Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 77

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 77 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Jean Houston
Stories are living and dynamic. Stories exist to be exchanged. They are the currency of Human Growth.
- Jean Houston
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Lieb
The more you write, the faster you'll write, and the less you'll mind throwing stuff out.
- Josh Lieb
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Lieb
I have to start writing down things that happen, or I'll forget my life entirely.
- Josh Lieb
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Lieb
You have to know writing styles well before you can copy them - and then incorporate parts of them into your own style.
- Josh Lieb
Collection: Writing
Image of Raha Moharrak
I am severely dyslexic, so I'm not the person who can do a lot of typing, writing and mathematics. I don't excel in anything except in things that had to do with creativity and things with my hands. I like to build things and take things apart.
- Raha Moharrak
Collection: Writing
Image of Deborah Harkness
I'd studied 16th century science and magic. I thought it was strange that people were interested in the same kinds of things my research was about. The more I thought about it, the more intriguing it became and pretty soon I was writing a novel about a reluctant witch and a 1500-year-old vampire.
- Deborah Harkness
Collection: Writing
Image of Bentley Little
Like most authors, I'm a raging egomaniac. I know that about myself. And I know that, if I had internet access, I would waste countless hours looking up things about myself, writing fake posts about how great I am and arguing with people who don't like my work. It saves me a lot of time and frustration to just stay out of the loop.
- Bentley Little
Collection: Writing
Image of Bentley Little
I write horror because I enjoy it. I'm endlessly fascinated by the supernatural, by death, by darkness. And, to be honest, I don't have much choice. This is the way my mind works.
- Bentley Little
Collection: Writing
Image of J. E. Buckrose
An author who enjoys writing may sometimes please other people by accident, but he can never pass on to any one else the zestful thrill he feels himself.
- J. E. Buckrose
Collection: Writing
Image of J. E. Buckrose
there are - as every one knows - two kinds of writing: one coming out of your vitals and the other from the top of your head. The first is the only sort from which any true private pleasure can be gained, for it is a way of getting something out of life which seemed to be there in childhood, when childhood is quite over.
- J. E. Buckrose
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Abani
People think that writing is writing, but actually writing is editing. Otherwise, you're just taking notes
- Chris Abani
Collection: Writing
Image of Chaz Bundick
I like to challenge myself, to see if I can actually write a pop album that people can connect with lyrically. Musically, it's very accessible - or, at least, I hope so.
- Chaz Bundick
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Green
I've always got a whole bunch of things in the works. That's sort of the nature of the business. Even when you're doing something you love doing, you have to be plotting and scheming and writing and preparing for what you're going to do when that's finished.
- Tom Green
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Green
I don't really like to just sit down at a computer and write because that tends to be a little forced. Sometimes the funniest ideas just happen in the moment, when you're talking to people, or you notice something.
- Tom Green
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Ben Garant
You need to know that going in, and you also need to be able to write all the time. So when somebody looks at you across the table and says, "What do you think about a movie where Miley Cyrus switches souls with a basset hound?" You need to be able to sit there and figure out how to make that possibly shootable.
- Robert Ben Garant
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Ben Garant
You have to be willing to throw [writing] stuff away and replace it.
- Robert Ben Garant
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Ben Garant
Not taking criticism of your writing personally is an enormous step towards surviving the studio system.
- Robert Ben Garant
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Ben Garant
For a living I write stuff that I know is gonna sell to a studio and make a lot of money at the multiplex.
- Robert Ben Garant
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Ben Garant
I liked writing, and I loved movies, obsessively loved movies, but I had never made the leap of thinking I would actually come out here and write stuff.
- Robert Ben Garant
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Ben Garant
You write a spec, and you pour your heart and soul and life into a spec, and you think that spec is the movie that's going to sell and get made... I've never heard of anybody that happened to. What happens is, you write a spec, people get it, they see your writing, they see you're good, they bring you into their office and they say, "Boy, that spec was really good - we'll never make that in a million years. We have rights to the board game of Monopoly. What do you think about a Monopoly movie?".
- Robert Ben Garant
Collection: Writing
Image of John Congleton
To me, the producer is there to make sure the album gets done and gets done as good as possible. So if that means that you have to help write a bridge or help write a part, that's what you do. If that means you help tune the guitars, then that's what you do. If that means all you do is tell the band their takes are good and they should stop f——— with things, then that's what you do. If it means you don't do anything except make sure the band doesn't fight, then that's what you do. Sometimes it's a little more stressful than others, but for the most part, you just don't complain about it and you just get it done.
- John Congleton
Collection: Writing
Image of Lore Segal
Gustave Flaubert said, "Emma Bovary, c'est moi." It is not possible to write something you are not, but to have a new form, with a different hair color and a new body ... I do very little of that. That's why I keep bringing up the same people. I haven't given myself a hard time about it. But I can't make six new characters instead of one.
- Lore Segal
Collection: Writing
Image of Lore Segal
I wrote Her First American and I always say it took me eighteen years. It took me that long was because after about five years I stopped and wrote Lucinella. I got stuck; it was too hard to write. Lucinella felt like a lark. I wanted to write about the literary circle because it amused me, and I allowed myself to do what I wanted to do. It's just one of the things I'm allowed to do if I feel like it.
- Lore Segal
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Henson
Where does a character come from? Because a character, at the end of the day, a character will be the combination of the writing of the character, the voicing of the character, the personality of the character, and what the character looks like.
