Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 95

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 95 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Jhumpa Lahiri
Writing is one of the most assertive things a person can do.
- Jhumpa Lahiri
Collection: Writing
Image of Jhumpa Lahiri
It was not in my nature to be an assertive person. I was used to looking to others for guidance, for influence, sometimes for the most basic cues of life. And yet writing stories is one of the most assertive things a person can do. Fiction is an act of willfulness, a deliberate effort to reconceive, to rearrange, to reconstitute nothing short of reality itself. Even among the most reluctant and doubtful of writers, this willfulness must emerge. Being a writer means taking the leap from listening to saying, "Listen to me."
- Jhumpa Lahiri
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Jackman
There's a whole gamut of things to do with film music that don't apply when you're making a record or if you're writing a concert piece or something.
- Henry Jackman
Collection: Writing
Image of Abdellatif Kechiche
The importance is getting to something truthful and in that moment can only be in that moment. I don't like to use the word "improvise," but it's a continual writing of the film.
- Abdellatif Kechiche
Collection: Writing
Image of Abdellatif Kechiche
The writing of the script is a continual process. There's the first draft and then many, many re-writes here and there.
- Abdellatif Kechiche
Collection: Writing
Image of Nico Muhly
Writing orchestra music, you need for the emotional content to come from everyone doing everything together, adding up as it goes, a crowd mentality.
- Nico Muhly
Collection: Writing
Image of Nico Muhly
When you're writing something new, writing something that's your own, basically you have nothing else to do except either invent a trick, use someone else's trick, or have no trick and get a bad performance.
- Nico Muhly
Collection: Writing
Image of Nico Muhly
Whenever I get asked to write orchestra music or music that is for a lot of players, I try to make it a little sad.
- Nico Muhly
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Lawson
I never started writing because I wanted to write myself stuff. It was really more that I had these stories to tell, and I wanted to work with people that I respected and liked.
- Josh Lawson
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Lawson
I hope I never have to stop acting. I love it. But, I think the coolest thing about acting is working with these amazing people all the time, and writing represented a new way to meet those people and to tell stories, at the same time, which I've always wanted to do, and to tell jokes. I love comedy, so writing was a way of getting these jokes that I had down on the page.
- Josh Lawson
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Lawson
And then, once you've written, you meet producers and directors and actors. You get to meet interesting, talented, creative, artistic people, and it also staves off a bit of creative stagnation when you can't act, which is the reality of the industry. So often, you can't act because there are just too many cars and not enough car parks. But, I love writing and I'll never stop doing that.
- Josh Lawson
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Lawson
I directed one of my shorts that did festivals around the world, and that was great. I've got a bit of a bug for that now. I just hope I keep challenging myself and keep doing stuff that interests me with people who I respect and who teach me stuff. If I can keep doing that in anything - acting, writing, directing or whatever - I'll do it because life is short.
- Josh Lawson
Collection: Writing
Image of Remi Aubuchon
When you're working on a television show with actors, what you hope you're doing is playing jazz with them all the time. You see what they're giving you, so you try to write back to that, and then they play with that, and you get a sense of what is going on. That's just a natural way in which TV series usually work.
- Remi Aubuchon
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Scholes
Writing is not a mystery. It is a craft like any other, and it can be learned.
- Robert Scholes
Collection: Writing
Image of Toni Cade Bambara
Writing is a legitimate way, an important way, to participate in the empowerment of the community that names me.
- Toni Cade Bambara
Collection: Writing
Image of Toni Cade Bambara
Writing is one of the ways I participate in transformation.
- Toni Cade Bambara
Collection: Writing
Image of Toni Cade Bambara
Write a lot and hit the streets. A writer who doesn't keep up with what's out there ain't gonna be out there.
- Toni Cade Bambara
Collection: Writing
Image of Toni Cade Bambara
People have to be given permission to write, and they have to be given space to breathe and stumble. They have to be given time to develop and to reveal what they can do.
- Toni Cade Bambara
Collection: Writing
Image of Stuart Blumberg
Just write what you love and what a movie you'd like to see.
- Stuart Blumberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Harry Wayne Casey
I was writing before I met Rick and actually I created the band before Rick Finch. Basically, the first album, I wrote. Who's to say what would've happened? Rick was very talented too.
- Harry Wayne Casey
Collection: Writing
Image of Sinclair Lewis
Writers have a rare power not given to anyone else: we can bore people long after we are dead.
- Sinclair Lewis
Collection: Writing
Image of Greg Lake
I continue to write. It's just one of those things that I do. I'll have periods when I write and periods when I don't. But you don't want it to become a discipline really. If it becomes a discipline, it becomes a chore and that's no good.
- Greg Lake
Collection: Writing
Image of Lauren Bowles
I feel so fortunate to get paid to be an actor. I pinch myself. I get it from writing, I get it from baking, gardening... I sort of open myself to the creative flow, which is hard to do, by the way.
- Lauren Bowles
Collection: Writing
Image of Cass McCombs
I just like writing lyrics. I find a little satisfaction in performing live, making records. But primarily, I just try to write every day.
- Cass McCombs
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Achleitner
Everything that individuals ever say or write can be used against them at a later point.
- Paul Achleitner
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Sietsema
You can't write about a horrible restaurant - if it's a Ma & Pa restaurant no one wants to see you kick Ma & Pa in the chops.
- Robert Sietsema
Collection: Writing
Image of Alexandra Breckenridge
I love True Blood and Buffy, and, obviously, this is one of my favorite jobs that I've ever had - but not just because it's horror, but because the cast is so good and the writing is so great.
