Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 96

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Image of Clarence Major
I've never considered soundtracks for what I write. Nor have I considered computer drawing or painting. As a painter, I'm still trying to perfect what I started out doing with brushes, pen and ink, paint, etc. The transition, for me, from typewriter to computer was a big step. I am now very comfortable with writing on a computer but it took awhile. Because I did make that big step I won't rule out what happens in the future.
- Clarence Major
Collection: Writing
Image of Cody Johnson
I try to make sure that, when I'm writing, I don't put too much Cody in it. But I don't want to lose it either.
- Cody Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Cody Johnson
There's that area, right there, where you can be too hard on yourself or you need to be really hard on yourself - I'm trying to ride that line by telling myself that I can always write better, sing better, what can we do to make the show more interesting? Pretend that you're the guy who's been in the front row for the last five shows; what would make it new for you?
- Cody Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Doller
I think something many of us grapple with are those times we dread the practice of writing, no matter the project.
- Ben Doller
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Doller
Me and my wife were interested in avoiding style, in eliminating voice, in getting away from the poetry logics, textures, and propulsions that we normally employ in our writing. But we arrived at even this organically and separately.
- Ben Doller
Collection: Writing
Image of Erin Willett
I am constantly trying to figure things out, and writing and decompressing is a way for me to analyze and try and grow and understand.
- Erin Willett
Collection: Writing
Image of Eldar Djangirov
I started playing classical music, and I still do. I think music ultimately is kind of on a theoretical level, is about collecting and learning as much vocabulary as possible. It's kind of like writing. It's kind of like writing because the more you read, the more you hear people describe things. The more you soak in, as far as vocabulary, the more access you have in order to express yourself accurately and vividly.
- Eldar Djangirov
Collection: Writing
Image of Sean Mahon
You don't get a chance to sit back and relax because this is the point where we're tweaking things to see what works and what doesn't work; so the level of concentration is very focused. But who wouldn't be happy with this? It's a great opportunity and a really great piece of writing. I'm just really very fortunate.
- Sean Mahon
Collection: Writing
Image of Sean Mahon
I don't want to denounce musicals because they certainly have a message they want to communicate. But with straight plays, there is a focus on what's going on between people and relationships. I think so much is happening in the world at the moment, so many changes politically and culturally, writers are writing about that.
- Sean Mahon
Collection: Writing
Image of Sean Mahon
It's very much a character-based play. Conor's writing is almost musical and paints pictures at the same time. It's a joy as an actor to be able to say the words. It's very conversational but at the same time, tells a story.
- Sean Mahon
Collection: Writing
Image of Keith Sonnier
A lot of artists are good cooks as I'm too, but coming from a culture that was very concerned with food, I was very interested in that from the start. If you're interested in food, you're interested in lots of different aspects of culture. And it's like being interested in the music from a certain area, or writing, or whatever-food is part of that, too.
- Keith Sonnier
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Crook
It took me ten years to write The Night Journal, so that was a big ordeal.
- Elizabeth Crook
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Crook
The Night Journal received two awards that I'm terribly proud of - -the Spur from Western Writers of America, and the Willa Literary Award from Women Writing the West. Both these groups are filled with great writers and good people.
- Elizabeth Crook
Collection: Writing
Image of DJ Ashba
I found it more pleasurable to write something, sing a melody over it. At a very young age, I kind of honed my writing skills, I guess.
- DJ Ashba
Collection: Writing
Image of DJ Ashba
I always was intrigued with writing my own stuff, and I was always really bad at learning other people's stuff.
- DJ Ashba
Collection: Writing
Image of Cynthia Addai-Robinson
I'm really inspired right now by a lot of the actors and actresses who are pursuing storytelling outside of just acting. They're writing, producing, they are creating their own material. That's really exciting to me. It feels like the possibilities are endless as far the things that you can make and even where they can be shown.
- Cynthia Addai-Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Ranaldo
And for me, I think of the group as one in which there's always this pendulum swinging back and forth between writing shorter, more concise pieces until we get kind of sick of it and then writing pieces that get more sprawling and experimental and explore in different directions.
