Steve ""Lips"" Kudlow

Image of Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Pot is great for the abstract, for when you don't have to be regimented and for when you don't need parameters. When you're creating a song, there should never be any parameters, so being high is okay because your mind can wander all over the place.
- Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Collection: Song
Image of Steve "Lips" Kudlow
My demon is hating to have to do a regular day job. Being up on stage really helps me forget I have a life like that - when I did have a life like that. I find complete contentment and happiness when I'm playing in front of an audience.
- Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve "Lips" Kudlow
When you're younger and a little more innocent, you write whatever [lyrics] comes naturally. But as you get used to writing you try to steer the sound and music to different music and throwing in the "kitchen sink" of sorts into the music. With that way, you end up putting in much more than before and you could even make much more next time around.
- Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Collection: Writing
Image of Steve "Lips" Kudlow
The radio has nothing to do with metal's existence or non-existence. It's for trend only.
- Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Collection: Trends
Image of Steve "Lips" Kudlow
You can't run away from your identity. Even if I went to another band, I'd still be Lips from the band Anvil. I've spent my entire life trying to be that, that's what I am. There's nowhere to run.
- Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Collection: Running
Image of Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Marijuana, for me in particular, releases my creative juices. It doesn't work well for performing, but for creating nothing works better.
- Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Collection: Marijuana