- Alexandra Breckenridge
Collection: Writing
Image of Vaginal Davis
I have always hated flying. I mainly pass the time writing letters. I am very old school and I still keep many correspondences the old-fashioned way, via post.
- Vaginal Davis
Collection: Writing
Image of Blake Judd
I don't think in time signatures, and when I do, what I write is generally 3/4 or 4/4, the most basic, straightforward stuff. I think that comes from just not being a super-schooled musician.
- Blake Judd
Collection: Writing
Image of Liz W. Garcia
I'm a civilized person who obeys the law and is pretty easy to get along with, but I'm more complicated than that. I use my work as a way to get all that other stuff out and experiment with feelings and ideas, and the forbidden. That's just part of my process, I think, to identify something forbidden. That's what lures me into wanting to do the work, write the story down.
- Liz W. Garcia
Collection: Writing
Image of Liz W. Garcia
One is that I'm really interested in movies about sex and lust, because I think those are primal, carnal instincts that translate well to a visual medium. Two, these things that I write, or want to make, are an expression of - I don't want to say darker instincts, but let's say darker instincts. But that's why I'm a writer.
- Liz W. Garcia
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Grevioux
I will always write myself a part. It will never be number one or two on the call sheet, but it will be number five through ten. That way they won't kick you off after you sell it.
- Kevin Grevioux
Collection: Writing
Image of Colin Callender
I find it very invigorating having Ken Lonergan, who's an established, Pulitzer-nominated playwright doing Howards End, or Chris Hampton who's won an Oscar writing a TV series, or having an actor like Mark Rylance, who is probably England's leading theater actor, in the lead in Wolf Hall.
- Colin Callender
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Mazer
With directing, your day is done. When you hit seven o'clock, it's "Cut." That's what it is. For better or worse, that's what you've got and you have to make that work, and there's something incredibly liberating about that because you can't torture yourself. You have to focus on the moment, and you have to embrace every second and opportunity and maximize that, whereas with writing, there's no imperative there. You just amble along.
- Dan Mazer
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Mazer
It's tough to make funny films. And the truth is, with this process, especially if you write your own movie, then you're giving three years of your life to it. And so, I just have to be sure that when I embark on it that I'm happy to think that in three years' time I'm going to be sitting in a room on the tenth floor of an odd office building at Ginsberg Libby talking about it. So I'm keen not to jump into it too quickly and just make sure it's something that I really want.
- Dan Mazer
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Christian
The more helpful our phones get, the harder it is to be ourselves. For everyone out there fighting to write idiosyncratic, high-entropy, unpredictable, unruly text, swimming upstream of spell-check and predictive auto-completion: Don't let them banalize you. Keep fighting.
- Brian Christian
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathon Keats
To me, the reason to write about [Buckminster] Fuller is because I think that he has ideas that are incredibly pertinent.
- Jonathon Keats
Collection: Writing
Image of Marc-Andre Hamelin
A mission that comes from the heart to promote these things and to encourage composers to write, then of course they should do it. And there are more than a few pianists these days who do this, fortunately.
- Marc-Andre Hamelin
Collection: Writing
Image of Marc-Andre Hamelin
As far as the style, I can't say there is one definite style. I probably feel most comfortable writing in a tonal idiom, with considerable, if not extreme chromaticism.
- Marc-Andre Hamelin
Collection: Writing
Image of Soman Chainani
If you get trapped in your head and out of your body during the writing process, it's very easy to make wrong turns. You have to really be in touch with your heart rather than your head to write the novel you want.
- Soman Chainani
Collection: Writing
Image of Todd Farmer
We really did it write it for the story but once you get into production, once you start doing this process certain things will jump out at you. Some shots will be more 3-D than others.
- Todd Farmer
Collection: Writing
Image of Todd Farmer
It's a weird partnership. For me and Patrick, if you've met him, we're not very much alike. But we bring such different tools to the table. He doesn't think like me. I don't think like him. He thinks like an editor. He thinks like a director. He thinks completely outside of the box when it comes to writing and so because of that he leads me down roads that I would've never gone down. And he sucks at grammar. So together we're perfect.
- Todd Farmer
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Steinbeck
Since I cant write the greatest American novel, Im going to write the longest American novel.
- Thomas Steinbeck
Collection: Writing
Image of Five for Fighting
Usually it is a painful process (writing), "Superman" came in 45 minutes; "100 Years" in four months.
- Five for Fighting
Collection: Writing
Image of Doseone
What I remove from my writing is linear context. It's not really important to me, because it doesn't give me chills to see, "you flip the latch and the lock opens and then you can open the top of the chest and inside the chest is this." That doesn't give me chills, to think in that vein. So I've always kind of avoided it.
- Doseone
Collection: Writing
Image of Oh Land
I definitely write about my life and the issues I might have or the dilemmas I'm going through, but usually I write about it in a general way and make metaphors. Like "I'm the wolf and you are the moon ".
- Oh Land
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeff Hanneman
When we started writing this kind of music in the beginning, I didn't think that many people would listen to it, but over the years our fan base just kept growing and growing. Now, it's like we do it for us and our fans.
- Jeff Hanneman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lenny Kravitz
When I'm making my music, I'm writing it, I'm producing it, I'm playing all the instruments, I'm performing. It's my own world where I do what I feel, and nobody tells me anything.
- Lenny Kravitz
Collection: Writing
Image of Kenny Loggins
If I don't stay creative and if I don't stay in the studio and keep writing and recording, I get kind of depressed. I can't quite remember what I'm supposed to be doing with myself.
- Kenny Loggins
Collection: Writing