succeed.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Independence
Image of Martha Stewart
You can be the most beautiful person on Earth, and if you don't have a fitness or diet routine, you won't be beautiful.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Diet
Image of Martha Stewart
My goal with our American Made program is to inspire people of all ages to become 'doers,' whether it's them learning how to make an easy weekday dinner or starting their own business.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Learning
Image of Martha Stewart
I always thought I would be a teacher. And I think I actually lived up to my initial dreams, because what I do now is teach millions and millions of people many different kinds of things.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Teacher
Image of Martha Stewart
My daughter emails me. When your daughter starts to email you instead of talk to you... It's horrible. You cannot forget human communication.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Communication
Image of Martha Stewart
Everywhere I go, I always look for creative entrepreneurs, whether it's artisans and craftsmen, small farmers and gardeners, or restaurateurs who use fresh, locally sourced ingredients. I admire the courage and self-reliance it takes to start your own business and make it succeed.
- Martha Stewart
Collection: Courage
Image of Martha Stewart
If you learn something new every day, you can teach something new every day.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
Drones can be useful tools, and I am all about useful tools. One of my mottos is 'the right tool for the right job.'
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I invented 'It's a good thing' before you were even born.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I think baking cookies is equal to Queen Victoria running an empire. There's no difference in how seriously you take the job, how seriously you approach your whole life.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
My new motto is: When you're through changing, you're through.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
So the pie isn't perfect? Cut it into wedges. Stay in control, and never panic.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I'm very inspired by nature - you could say Mother Nature. I look at things around me and get all kinds of inspiration daily.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
The ultimate goal is to be an interesting, useful, wholesome person. If you're successful on top of that, then you're way ahead of everybody.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
The last place I would ever want to go is prison.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
There are two kinds of people... There are the dreamers who go and buy, and there are the doers who go and make. And I've always recognized that. So the dreamers are what support our company because they will buy the product that they could make if they wanted to, had time to, or were so inclined to.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I'm never sick. Why get sick? It's a waste of time.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I never stop making sure that what I say is the best of what could be said about a particular thing. It's a constant evolution. If I planted a tree one way yesterday, and somebody tells me of a better way to plant a tree, I think, 'You know, they're right, that's better.' Then I change my way to accommodate the new way of planting trees.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
It is hard to imagine Andre Le Notre laying out the exquisite landscape designs for Vaux-le-Vicomte, and later the magnificent Chateau de Versailles, with no high hill to stand on, no helicopter to fly in, and no drone to show him the complexities of the terrain. Yet he did, and with extreme precision, accuracy, and high style.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I want you to know that I am innocent - and that I will fight to clear my name.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I think that people want to know how to do practical and everyday things like how to get the pomegranate seeds out of a pomegranate.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I haven't been to Tasmania. I haven't been to the South Pole, and I haven't been to the North Pole. I want to see the polar bear migration before there are no polar bears. I want to see Glacier National Park before the glacier melts.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I had a critical father. I'm more like my father. He was a sales rep for pharmaceutical companies.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
The more you adapt, the more interesting you are.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I'm not supposed to say it, but I was not guilty of any crime. I became a target because I was a strong and a rich woman who had been very successful.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
When I was incarcerated at Alderson in West Virginia for a five-month term, they had a ceramics class.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
All the things I love is what my business is all about.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I love dessert. I can't be guilty about it because I have to taste everything. I experiment.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
One of the things I do to stay healthy and fit is to make sure I exercise every single day. Aside from eating right and getting enough sleep, exercise keeps me trim and boosts my energy.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I have a microphone on one ankle and an ankle bracelet on the other, so I'm well balanced today.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I get up really early, and I go to bed really late. Sometimes I get tired, but it's not important. I have an exciting existence, and there's so much to do.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I was a very curious person because of my parents. They encouraged me to be as curious about as many things as I wanted.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I believe in a man and a woman being equal. I really believe that we can do anything we set our minds to.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I adore summer entertaining. For a dinner party at the farm, I might prepare homemade fettuccine with porcini mushrooms, soft-shell crabs, spinach from the garden, and lemon tarts with fraises des bois for dessert.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
When I first went to Kmart, I was so excited that I could bring my kind of taste to the masses. They didn't have 100 percent cotton sheets at mass market in 1987. We made those in yellow and pink and pale blue.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I'm a maniacal perfectionist.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I'm not a sponge exactly, but I find that something I look at is a great opportunity for ideas.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I was married for 30 years. Isn't that enough? I've had my share of dirty underwear on the floor.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it's not a waste of time.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I am a hero worshiper. I love the number one tennis player. I love the number one baseball player. I want to see those records broken.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I think it's very important that whatever you're trying to make or sell, or teach has to be basically good. A bad product and you know what? You won't be here in ten years.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I don't even like firing people. I don't think I've ever said, 'You're fired' to anybody.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I - I try to do as much as I can, wherever I am. So, at the farm, I'm always thinking of some new project, some new thing I can do.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
Whether you're a programmer or a seamstress, it's all about new techniques, simplifying old techniques, and consolidating steps. Making things go faster - but not worse.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
Doing projects really gives people self-confidence. Nothing is better than taking the pie out of the oven. What it does for you personally, and for your family's idea of you, is something you can't buy.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I live in an old house with no closets and no built-ins. I hate big cupboards.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I had no idea when I went to college what I'd be doing. I took organic chemistry and did terribly, but I was good in English and art. I took many courses and participated in as many activities as I could. I learned a lot about every single thing.
- Martha Stewart
Image of Martha Stewart
I like knowing about everything, and I think that really helps me in my business.
- Martha Stewart