Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 78

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 78 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Georgette Heyer
I think myself I ought to be shot for writing such nonsense.... But it's unquestionably good escapist literature and I think I should rather like it if I were sitting in an air-raid shelter or recovering from flu.
- Georgette Heyer
Collection: Writing
Image of Randal Marlin
Aristotle writes that persuasion is based on three things: the ethos, or personal character of the speaker; the pathos, or getting the audience into the right kind of emotional receptivity; and the logos, or the argument itself, carried out by abbreviated syllogisms, or something like deductive syllogisms, and by the use of example.
- Randal Marlin
Collection: Writing
Image of Grant Heslov
You really have to get out of an actor's head to write because actors only care about their part and it revolves around their part so "This is the important part because this is the part where..." .
- Grant Heslov
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Joe White
I've been very lucky, man. Like you say, though, the writing is what kicked all that in and made it possible. It's something that I have always been very thankful of, that that kicked in, and that I could be free with the music.
- Tony Joe White
Collection: Writing
Image of Marvin Harris
I don't see how you can write anything of value if you don't offend someone.
- Marvin Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukimi Nagano
I think that kind of balance comes with the process of growing together as a band, the Little Dragon. We love to write, we love to create, we love to play live, and I think we love and appreciate what we have together. How that evolves, and how we balance it, is something that's come with time. At the start we were all like, "Tour tour tour. We just want to play. That's all we want to do."
- Yukimi Nagano
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukimi Nagano
It's always a bit risky, when you put yourself out there with somebody in a collaboration, but I think we learn things every single time, and we come out of it with a new perspective on writing because everyone's process is different. Unfortunately we don't always get to spend time in the studio with those artists - oftentimes it's just sending files online. But both can be liberating and productive in their own way. Some of the best collaborations happen when you're all in a room together.
- Yukimi Nagano
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukimi Nagano
You write music for yourself and if you just open that door and let people in, the audience is going to grow and it's going to become more accessible.
- Yukimi Nagano
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukimi Nagano
Now you know you're going to have to play music for the label, you know you're going to have to get an opinion from the manager. Now, I'm so much more conscious and it bothers me. I try to find my way back to writing without being too analytical or not thinking about whether this is good or is it bad.
- Yukimi Nagano
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukimi Nagano
I don't write hits. If you just open that door, you're going to get a hit.
- Yukimi Nagano
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukimi Nagano
I really like our studio. It's definitely not in any way slick; it's very homemade, literally. Everyone has their own room to produce and write, and [there's a] big rehearsal space.
- Yukimi Nagano
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukimi Nagano
I feel like I'm still learning a lot with writing lyrics. In the beginning, like the first record, I wasn't so aware.
- Yukimi Nagano
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukimi Nagano
There are times when we in Little Dragon write from scratch together, but everyone has their own lives, so it just seems to make sense when everyone starts an idea on their own and we sort of meet somewhere along the way. I'm at the studio all the time because I live there, but the guys will have different schedules. It's easier to start an idea with your own thoughts, rather than having to compromise from the start.
- Yukimi Nagano
Collection: Writing
Image of K. J. Bishop
Cameron Rogers writes like a magician.
- K. J. Bishop
Collection: Writing
Image of Ellen Hunnicutt
Revision plays a very large role in writing. Sometimes it seems to be all revision. And the longer I write, the more I revise-until it is completely right.
- Ellen Hunnicutt
Collection: Writing
Image of Simon Helberg
It's not really about confidence. It's just something that isn't really in the vocabulary of what goes on at work. The writers write and the actors act.
- Simon Helberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward F Edinger
The Simonian system can be extracted from the writings of Hippolytus. The cosmos begins with the one root, which is unfathomable Silence, pre-existent, limitless power, existing in singleness. It bestirs itself and assumes a determinate aspect by turning into Thinking (Nous, i.e. Mind), from which comes forth the Thought (Epinoia). As soon as thought is born out of the thinking silence, suddenly one has become two.
- Edward F Edinger
Collection: Writing
Image of Gilberto Hernandez Guerrero
I get to draw what I like to draw, basically people hangin' around, and write very humanistic kinds of situations and characters. But I do also like to draw adventure stories - more in terms of drawing them than writing them - and letting my imagination go wild.
- Gilberto Hernandez Guerrero
Collection: Writing
Image of Drew Endy
If you can write DNA, you're no longer limited to 'what is' but to what you could make.
- Drew Endy
Collection: Writing
Image of John Hodgman
When you're sitting down and you're blocked and you just start writing and something in your mind just clicks, you start seeing connections and so on, you really do feel like you're channeling something else.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Writing
Image of Dashiell Hammett
What I try to do is write a story about a detective rather than a detective story. Keeping the reader fooled until the last, possible moment is a good trick and I usually try to play it, but I can't attach more than secondary importance to it. The puzzle isn't so interesting to me as the behavior of the detective attacking it.