- Lee Ranaldo
Collection: Writing
Image of Alex Lemon
Poetry does need a bit of ferocity. The only way to attend to the fractured world is to write a ferocious kind of music, to sing that volatility.
- Alex Lemon
Collection: Writing
Image of Alex Lemon
I found it incredibly challenging to write clear prose that had the dynamism that I wanted.
- Alex Lemon
Collection: Writing
Image of Alex Lemon
Well, we're all going to die, so mortality is a part of writing and life.
- Alex Lemon
Collection: Writing
Image of Hannes Holm
I love filmmaking because it's like harvesting as a farmer. I have an idea, I get the financing, I write the script and then cast and shoot and edit. Then there is opening night, and after that I get another idea.
- Hannes Holm
Collection: Writing
Image of Hannes Holm
I often use humor as a tool in my writing, and sometimes that works and sometimes it sits alone just as a funny line.
- Hannes Holm
Collection: Writing
Image of Agustin Fernandez Mallo
If there's one thing that can save the novel, it is to make it independent of cinema, to narrate in a way that cinema can never narrate, using to its benefit those particular characteristics which belong to writing.
- Agustin Fernandez Mallo
Collection: Writing
Image of Joe Madison
You put the republican members of congress who are up for re-election, and quite candidly, the democrats, because every democratic congressperson ought to be writing, tweeting, and you put them on notice. We are the boss of this government, not the [Donald] Trump.
- Joe Madison
Collection: Writing
Image of Bao Phi
Sometimes a poem starts because I feel the urge to write about something from which I carry a great deal of shame, and I try to sketch out in writing how I am complicit in whatever dynamic it is I am illuminating. And sometimes it comes later, when I step back and challenge myself - am I being honest here?
- Bao Phi
Collection: Writing
Image of Bao Phi
Poetry is poetry. My process is I try to write the best poem I can, in the best way to communicate whatever it is the poem is trying to communicate, and then I try to figure out the best way to present that poem to a live audience. It's all craft, just different stages of craft.
- Bao Phi
Collection: Writing
Image of Craig Olejnik
There is a lot of years in my 20s that acting was really on the back burner not even saying I was traveling and writing, taking pictures and just kind of living and figuring out what I wanted to do.
- Craig Olejnik
Collection: Writing
Image of John Barth
The first obligation of the writer is to be interesting. To be interesting; not to change the world.
- John Barth
Collection: Writing
Image of John Barth
A curious thing about written literature: It is about four thousand years old, but we have no way of knowing whether four thousand years constitutes senility or the maiden blush of youth.
- John Barth
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Murphy
I think it's really important to not talk about how you're going to release something until you've finished it. People are like, "What are we going to make? What are we going to do with it?" and it's just like, "I don't know, we're just making music. Then we'll talk." You can't always write something you're happy with; you can't force it.
- Nick Murphy
Collection: Writing
Image of Sophie
I get so much energy and I learn so much through collaborating with other people. Ultimately, I think the best music will always be created through collaborations - pooling together skills to create something bigger than any individual. I like to use my own SOPHIE material to present ideas in their most extreme, un-compromised form. I really use those opportunities to express exactly where I'm at in terms of production and writing ideas, as a document of my thoughts and feelings, as well.
- Sophie
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomston
I feel like writing music is a great chance to create something that extends beyond yourself.
- Thomston
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomston
I'd gotten to a point where I would write a lyric and then delete it because I was worried about how it sounded. Pretty much, I was a dreadful person and It was just a way of dealing with feeling kind of guilty about that.
- Thomston
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomston
I write in a bunch of different ways, but my favourite way is to walk around my neighbourhood at ridiculous hours, like 2am. I feel like the movement helps me clear my thoughts so I can just get all of the words out and type them onto my phone.
- Thomston
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomston
I love making music. I feel like people often get into that 'you should only make music for yourself' kind of place, where they say things like, "I don't write for other people, I write for myself," and I feel like that misses the mark so much because music, especially pop music, is so much more than yourself.
