Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 93

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 93 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Francesca Gregorini
All the things that live within you find their place, in character and story, once you tap into that other space that is the creative writing space.
- Francesca Gregorini
Collection: Writing
Image of Edna Longley
I think that literature quite often emerges from areas where there has been a lack of articulation, like women's writing.
- Edna Longley
Collection: Writing
Image of Edna Longley
Obviously all writers, all artists, have their own internal critics; as they write they are being self-critical.
- Edna Longley
Collection: Writing
Image of Diane Kruger
Sometimes you can write a great scene, but when you're actually in a situation and it doesn't work, you have to be flexible enough to make it work for you.
- Diane Kruger
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeffrey Tayler
My writing derived from the conviction I conceived during my college years: one should lead one's life as if one were the protagonist of an epic novel, with the outcome predetermined and chapter after chapter of edifying, traumatic, and exhilarating events to be suffered through. Since the end is known in advance, one must try to experience as much as possible in the brief time allotted. Writing is a way of ensuring that you pay enough attention along the way to understand what you see.
- Jeffrey Tayler
Collection: Writing
Image of Stanislaw Lem
Every stink that fights the ventilator thinks it is Don Quixote.
- Stanislaw Lem
Collection: Writing
Image of Jenny Johnson
On the key to a successful Twitter account: Write the things that you think are funny and that's what's gonna click with people.
- Jenny Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Babatunde Adebimpe
If anybody won life, David Bowie did, at least as a creative entity in the sense of writing yourself into existence and writing yourself out in such a graceful swoop.
- Babatunde Adebimpe
Collection: Writing
Image of Allen Wier
The call to write does not respect background or experience.
- Allen Wier
Collection: Writing
Image of Allen Wier
Literary theories will not make a writer write.
- Allen Wier
Collection: Writing
Image of Ari Hest
The purpose of me touring and writing is to create music and nothing else. Its really not about updating people on social media about things that have nothing to do about music.
- Ari Hest
Collection: Writing
Image of Johanna Lindsey
Writing was my first occupation, begun at age 23.
- Johanna Lindsey
Collection: Writing
Image of Alex Hirsch
When you're doing an animated series, you tend to pitch storyboards. You write a script and then you draw a comic version of that script and put it up on big boards, and then you pitch it to a big room of executives and writers.
- Alex Hirsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Jørgen Leth
Haiti is the best cure against melancholy; it is also the most creative place for me to be. My productivity has increased enormously since I moved to Haiti. That's where I write my stories, develop my ideas and write nonstop, so it's a productive time, not a sleepy time.
- Jørgen Leth
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Hersch
My own goals center around writing the best music that I can, and only I can determine whether or not I've succeeded in accomplishing that.
- Michael Hersch
Collection: Writing
Image of W. P. Kinsella
Read! Read! Read! And then read some more. When you find something that thrills you, take it apart paragraph by paragraph, line by line, word by word, to see what made it so wonderful. Then use those tricks next time you write.
- W. P. Kinsella
Collection: Writing
Image of W. P. Kinsella
Use your imagination. Trust me, your lives are not interesting. Don't write them down.
- W. P. Kinsella
Collection: Writing
Image of Tobias Lindholm
Everybody can write a beginning and an ending, but to actually define that middle point where everything will go from professional to person, where everything will change, is always the hardest part, because it can very easily be too constructed, too artificial.
- Tobias Lindholm
Collection: Writing
Image of Tobias Lindholm
I never thought about writing the part where the pirates get on board the ship. I wasn't interested in that. I'm not an action director. I'm sure that other guys could do it a lot better. I couldn't put my heart into it.
- Tobias Lindholm
Collection: Writing
Image of David Grubbs
The danger of these collaborations across disciplines is in having too strict of a division of labor - in my case, of getting stuck doing the music. When I make an album, I write music, I write lyrics, I come up with the visual design, etc. I get to do all of that stuff.
- David Grubbs
Collection: Writing
Image of Yusef Komunyakaa
Poetry is a process of getting back to the unconscious. Hence, I am always writing-even when I'm not facing the white space. I feel writers are like reservoirs of images. We take in what is around us.
- Yusef Komunyakaa
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Lewis
When you're trying to create a career as a writer, a little delusional thinking goes a long way.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Writing
Image of Harper Lee
Any writer worth his salt writes to please himself...It's a self-exploratory operation that is endless. An exorcism of not necessarily his demon, but of his divine discontent.
- Harper Lee
Collection: Writing
Image of Harper Lee
Any writer worth his salt writes to please himself.