- Brian Henson
Collection: Writing
Image of Laura Hillenbrand
I think if I had been writing fiction, where the work is entirely dependent on the writer's creativity and the potential directions the narrative might take are infinite, I might have frozen
- Laura Hillenbrand
Collection: Writing
Image of Steve Reich
I write music, and I want people to listen to it and care about it and have it make some difference in their lives. When I'm fortunate for that to happen, then of course I feel very, very good about it.
- Steve Reich
Collection: Writing
Image of Ric Roman Waugh
I made a big conscious decision in my life when I was writing all these big action movies and doing different kind of fare but very proud of it, I was finding myself less and less passionate about doing it.
- Ric Roman Waugh
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Hardwick
It's one of the things writing students don't understand. They write a first draft and are quite disappointed, or often should be disappointed. They don't understand that they have merely begun, and that they may be merely beginning even in the second or third draft.
- Elizabeth Hardwick
Collection: Writing
Image of Nancy Pickard
You can have faith in writing itself. That's where to place your faith, in the same way that a pole vaulter places his faith in the laws of physics. He will go up in direct proportion to the strength with which he pushed off, and he will come down every time.
- Nancy Pickard
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin D. Williamson
I love to go back and write and direct another film one day, but that's on the backburner for now because I'm involved with so much television at the moment.
- Kevin D. Williamson
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin D. Williamson
Horror films had died a little bit before Scream came around. That was one of the reasons I wrote it. I wanted to write something that wasn't being made right now and maybe sell if I come up with a new horror film. Because no one is watching those movies. Let's do it. That was my whole goal, and it paid off. I feel like it's never stopped.
- Kevin D. Williamson
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Bernays
It sounds shameful, but on my best days I write only about three or four hours.
- Anne Bernays
Collection: Writing
Image of William Beckett
I tend to not try and listen to a lot of other artists while I'm writing, because if I hear something that's brilliant.
- William Beckett
Collection: Writing
Image of William Beckett
I wasn't really writing anything that I felt was worth it at the end, but then certain things sparked me as a solo writer - to be able to try new things and experiment, and ultimately challenge myself as a performer and as a songwriter and just to commit to ideas, and not be afraid to be myself.
- William Beckett
Collection: Writing
Image of Jessica Hagedorn
I don't know what issues concerning identity have helped contemporary fiction evolve to what it is now. All I know is that the range of voices that are being heard and published is a lot more diverse than when I was coming up.
- Jessica Hagedorn
Collection: Writing
Image of Jessica Hagedorn
I love writing dialogue, and I think a lot of my writing is visual and very cinematic.
- Jessica Hagedorn
Collection: Writing
Image of Jessica Hagedorn
Music is very influential to my writing, as are theater and film.
- Jessica Hagedorn
Collection: Writing
Image of Lauren Mayberry
Writing with other people is the only way I ever really work. In some ways it's great because it's helpful to someone pull you out of the loop.
- Lauren Mayberry
Collection: Writing
Image of Steve "Lips" Kudlow
When you're younger and a little more innocent, you write whatever [lyrics] comes naturally. But as you get used to writing you try to steer the sound and music to different music and throwing in the "kitchen sink" of sorts into the music. With that way, you end up putting in much more than before and you could even make much more next time around.
- Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicholas Stoller
And writing comedy and it really taught me how to kind of like craft jokes, it sounds like weird but really focus on crafting jokes and trying to make the writing really sharp. At the same time I did improv comedy in college, and that helped with understanding the performance aspect of comedy, you know, because it's different when you improv something vs. when you write it and they're both kind of part of my process now.
- Nicholas Stoller
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicholas Stoller
I feel very creatively satisfied and lucky that I get to write for other people, but for something I direct, it has to be something I completely understand every facet of.
- Nicholas Stoller
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Masello
Writing in a journal is just a stall, a waiting game, a way to tell yourself that you're working when you're not, that you're doing something of value when you're just using up paper, that you're a writer when in fact you're just going through the motions of one. Look at me! I have blank paper in front of me-and now I'm filling it, with words!
- Robert Masello
Collection: Writing
Image of Jenny Hval
When I write stuff that's provocative, I want people to think about that, too. I'm in between a pop musician and an artist in that way. I want people to be part of the music as they listen, but I also want them to think: What was that?
- Jenny Hval
Collection: Writing
Image of Jenny Hval
I couldn't even have a guitar. But I got a three-track recorder that was so small that I could take it with me. Then I started recording and writing properly. I recorded lots of voices, not just my own. I was interested in people speaking and singing English and trying out words.
- Jenny Hval
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Hecht
Bad writing is not easier than good writing. It's just as hard to make a toilet seat as it is a castle window. Only the view is different.
- Ben Hecht
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Hecht
The movies are one of the bad habits that corrupted our century.Of their many sins, I offer as the worst their effect on the intellectual side of the nation. It is chiefly from that viewpoint I write of them - as an eruption of trash that has lamed the American mind and retarded Americans from becoming a cultured people.
- Ben Hecht
Collection: Writing
Image of Lalo Schifrin
I like to know for whom I'm writing - it makes the composition easier to do.
- Lalo Schifrin
Collection: Writing
Image of Russell Hoban
I'll never retire. They'll have to take my computer out of my cold, dead hands. I'm addicted to writing. I feel physically unwell if I'm not doing it.
- Russell Hoban
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Draper
It was my intent all along to write a nonjudgmental narrative of Bush's presidency. Along the way, a number of liberal friends of mine expressed disgust that I would spend time on such an endeavor.
- Robert Draper
Collection: Writing