- Dashiell Hammett
Collection: Writing
Image of Lewis Schiff
The bottom line: All of your investing decisions should be grounded in your own investment policy statement. By taking a "top-down" look at your finances and writing out a road map, your policy statement will add an important element of discipline to your approach.
- Lewis Schiff
Collection: Writing
Image of Shirley Hazzard
It's nervous work. The state you need to write in is the state that others are paying large sums of money to get rid of.
- Shirley Hazzard
Collection: Writing
Image of Shirley Hazzard
I think that one is constantly startled by the things that appear before you on the page when you're writing.
- Shirley Hazzard
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Jane Ward
Any writer knows he has to pay for his compliments. As soon as he has said, Why, thank you, that's very generous of you, the other person clears his throat and dives into his own writing experiences.
- Mary Jane Ward
Collection: Writing
Image of Gideon Glick
Sometimes I write, but once it's done, I usually find my writing to be so bad that I hide it somewhere and never look at it again.
- Gideon Glick
Collection: Writing
Image of Giovanna Cau
Always care for the writing part first. Every good film project starts with good writing. If you have a good script, everything else follows. Writing is crucial.
- Giovanna Cau
Collection: Writing
Image of David Hare
I fell into writing plays by accident. But the reason I write plays is that it's the only thing I'm any good at.
- David Hare
Collection: Writing
Image of Amy Hempel
Sometimes a flat-footed sentence is what serves, so you don't get all writerly: 'He opened the door.' There, it's open.
- Amy Hempel
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Reeve Aldrich
Words? I tell you not to write me letters; I command you. Is it not enough to want you so in vain, but you send me what evokes you here before me -- this paper, all along whose lines your hand has lain?
- Anne Reeve Aldrich
Collection: Writing
Image of Jason Jones
Everything that I write about is a kernel of something that probably happened to me or one of my writers that I've co-opted and made it seem like it's mine.
- Jason Jones
Collection: Writing
Image of Etty Hillesum
Most people write off their longing for friends and family as so many losses in their lives, when they should count the fact that their heart is able to long so hard and to love so much as among their greatest blessings.
- Etty Hillesum
Collection: Writing
Image of John Hersey
To be a writer is to throw away a great deal, not to be satisfied, to type again, and then again and once more, and over and over.
- John Hersey
Collection: Writing
Image of John Hersey
I thought of God as being able to talk big and write *very* small.
- John Hersey
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Hiaasen
No deliberative body is manifestly less qualified to make decisions about public education than our state Legislature. With a few shining exceptions, most of these clowns don't read, can't write, and clearly can't add.
- Carl Hiaasen
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate Atkinson
Hindsight's a wonderful thing. If we all had it there would be no history to write about.
- Kate Atkinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Cheryl Mendelson
I listen to lots of music, especially Bach, opera (all periods), German lieder, chamber music, and rock, old and new. I can't listen to music while I write. It's too absorbing.
- Cheryl Mendelson
Collection: Writing
Image of Vincent Piazza
I find historical figures in general very tricky because you feel at times that you're serving two masters. Not only the arc and wonderful writing that comes with the show, but also the history of a person's life.
- Vincent Piazza
Collection: Writing
Image of Colin Hay
I tend to write, either myself, or I sometimes write with a co-writer, my friend that lives up the road. It's usually a relatively solitary thing, but I do like coming up with ideas.
- Colin Hay
Collection: Writing
Image of Christopher Lehmann-Haupt
The beginning of a plot is the prompting of desire.
- Christopher Lehmann-Haupt
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Johnson
Probably the best way to describe my writing style is to refer you to "purple prose", which was a tag given to the early mass market magazine writers earning a half cent a word for their fiction. They had to use every adjective, verb and adverb in the English language to add word count to stories in order to feed and support families.
- Tom Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Johnson
Don't get me wrong, God Bless the farmers and cowboys. It just wasn't the life I wanted. When writing stories of other lands, I can describe people and places from actual experience. And for someone with an imagination like me, I could see dinosaurs and lost civilizations in the jungle of Vietnam.
- Tom Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Harper
Fearlessness, absolutely. Discipline. You also need open-minded creativeness that lets everything in. You never want to lose a word or a phrase, yet every one should count. Always the best language possible. And, finally, knowing when to leave it alone. Stop when it's done.
- Ben Harper
Collection: Writing
Image of Lionel Wigram
There's something about being there, on the set, in costume, in the moment, where you start to get a feel for the scene, which is not the same as sitting in your office writing it.
- Lionel Wigram
Collection: Writing
Image of Gail Sher
What is the best way to write? Each of us has to discover her own way by writing. Writing teaches writing. No one can tell you your own secret.
- Gail Sher
Collection: Writing
Image of Gail Sher
If writing is your practice, the only way to fail is not to write.
- Gail Sher
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Asprin
Writing thats not working for a living.
- Robert Asprin
Collection: Writing
Image of William Sadler
When you're in Los Angeles, everybody you meet is writing a movie, and they want you to be in it. Every cab driver is writing a movie!
- William Sadler
Collection: Writing