Soman Chainani

Image of Soman Chainani
It's the problem with fairy tales. From far away, they seem so perfect. But up close, they're just as complicated as real life.
- Soman Chainani
Collection: Real
Image of Soman Chainani
Only once you destroy who you think you are can you embrace who you truly are
- Soman Chainani
Collection: Thinking
Image of Soman Chainani
Everytime you do a Good Deed with true intention, your soul grows purer.
- Soman Chainani
Collection: Soul
Image of Soman Chainani
I never think of my work as writing for a young audience, frankly, because I think it risks talking 'down' to them. The idea is for these books to work just as well as for adults as kids. As for what readers will take away, I just want them to love being in the world and see it as a safe place to explore things that adults are often uncomfortable talking to them about.
- Soman Chainani
Collection: Book
Image of Soman Chainani
If you get trapped in your head and out of your body during the writing process, it's very easy to make wrong turns. You have to really be in touch with your heart rather than your head to write the novel you want.
- Soman Chainani
Collection: Writing
Image of Soman Chainani
Beauty can only fight the truth for so long.
- Soman Chainani
Collection: Fighting