- Thomston
Collection: Writing
Image of Jason C. Miller
I think it's stripped down as far as electronics go, but we just wanted to write a record that we felt better represented how we sound live with more of a rock feel, which is the direction we've been heading. It's just an evolution of the band throughout the years. We worked on this record longer than any other record, so I don't know if "stripped down" is how I would put it; I think it is a little bit more raw sounding.
- Jason C. Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Aaron Dessner
Writing lyrics with your wife does lead to talking about yourselves a lot. But this is not an autobiographical account of my personal marriage. It's almost about the marriage of the band.
- Aaron Dessner
Collection: Writing
Image of Davis Schneiderman
I certainly want people to read what I've written. Yet, and here's that question of economic position, because I have a secure job, I don't need a wide readership to survive. I'm a participant in the indirect economy, what sociological critic Pierre Bourdieu would call the "economic world reversed." I get "paid" by writing whatever I choose. That's a pretty good position to be in, but I don't pretend for a moment that it is not a privileged one.
- Davis Schneiderman
Collection: Writing
Image of Davis Schneiderman
I'm in a profession with a dismal success rate, in an academic field with a dismal hiring rate. And I don't write, really, about any of that - rather the institutional structures I've negotiated my way through, with healthy doses of luck, provide a breathing, parasitic glimpse into the bureaucratic monolith of the creative-degree machine.
- Davis Schneiderman
Collection: Writing
Image of Davis Schneiderman
One demonstrable effect this type of work can have is in its viral promulgation. Take Kathy Acker for example: her work exists mainly through academic channels. Students are exposed to her novels, and some read her, then, on their own, but some also go to grad school: teach her, write about her, keep her going.
- Davis Schneiderman
Collection: Writing
Image of Davis Schneiderman
I'm a bit skeptical about the possibilities for resistant fiction, and even more despondent over the potential for politically engaged writing to do much of anything outside the dominant means of production and distribution.
- Davis Schneiderman
Collection: Writing
Image of Victoria Wilson
I've published many biographies over the years and enjoyed working with writers on their research, discussing it, thinking about it and how it revealed their subject - and one day the impulse came to me to write a life of someone. I made a long list of possible subjects and [ Barbara] Stanwyck was on the list.
- Victoria Wilson
Collection: Writing
Image of Mariko Tamaki
There's a certain amount of pressure that goes with writing superhero characters, especially characters that are beloved to audiences. You know that you're always writing into a certain amount of expectations and into an existing fandom, and I try to take the pressure of that in when I first accept a project and then I try to push it aside as much as possible and just focus on the story that I want to tell. It's definitely a little more pressure than writing something of your own, from your own brain, and creating those expectations from scratch. But I also like the challenge of it.
- Mariko Tamaki
Collection: Writing
Image of Kory Stamper
It's difficult to sit down and write a letter back saying, "you know what, even if we remove the word from the dictionary, people will still continue to use it." That's the tightrope that we walk - "gay marriage" is another example, or the word "nude."
- Kory Stamper
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary J. Miller
It's definitely about the rhythm of the words and how they sound together, writing one sentence and then another and another and cutting something immediately if it doesn't feel true. I come from a family of musicians and - while I have no musical abilities of my own - I think I inherited a good ear.
- Mary J. Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary J. Miller
There are many stories I've wanted to write that I'm simply not able to - sometimes I haven't found the way in yet, and it doesn't matter how hard I try.
- Mary J. Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary J. Miller
There's definitely a magical quality to writing that can't be explained. I can write something I love in two days, or I can work on a story every day for months and it never comes together.
- Mary J. Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary J. Miller
It's something that's difficult to explain but I think all writers work this way to some extent, whether we're aware of it or not. For me, writing has little to do with thinking. I don't want to control the narrative. I listen to the rhythm of the words and dialogue and try to give the characters the space in which to say and do what they want without intervening too much.
- Mary J. Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary J. Miller
I also liked it when professors assigned us stories that they love. In general, I liked workshops more when they were more than just a workshop, when the professor took the time to actually guide us as young writers and teach us things it took them a long time to figure out on their own. I could probably write ten pages on this question.
- Mary J. Miller
Collection: Writing