- Harper Lee
Collection: Writing
Image of Harper Lee
Writing is something you'll never learn in any university or at any school. It's something that is within you, and if it isn't there, nothing can put it there.
- Harper Lee
Collection: Writing
Image of Harper Lee
Characters make their own plot. The dimensions of the characters determine the action of the novel.
- Harper Lee
Collection: Writing
Image of Ryan T. Murphy
It's a privilege to be able to have an idea and go into a group of executives and say, "I really want to write about this, and I really am interested in this," and for them to say, "Yes," and give you the money to make it.
- Ryan T. Murphy
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucrecia Martel
I write about what I know and also what I don't understand. Emotions for what has transpired.
- Lucrecia Martel
Collection: Writing
Image of Mario Vargas Llosa
Literature is a form of permanent insurrection. Its mission is to arouse, to disturb, to alarm, to keep men in a constant state of dissatisfaction with themselves.
- Mario Vargas Llosa
Collection: Writing
Image of Mario Vargas Llosa
Writers are the exorcists of their own demons.
- Mario Vargas Llosa
Collection: Writing
Image of Mario Vargas Llosa
I write because I'm unhappy. I write because it's a way of fighting unhappiness.
- Mario Vargas Llosa
Collection: Writing
Image of Mario Vargas Llosa
When I was young, when I started to write, we were totally convinced that literature was a kind of weapon.
- Mario Vargas Llosa
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Leacock
Writing is not hard. Just get paper and pencil, sit down, and write as it occurs to you. The writing is easy-it's the occurring that's hard.
- Stephen Leacock
Collection: Writing
Image of Eran Creevy
I think when you write a script, you can't help but pick up on what is happening in the press at that time and what's going on in the newspapers, so you reflect on that and you feed it into your stories in some way.
- Eran Creevy
Collection: Writing
Image of Eran Creevy
I think writing is one of the toughest things.
- Eran Creevy
Collection: Writing
Image of Eran Creevy
I get ill when I'm writing because I'm so focused on it, and it can take a year or two. Often, I knock out the first draft very quickly. I can do it in five to six weeks. Then, it takes a year of rewriting it and rewriting it.
- Eran Creevy
Collection: Writing
Image of Ring Lardner
How can you write if you can't cry?
- Ring Lardner
Collection: Writing
Image of Primo Levi
He could hardly read or write but his heart spoke the language of the good
- Primo Levi
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Heyward
What keeps me motivated to create new music is the joy of songwriting. The joy of being creative. The joy of writing a poem or essay. Writing anything. I just love writing, whether it is music or words. I just didn't need to share it for the last 18 years. When you share it, it brings on other things, which is good.
- Nick Heyward
Collection: Writing
Image of A. J. Liebling
The only way to write is well and how you do it is your own damn business.
- A. J. Liebling
Collection: Writing
Image of A. J. Liebling
I can write better than anyone who can write faster.
- A. J. Liebling
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Warchus
If you decide you're going to do the piece, you're doing it because you love the writing.
- Matthew Warchus
Collection: Writing
Image of Tanith Lee
Writing is writing, and stories are stories. Perhaps the only true genres are fiction and nonfiction. And even there, who can be sure?
- Tanith Lee
Collection: Writing
Image of Gabe Polsky
I'm writing and putting together my next few things. Even during the Red Army process, I've been writing and developing things, so that now that I'm done and with efforts supporting it throughout this process, I'm armed and ready to go with some things that I'm really passionate about.
- Gabe Polsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter King
I've been accused over the years of being close to players, but if something needs to be written, I've tried my best to write it and write it in a way that is fair to whoever I'm writing about and is fair to all of my readers.
- Peter King
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter King
I so admire great writing done quickly, with great detail.
- Peter King
Collection: Writing
Image of Patricia Leavy
Students are often taught when to use a particular method and how to use it, but not how to effectively write up their research plan and then later their research results.
- Patricia Leavy
Collection: Writing
Image of Phil Klay
I wrote some weird magical realism stories that are probably on some hard drive somewhere, and if I ever uncover that hard drive, I'll burn it. I tried to do a little bit of writing while I was in Iraq, but it wasn't the really greatest space for creative production.
- Phil Klay
Collection: Writing
Image of Phil Klay
Part of the reason I'm writing it is to try to figure out what that is myself. It's not like I came back from Iraq and said, "We need to have a conversation, I know exactly what it is." It was just this sort of sense of something missing and then trying to write toward what that was, and to solicit from other people a sense of what that might be.
- Phil Klay
Collection: Writing